I thought I’d better hammer out a quick post on Ye Olde Blogge before people start wondering if I am still alive and kicking. Which I am, at least at much as my sprained ankle will let me. So here goes – some of my pandemic ponderings and…drumroll please…some moving news! I mean moving as in physically moving, not emotionally moving although there are plenty of emotions happening, believe me!
Pandemic Ponderings by The Widow Badass
Why did it take a pandemic for:
- people to realize that there is a problem with how we care for our elderly and infirm in nursing homes?
- people to realize that the most essential jobs are often the least valued, in terms of pay and respect?
- people to realize how spoiled we all are (especially in North America) by our full grocery stores, daily conveniences, and luxuries? And (on a more personal note), why did it take a pandemic for:
- me to get into a daily yoga practice?
- me to get into a daily exercise class (Body Groove)?
- me to take up knitting again?
- me to start regularly using technology to connect with friends and family?
In other news and ponderings, after weeks of wondering about my upcoming move to Vancouver Island – things like…
- Will I be able to move to another province during a pandemic? (I initially feared provincial borders being closed)
- Is it responsible for me to move house during a pandemic?
- How will I look for an apartment during a pandemic?
- Etc.
…I have decided ultimately that I can and will move according to my pre-pandemic schedule, but with a change. There is a family issue in play now as well, that adds urgency to my move to British Columbia such that I feel I must get there sooner than later. Moving is considered an essential service and I have been assured that safety protocols are in place for the workers involved so I am forging ahead.
Instead of my original plan of driving west to BC (a multi-day trip), I am going to ship my car and fly to my new home instead. My flight is booked for May 28.
And…another drumroll please… I have an apartment in Nanaimo waiting for me, for June 1! Thanks to the wonders of technology (and my dear daughter and her man), I was able to locate and virtually tour my new digs and meet the building manager, all from my kitchen counter.
All this to say, fellow Badassians, that if I am absent from or even more sporadic in blogging and commenting on other blogs in the weeks ahead, it is because SHIT HAS GOTTEN VERY REAL (as the kids say). I am now in full-on MOVE MODE and the clock is ticking!
Feel free to share your pandemic ponderings in the Comments, below. I’d love to know what thoughts and revelations this crisis has brought about for you.
Stay safe, and rock on!
The WB