Lest you think, gentle readers, that the grand puppy is some sort of cuddly angelic being that sleeps all the time (after last week’s post)…I bring you Bowser in the ON POSITION. Here is what immediately happens upon waking up from a nap. It starts off slowly but then inevitably builds up to crazy attack dog mode.

We go outside and play “fetch” to burn off some puppy energy.

When he gets really frisky we play Tug of War.

But even that isn’t enough to stop him from going after my legs and hands in a frenzy of play. The more I push him away or scold him, the better he likes it. Bowser thinks Oma just likes to play rough and he is always happy to up the ante.

Hey, wait a minute…I’ve got an idea!

Then I had an idea!

Rock on,
The WB