The Sunday Schnauzer – Fall Colours #walktober

Nature has a more limited colour palette here in the west, than it does in the eastern part of Canada. But Bowser and I are appreciating every day, just the same.

Big Leaf Maple leaf.
I believe this is called toadflax. One of the few plants flowering at this time of year.
The odd bit of red comes from dying salal leaves.
It’s hard to get close-ups of Bowser as he is eager to trot ahead and explore.
Oh, looks like he finally remembered I am on this walk too 🤣.
Brilliant blue skies provide a great backdrop for the changing colours.
Bronzy ferns.
The rains mean return of puddles in all the ruts.
Still plenty of green to be seen.

We hope you are having a great and colourful weekend! This is my post for Change is Hard’s Walktober Challenge.

Rock on,

The WB