On May 28, I left Ontario by boarding the first of two planes to get to my new home on Vancouver Island. I had been planning this move for about 18 months, and the pandemic had initially thrown me for a loop. Back in mid-March I thought perhaps my move would not go ahead as planned due to travel and quarantine restrictions. As the initial weeks went by and I sat glued to the news, I began to realize that my move could go forward so I was off to the races, again!
In short order I had secured an apartment, a mover, and a shipper for Edward the 3rd , and I began sorting and packing my stuff in earnest, once more.
On May 26, during a period of unseasonable high heat and humidity (!), my movers arrived and did a stellar job of denuding my home of its things. (Can you believe it was snowing only 2 weeks prior? Typical Ontario weather roller-coaster!) I felt quite bad for them to be working so hard in the 33C heat. I cranked the A/C and made sure there was plenty of ice-cold bottled water in the fridge. And then I got out of their way.
Have you ever seen a more neatly packed truck?‘Til we meet again, on Vancouver Island!
My friend Joanne very kindly offered to take this newly-homeless person in, and we enjoyed each other’s (and husband Gilles) company to the utmost until it was time to go to the airport. One teary goodbye later, and after breezing through security, I was faced with these weird images of the usually bustling Pearson airport.
Never have I ever seen these screens so devoid of flights.Part of me finds this eery. The other part wishes the airport was always this empty of people.
While flying, we passengers had to have our masks on at all times. Every middle seat (on 3 seater rows) was unsold, to help us distance somewhat during the flight. I had no one else in my row. A win under any circumstances! 😉
Good morning, Ontario! And au revoir!Different airport (Calgary). Same lack of people.
The plane to Nanaimo was smaller, with only 2 seats per row. Again, the seat beside each passenger was deliberately left unsold, for social distancing. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.
While I took the picture this propeller was busily spinning away yet this shot makes it look like it was not working. It was! Honest!This planet we inhabit is absolutely breath-taking. Approaching Vancouver Island. Propeller still working.
After settling in (for now) with my dear daughter and her man, it was time to sign my lease and finally see my new home-to-be, in real life.
The living/dining room space (and balcony) of my newly renovated 2nd floor apartment.The galley-style kitchen, looking into the dining area.The bath. Yes! That is a sliver of ocean/mountain view as seen from my balcony. View of Departure Bay from nearer the edge of the property (which ends in a treacherous cliff, so no safe water/beach access). The mountains in the distance are mainland B.C.
I’m just thrilled with this apartment, so far! I feel that I really lucked out. It’s a 2 bedroom. I didn’t include any bedroom photos as they are just empty rooms with a window and a closet, each. Easy enough to imagine.
And now I wait – not entirely patiently – for my belongings (including Edward) to catch up to me here. Stay tuned for Part 2!
I’m sitting in my almost empty dining room, sipping coffee, listening to the last pair of my home’s curtains spinning in my washing machine, and watching the snow blow past my window. YES. SNOW. The second snowfall in 3 days. IT’S MAY 11, people.
As if it’s not already hard enough for me (and others) to remember what day of the week it is, I am having trouble remembering what damn month I’m in. Looks more like late March or early April to me. If this is Mother Nature’s way of getting people to remain in isolation indoors, it’s working!
In 2 weeks and 1 day the movers will be pulling up to my door to take away all of my worldly goods to my new apartment in Nanaimo, British Columbia. I feel pretty calm (I know; I am surprised too), and confident that I am ahead of schedule in the packing department, therefore I am taking the time for a short blog post. If this means the Universe will now smite me because of these feelings, well…so be it.
Seriously though, Universe. I’m not at all being smug and thus smite-worthy. By no means. Nothing to see here. Please move along. Please!
All my curtains are down, washed and mostly packed away. (I have 11 big windows in my apartment so this was not a small job). Extra furnishings I didn’t want to take with me have gone to new homes. Artwork is off the walls. It’s getting very echo-y in here.
A lot of my things are already packed or staged for packing. A lot of my things I have decided are no longer going to be my things going forward, and I’ve said my goodbyes to them. I’m living out of boxes as far as clothing is concerned. My walk-in closet has been emptied.
The only room as yet untouched is the kitchen.
Art supplies have been put away (again!) and repacked, for realz this time. The art I have created these past weeks in pandemic quarantine is going or has already gone to new homes.
I painted these 3 in the style of British artist Yvonne Coomber, during the course of the pandemic. I see more of these in my future. They are such happy paintings, and fun (albeit messy) to create. Think of Dexter’s Kill Room. That was pretty much my set-up, to paint these. My first attempt. It wasn’t planned but apparently I was channeling hollyhocks because that is all I see in the finished painting. 2nd painting – I wanted to put water in the background. Think of peeking through the dune grasses for this one. The flowers are more abstract, and less recognizable as a certain type. 3rd painting. I find with this style of painting that MORE (not less) is definitely MORE. I loved going all in, with the flowers.
I’m itching to do at least one more of these – this time one for me. For my new home. With mountains in the background, and an ocean instead of a lake.
But for now I will only dream. Because I am NOT unpacking my art supplies yet again.
That would really be asking to be smitten- wouldn’t it now, Universe?
I actually pondered crossing this makeshift bridge on a recent walk in the woods. Me, a 60 year-old woman with a badly sprained, still-healing ankle, and her mobile phone and camera in her pockets. Thankfully I took a moment to ask myself “What is the worst that could happen?” and that stopped me. For now. If I’d had my hiking poles with me, I think I would have chanced it.
I thought I’d better hammer out a quick post on Ye Olde Blogge before people start wondering if I am still alive and kicking. Which I am, at least at much as my sprained ankle will let me. So here goes – some of my pandemic ponderings and…drumroll please…some moving news! I mean moving as in physically moving, not emotionally moving although there are plenty of emotions happening, believe me!
Pandemic Ponderings by The Widow Badass
Why did it take a pandemic for:
people to realize that there is a problem with how we care for our elderly and infirm in nursing homes?
people to realize that the most essential jobs are often the least valued, in terms of pay and respect?
people to realize how spoiled we all are (especially in North America) by our full grocery stores, daily conveniences, and luxuries? And (on a more personal note), why did it take a pandemic for:
me to get into a daily yoga practice?
me to get into a daily exercise class (Body Groove)?
me to take up knitting again?
me to start regularly using technology to connect with friends and family?
In other news and ponderings, after weeks of wondering about my upcoming move to Vancouver Island – things like…
Will I be able to move to another province during a pandemic? (I initially feared provincial borders being closed)
Is it responsible for me to move house during a pandemic?
How will I look for an apartment during a pandemic?
…I have decided ultimately that I can and will move according to my pre-pandemic schedule, but with a change. There is a family issue in play now as well, that adds urgency to my move to British Columbia such that I feel I must get there sooner than later. Moving is considered an essential service and I have been assured that safety protocols are in place for the workers involved so I am forging ahead.
Instead of my original plan of driving west to BC (a multi-day trip), I am going to ship my car and fly to my new home instead. My flight is booked for May 28.
And…another drumroll please… I have an apartment in Nanaimo waiting for me, for June 1! Thanks to the wonders of technology (and my dear daughter and her man), I was able to locate and virtually tour my new digs and meet the building manager, all from my kitchen counter.
All this to say, fellow Badassians, that if I am absent from or even more sporadic in blogging and commenting on other blogs in the weeks ahead, it is because SHIT HAS GOTTEN VERY REAL (as the kids say). I am now in full-on MOVE MODE and the clock is ticking!
Feel free to share your pandemic ponderings in the Comments, below. I’d love to know what thoughts and revelations this crisis has brought about for you.
Apricot Oatmeal muffins with Earl Grey tea. Last cup with my good china, as it has since been packed up for my move to Vancouver Island.
I’m joining Su and Del, in participating in this month’s virtual tea party. My first attempt at this party is an oldie but goodie – Apricot Oatmeal muffins, from my much beloved recipe book: Muffin Mania, by Cathy Prange and Joan Pauli (who I believe are sisters, and were – are still? – local to my area. Don’t quote me.) I haven’t made this recipe in years. The last time I made it I could easily source apricot baby food (required ingredient) but I can’t seem to find it any more in my local grocery stores. Only mixtures of fruits these days, it seems…
So what’s a gal to do? I had to get creative and figure out how to make a puree from dried apricots. Behold:
Cooking the dried apricots to make the puree. In water, with a little added honey and sugar, and orange zest. Fresh out of my beloved Nutribullet blender: finished apricot puree! Worked like a charm in the recipe, and the leftovers were delicious stirred into plain yogurt or oatmeal.
My homemade apricot “baby food” worked wonderfully, and now my freezer is stocked with these delicious beauties. These muffins taste more like dessert than anything else. Perfect for Tea Time!
Much beloved muffin cookbook with (most of) the finished product.
The Muffin Mania cookbook came out in the 1980s and was an immediate success, selling out and going into reprint after reprint. My copy is the 7th printing, from 1982. I just did a cursory search on the Interwebs and it doesn’t appear to be in print any longer.
Yes, this cookbook and the recipes within have seen a lot of use and better days! I made sure to rate this recipe as “the best!” so I’d remember which one was my favourite. Handy, now that I am in my dotage. 😉
What is your favourite tea time treat recipe? Is it an oldie yet a goodie, as well? Feel free to join in the tea time festivities, as we enjoy a cuppa and a treat, alone yet together!
Something happened to me this past week. An inner mental shift happened. I think it had to do with our Prime Minister mentioning that THIS (pandemic situation and all its necessary restrictions) could go on until November or beyond. There was a “click’ (and it wasn’t my still-swollen wonky ankle, either), and just like that, I stopped spending hours agonizing over Twitter et al, and started doing THINGS. Positive things, besides spritzing myself with my favourite scents after every shower… no need to worry about running into the scent-sensitive or -averse, after all!
What’s in rotation…I wish you could smell me this. I smell fabulous. Yes, that is a men’s cologne in the upper right corner. It smells good and I like it on me.
This weekend of all weekends so far, I have every right to be depressed and feeling sorry for myself. My BC daughter was supposed to be here, spending a week with her ol’ Mom. And one of my sisters was supposed to come down for a weekend visit as well. And I was supposed to have a house full of family and friends over for supper today. Instead, I am at home alone. Of course. However, I am not depressed OR feeling sorry for myself. I am surprisingly light-hearted and full of creative energy, instead. Whodathunkit?
I am following Joanne’s lead – and heading back into art. So much for all my neatly boxed up stuff. See here for the Before Picture.
Yup. Every damn box opened up. An explosion of the arty things.
I’m inspired to make “happy” paintings, bursting with flowers. This is my first attempt – inspired by British artist, Yvonne Coomber:
No name yet, although I was thinking of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, when I painted this: The earth laughs in flowers.
I’ve been gesso-ing up old canvases and already have another painting in progress.
Background done. Going to do some beach grasses and flowers in the foreground.
I’m also excited to report that I tested my ankle out with a yoga session this past week, and it passed the test! Somewhat crankily, and demanding wrapping and other types of baby-ing…but that’s OK. That led me to exploring other types of workouts and I found a new love: Body Groove. I always loved dance-type workouts – a class called DanceFit and belly dancing were some of my favourites, in days past. You’d think then, that Zumba would be right up my alley too, but I never really cottoned to that one.
I’d been seeing the Body Groove “commercials” on Facebook for some time now but just scrolled on by. This week I decided to check it out. And then I signed up for the 30 day trial. I already know I will be getting a year’s subscription.
Usually the ho-hum “muzak” that accompanies most workout videos is my least favourite part, but so far I’ve found all the Body Groove music to be diverse, uplifting, and amazing.
YOU BETTA WERK! If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, check your pulse. You may be dead.
I wish I knew the secret to my change in attitude/behaviour/outlook. My brain probably just got tired of wandering around my place in a lethargic daze, just going through the motions of life. And realizing finally that this is going to be going on for a loooooong time – much longer than any of us want it to – so my brain might as well come up with a more positive, more productive fun, new normal.
Don’t get me wrong. Like everyone else, I still have an undercurrent of stress and worry as my constant companion. But I am now also making it a habit to do stuff that puts a big smile on my face and in my heart every day. Like connecting with friends and family (Virtual happy hour, anyone? I have my favourite cocktail ingredients and wine in good supply, still!). Like daily yoga and dance. Like playing with paint. I even started knitting again.
The start of a sock. Knitting keeps my hands busy so they are not busy bringing snackies to my mouth while watching TV. Win-win!
How about you? Are you managing OK? Have you turned the corner? If so, how and why? Tell all!
Me and my friends watching us some Netflix/Crave/Amazon Prime while staying in, out of trouble, at home. Currently loving Unorthodox on Netflix, a show Jonathan recommended.
Good day, my fellow Social Distancers! I hope this post finds you all hale and hearty, and ready to be entertained at my expense! Yes! That’s what I said. You’d think that being stuck in Chez Badass all by my lonesome (Seashell Jesus, Placeholder the Dog, and Honey Valentine the Bear’s presences notwithstanding), I would have almost no opportunity to bring mortification upon myself.
Well, you would be wrong.
As some of you know, I live upstairs in a building that once housed a Post Office, and I rent the main floor out to a museum – the Fashion History Museum (FHM). The FHM is of course closed currently, but my tenants still come in every day to do the work necessary to maintain this high-calibre museum. Over the years I have become very fond of Kenn and Jonathan (Chair and Curator of the FHM respectively, and a lovely couple as well) and we have developed a friendship far outside the landlord/tenant paradigm.
We’ve talked a lot about the pandemic lately, as you can imagine (from a safe social distance, of course). Last week I joked with Kenn and Jonathan that I was rationing my favourite red wine, just in case it became impossible to keep “in stock” at Chez Badass as things progressed.
Imagine my glee and surprise then, when I ventured downstairs to check the mail and saw 2 bottles of the same placed by the stairs going up to my apartment.
I saw through the frosted glass doors that the lights were on in the museum, so I stuck my head in and excitedly sang out:
“Well, well! Looks like the Wine Fairy has been by and left me something!!!”
Jonathan (he of the quick wit) laughed easily and pretended to be offended, and only then did the full import of what I had just uttered hit me: I HAD JUST USED A WORD ALSO USED AS A GAY SLUR IN FRONT OF – AND IN RELATION TO – A GAY MAN.
Shit, shit, shit! How could I be so thoughtless!?! I immediately apologized while dying a little inside. And spent the rest of the day beating myself up for being such a dumbass.
I can laugh about this NOW – days later – especially since I know my innocent comment was received as just that.
Sigh. Only I could manage to commit such a faux pas – a social gaffe – of this magnitude, while distancing and isolating myself. It’s a gift; what can I say? 😉
How about you? Care to share a faux pas in the Comments section?
Rock on,
The WB
A cute little song parody that Jonathan posted (and I immediately stole), to end this post…I hope you enjoy!
Seashell Jesus is my Wilson in these Trying Times of self-isolation. My steadfast companion as I catch up on the news. Read the Seashell Jesus story, here.Closeup of the SJ. Blue-eyed, blond-haired hipster Jesus. Your typical middle-Eastern man of the period, obvs… 😉 I don’t mean to offend anyone. Seriously, I don’t think of this thing as a religious item. It’s just something I found in my building that makes me laugh because of how kitschy it is.
Greetings, fellow Social Distancers! I hope everyone is doing well in this new world of ours – staying safe, hydrated, and healthy – with enough toilet paper or alternatives on hand? I’ve had a week of mostly ups, with one big down since I last posted. Sunday was a bad day for me, when I became overwhelmed by all the goings on, and the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, I had some dear friends and family to speak with (safely, from a large distance) and that helped immensely.
I am not usually down in the dumps and I am afraid I don’t handle it very well due to lack of practice with this state, at least lately. But when Sunday happened, and after I was brought back to the present (where me and my loved ones are safe, warm, fed, and so far healthy), I remembered a “trick” I used in a very dark period of my life. Behold the Happiness Box:
Filled to bursting such that the lid no longer closes properly, this is my original Happiness Box. I have a second one as well, also filled to bursting. Inside the Happiness Box is a collection of cards with loving inscriptions inside, assorted notes, ticket stubs, etc. To “break open in case of emergency”, and review until the desired effect is achieved! The Happiness Box is a proven performer.
I decided that now more than ever is the time to continue with this Happiness Box tradition of mine. Only I don’t want to collect any more physical representations (since I will be moving AT SOME POINT WHO KNOWS WHEN ANYMORE) so here are some things going into my digital Happiness Box for this week:
Rainbow captured on my chalkboard. This must happen every sunny day at my place but I have never caught it until now. A silver lining to being stuck at home, in self-isolation.Enjoying a cup of tea and recalling the friend who thoughtfully gifted me with this beautiful mug. I had always kept it at work (where I felt I needed to reflect on its messages more…LOL) and now I get to enjoy at home. That’s my “rubber ducky” tea infuser in the background – another item that brings a smile to my face.Finding a battery-powered drill in my closet (from when I gave myself gel manicures at home) and using it to shorten my dip powder nails, since I can’t go to the salon. And it still works!!!! What a relief, to be able to quickly shorten my growing-out nails! I was thrilled I tell you. THRILLED!The most delicious loaf of bread I have ever tasted. Crisp on the outside and delightfully chewy on the inside. A gift from a friend, who is also going to give me the recipe! Wheeeeee!Seeing people social distancing at the drug store while waiting in line to pick up prescriptions. Good job, people! WAY TO GO.
Other “Happiness” moments from this week (no less important, just no photos to share):
daily video/phone chats with friends and family
laughing out loud watching Derry Girls, on Netflix (who knew Northern Ireland in the 90s could be so funny?)
Maintaining social distance via the pointy end of a hiking pole. Photo taken by Joanne via the self-timer function on the camera. When I still had 2 fully functioning ankles…Stay back, woman! Trail selfie in the time of COVID-19
How the hell is everyone doing in this strange time? Part of me is just riveted to the news and finding this pandemic so intensely interesting. And then part of me is horrified at how some people are behaving (badly, very badly). And lastly, a big part of me is so cheered by how some other people are revealing their best, most humorous, most altruistic selves during this crisis.
I’m also chuffed at how our Canadian government is handling COVID-19. Maybe not perfectly, but certainly doing the best they can with this novel virus and situation. Kudos to PM Justin Trudeau and (NEVER thought I would say this) Premier Doug Ford, and their teams for science-based and compassionate leadership and for keeping us well informed. What a time to be living through!
Joanne and I are endeavouring to still meet – safely – for our weekly hiking adventure. Now we don’t hug or even get close. And no lunch out afterwards either (restaurants all closed, anyways). But we are still having fun…or at least we were until I took a tumble right at the end of our hike (thankfully!), and strained my ankle. I have every confidence on being back on the trail with her by next week, barring Ontario being put into total lockdown that is!
I hobbled to the grocery store this morning for some staples and perishables and was faced with an unreal scenario. I mean, of course I have seen pictures of other stores throughout North America, but naively, I thought the people of my little community would keep their heads. Yeah. Right.
Not a single egg to be had. And signs everywhere telling people “We have limited supplies in stock. In an effort to ensure all customers have access products will be a limit of 2 per customer. This includes meat, breads, milk and eggs.” So sad we need these signs.The last, lonely package of arborio rice made it into my cart. I anticipate a comforting risotto in my (near) future. I’d invite you over to join me but well, you know…And of course, the paper products aisle. Sigh!
Grocery store workers must be having their faith in humanity severely challenged at this time. And to add injury to insult, they must come to work, no matter what. Grocery store workers (and those of you in health care), you have my utmost respect.
Up until yesterday when I injured myself, I have been keeping busy at home alone, and only venturing out for a daily walks in nature. I find getting out in the woods essential for walking off stress and for taking care of my mental (and physical) health right now. I had planned on a much needed visit to my local nail salon this week to refresh my dip nails but – as much as I want to support this business in a difficult time – I have to listen to our leadership, whose message is loud and clear: STAY HOME.
I’m calling these my 10 Social Distancing Badges of Honour. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. And imagine the trouble getting an appointment once we can go out again!
I’ll end this post with a song I heard playing over the grocery store’s PA system when I was shopping this morning. Made me laugh out loud…and get some stares.
Rock on safely and healthily, in these Trying Times…
(Apologies to the late Gabriel Garcia Marquez for riffing on his book title…)
My goodness, what a year this week has been, eh? Kudos to whoever came up with this witticism first; it wasn’t me. When I haven’t been glued to my tablet, obsessed with watching responses to the pandemic unfold, I have been keeping myself busy (and away from others – way to social distance, right?) by making more progress towards my relocation later this year, to Vancouver Island.
This past week I have bundled up my art supplies, an action that practically guarantees I will be imbued with the urge to create from here on out. I did this for a couple of reasons. First, no sorting required. It’s all coming with me. Second, I haven’t been doing much “arting” lately, and probably shouldn’t, as I have a household+ to sort through and dispose of/pack.
I already know I will be fishing a sketchbook out of one of these boxes soon. As predicted, I am now flooded with ideas of things I wish to draw and paint.
To elaborate on “household+”, last week I also went through the last remaining boxes of my mom’s stuff – mostly paperwork. In one of the boxes I found a manila envelope containing handmade cards my sisters and I had created and given to our parents over the years. Oh my, what a find and what a trip down memory lane! At least it would be, if I could even remember creating these childhood “masterpieces”. Many are unsigned, and all are undated unfortunately. So it’s hard in some cases to tell which sister did a particular card. And for privacy reasons, I won’t blog about any that aren’t mine. But let me tell you that some of these cards that my sisters made are quite funny. Here are some photos of one that is definitely my creation:
Front of card. So far, so good.Apparently I was a pioneer in the adult colouring book craze! Who knew!?! Based on the clothing I drew I would say early ’70s. I would have been 11-12 years old.I was also clearly a fan of how Archie Comics were drawn at that time, as you can see by the girls’ faces. Well, in the words of Picasso: Good artists borrow; great artists steal. HAH!
Also in terms of “household+”, I have to sort through the items of my late husband that survived The Great Purge Part 1. (I am now fully into Part 2). These things are all deep in the bowels of my building, in the room off of the furnace room affectionately referred to as the “Freddy Krueger Room”. Because it used to be so scary, being dark and dingy and filled to the ceiling with tottering piles of mouldering crap. Come to think of it, just about the whole building was like that a few short years ago. We’ve come a long way, baby! And I am making good progress there too, with weekly trips to Value Village as well as salvaging some old items in good shape to sell at a local antiques market.
Last week I reserved my container – to hold all my wordly goods that need to be sent to my new home. Which I don’t have yet. I also don’t have a firm moving date yet. (I can’t believe that I – the planning machine – am so fine with all this, but I am.) The company I am using – Cubeit – has been wonderful to deal with so far. We have a tentative date for drop-off of the container at my building, which I can move up or down as needed. And I can keep the container at their yard in Nanaimo, for as long as required. Nathan from Cubeit told me they understand how stressful moving can be, and are committed to make their part of the process as easy as possible on their clients. Perfect!
This is how I am keeping out of trouble while I am social distancing these days, doing my part to try to flatten the curve and protect the vulnerable. Truth be told, it is not all that different from my normal day-to-day. I tend to avoid large gatherings of people (live performances of my favourite bands excepted) at any given time. I shop when I know think the stores are least busy. I don’t go out to bars or nightclubs. I exercise at home or out in nature. As a card-carrying introvert, the bulk of my social interaction needs can be happily fulfilled without having to be in the physical presence of another human being. 😉
Thank you, Interwebs!
One thing that kinda worries me in this pandemic time is my cough. Thanks to a medication I take, I have a bit of a dry cough even on my best days. I don’t even notice it anymore, usually. On Friday morning (Early! And it was crowded already!) I was in the grocery store and I must have coughed because all of a sudden it seemed like everybody stopped to look at me. I need to wear a sign, maybe?
As much as I like being home, I do need to get out once in a wee whilefor some perishables.
So, that’s it for me for this week. How are you managing these interesting times we are living in?