The Sunday Schnauzer – Cuddles with Daddy

One of my longtime readers, Jean of Misadventures of Widowhood, recently asked if Bowser was a cuddly dog or not. The very next day my daughter sent me this video of Bowser with his daddy, who is at home recuperating from knee surgery.

Bowser – in one of his quieter moments – keeping Daddy company on the couch.

Jean, I hope this answers your question! 🙂

For those of you who might not know Jean through her blog, I can recommend you check her out. Jean writes with wit, humour and heart about her life and adventures in a retirement community. You won’t be disappointed!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – A Rough Dog

I have one of those fancy-schmancy Samsung Frame TVs that displays art work. I love it. Worth every extra so extra penny to me, to be able to display artwork and not have a big black rectangle hanging on my wall. I live in a 5-room, 600 square foot cottage, so every inch of wall space has to pull its weight in the decor arena. Recently, my TV notified me there was new stuff in the Art Store to ponder and potentially select. Here is what I found:

A Rough Dog. George Stubbs, 1790.

Bowser on steroids? A leonine ancestor?

Here is our current-day Rough Dog:

I see a resemblance. Do you?

I think Stubbs’ A Rough Dog will be gracing my TV wall for a long time.

We hope you are having a great – not rough – weekend!

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Rediscovering the Purple Donut

Bowser has a new old favourite toy. I bought it for him last summer and it has languished in the yard over the winter months. I’m surprised he hasn’t destroyed it and that it still squeaks!

Look at what I found, Oma!
I dare you to take it from me. I know you want to.

Hope you are having a fun weekend and playing with dirty slobbery toys too.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Chonkster

I recently came back from a 3 week winter vacation (more about that at some point…) and my reunion with family was joyous. However, I did notice that Bowser was a bit more…um…substantial than when I left.

Who are YOU to call ME chonky, Oma? Point taken.
I give you Exhibit A.

In Bowser’s defense, the island experienced ALL THE WEATHER while I was away. Snow storms, atmospheric rivers, and wind storms. Which made for less than ideal dog walking conditions.

Bowser’s daddy has to pick him up when he started limping and biting at his paws due to ice buildup. Long-time readers know Bowser has experienced many snowy walks but this was the first time it actually bothered his paws.
Storm damage on the trail.
More storm damage.
The trail is under here somewhere. Even more storm damage.

There is only one cure for our Bowser’s chonkiness.

Lots of these.
Including running at full tilt through the trails…
And lots of playtime chasing after ballies!

We hope you are having a great weekend, and are able to enjoy the great outdoors (and keep the winter chonkies at bay 😉).

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Slip Sliding Away

It’s no secret that Bowser knows his place. And it’s the couch. Every couch. Mommy’s office couch has loose cushions on the back and Bowser needs to be up high, on top of them. This will not go well.

Bowser, in preferred “perch”.
Uh oh, gravity is in play here and the slide down has begun.
What does a doggo have to do to get a comfortable resting position?
Almost there.
Bowser has finished his descent and come to full nappitude.

We hope you have a restful napping place this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Water Dog

Miniature Schnauzers are not known to be dogs that love water, and Bowser is no different. He won’t swim unless his only other option is being left behind, but he has no qualms about trudging through the water at any time of year.

I took these photos on a late December walk.
The thing is, he didn’t even have to go through the water. He is just exploring for the hell of it.
I’m not complaining, mind you. I love trudging through the shallows too 😁.

We hope you have some fun explorations this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Killing Me With Cuteness

By the time this post goes live, I will be away on my annual winter holiday and missing apres hike snuggles with my buddy. So here is a couple of shots my daughter took when we were chatting on my couch after one such hike, with Bowser snoozing between us.

Bowser is such a snuggle bug!
You can see from my face that his cuteness is just about killing me 🤣.

That’s it for this week! I am planning to have a few more posts lined up (with older photos), to maintain consistency while I am away. But I am not bringing my laptop on this trip so wish me luck with the Jetpack phone app if things happen to go awry! Looking at you, WordPress 🤨.

Rock on,

The WB

The Sunday Schnauzer – Sock Stealer

I have a bin of clean socks in my closet, that is Bowser-accessible. When he wanders out of sight, I can usually find him in my bedroom, having helped himself to a pair of them.

At least he is leaving my slippers alone.
Aha! Caught in the act.
I come out of the shower to this scene.
I’m going to borrow a phrase from a dog parent friend of mine: It’s a good thing you’re cute!

We hope you are staying out of trouble this weekend!

Rock on,

The WB