Bowser here. Oma is away again (ALREADY?!?!), swimming with sea stars or some such thing. I’m sure she’s gonna tell you all about it when she comes back home. WHEN, OMA, WHEN?
In the meantime, here are some cute pictures of me:
After a walk in the rain.Just laying around at Oma’s.With my new favourite ballie. I haven’t been able to get the squeaker out yet, which is amazing the rest of my pack. They are desperate to find more of these wonder ballies.
Back on “my” island, back to the usual routines…including daily walks with the star of Ye Olde Blogge:
Every walk starts out this way.Leaves are piling up on the trail.These guys are popping up in the woods again.Dried leaves everywhere we go.And I mean EVERYWHERE 😁.Even though the temperatures have dropped, our walks are still thirsty work.And every walk still ends the same way too!
We hope you are enjoying the change of seasons this weekend.
Now, THIS is what comfortable looks like. To me, at least.What in dog’s name is this?Well, he’s definitely sleeping.Oops, sorry. I’ll take my camera and get lost now.
Note: The Widow Badass Blog is going on a bit of a blogging break, starting next week. I’ll be back mid-September. Looking forward to resuming my regular posting schedule then!
After a busy morning of walkies, barking at those who dare to walk down our street and chasing ballies, comes a lazy afternoon. Especially during these dog days of summer
Bowser loves just flopping down on my wool rug. I can’t blame him. It is rather nice on the feet. Pardon me while I admire my fresh pedicure 😉.Bowser wakes up and moves to his dog bed.Out again…for now.The rug is still his most preferred spot. He seems to have abandoned my couch, at least while the dog days are happening.
We hope you find a comfy spot to relax this weekend.
Who is the weakest link in our family? It varies from person to person and day to day, but based on recent evidence I think I know who the current titleholder is. Here are some photos, from a recent outing to the local gelato place.
Raspberry rhubarb gelato? Don’t mind if I do…Just how long IS Bowser’s tongue?!?!THAT long, apparently!
If you guessed that the current weakest link is Mr.I Don’t Know If I Can Get Used To A Small Dog; I’ve Only Ever Had Big Dogs, you would be 100% correct 😉.
We hope there are cool treats in your weekend plans.
Somebody rolled in fresh horse droppings. Somebody needed a bath. Somebody is me. (I’m a dog; it’s what I do.) Daddy to the rescue!
This is how Oma found us, after Daddy cleaned me up. I forgave him the indignity of a bath since now we get to cuddle.I like it when Daddy bundles me up. I won’t even move when my favourite human comes over and starts taking pictures. (Oma made me say the favourite human part.)This is definitely my spot. At least, until Mommy comes home. Don’t even think of moving me. Na na na-na nah!
Bowser’s daddy brought home something very interesting the other day.
What’s going on, Daddy?What’s Daddy getting out of the funny house he built?A young chicken! (This one has turned out to be the biggest and the boss chicken and I secretly call her Lady Buffy Buff Orpington of Orpington Hall 🤭).One of the Lady’s underlings. I think the grandkids have named this one Opal.
Bowser’s daddy brought home 3 seven week-old birds initially, and has since added 2 more to the flock. They are kinda easily spooked right now and thus hard to photograph. They are so young they don’t even cluck yet – they can only cheep cheep (which is adorable!!!).
Bowser’s rapt interest at anything that moves isn’t making the birds any more comfortable at the moment. However, they are protected from his curiosity in their fully enclosed coop and run.
Remember Bowser’s favourite toy – the totally denuded former soccer ball? I think we can all imagine this is what would happen if Bowser got hold of one of his new chicken friends. A livestock guardian dog he is not!
We hope you are enjoying a wonderful Sunday with your friends, chicken or otherwise.
Thimbleberries are ready, and in abundance this year! This is making our daily walkies even more delightful than usual.
So many delicious berries! We are careful to only pick a few each walk, and leave plenty for the wildlife.Someone knows what’s coming.Hurry up, Oma!Nom nom nom.
We hope you are enjoying the fruits of summer as much as we are.
Sometimes Bowser sleeps or sits in ways that make me scratch my head in disbelief.
The baffling yet ever popular head-hanging-off-the-couch position.Not sure what this move is, but Bowser does it in the car too. My daughter thinks it means he’s uncomfortable – maybe even motion-sick – but why on the couch then?Then there’s this one. Bowser has his little toe beans bent back, for some strange reason.How is this even comfortable? Yet he moved both legs to stretch them (while still sleeping) and then put this foot back into the same exact position. Weirdo.
A short video of Bowser sleeping quite soundly in yet another uncomfortable-looking position.
Do your dogs do this? Please reassure me 🤣.
We hope you are finding some comfortable places to sleep this weekend.