Last month I had a good friend come to visit me (and attend a work conference in Victoria, but yeah let’s say the main reason was to visit me 😉). Kalena invited me to come down to Victoria with her, and amuse myself while she was busy doing the conference thing. As I am easily amused, there could only be one response: HELL YES. So this month’s post is going to be about that time, and some of the wonderful things we ate and drank during her visit.
We made sure that a stop at The Butchart Gardens (enroute to Victoria) happened!

We had several memorable lunches while Kalena was on a break from conference-ing (is that a word?) but my favourite meal was actually at the hotel (Marriott Inner Harbour). It was a meal for me, but a snack for Kalena as she had a gala dinner to attend!

After the conference, we had only 1 full day before Kalena had to fly back home. We decided Cathedral Grove and Goats on the Roof were two good ways to spend it.

I think I gave Kalena a good enough “taste of the island” that she will come back to visit me again 😉. I know that I certainly enjoyed myself!
That’s what was on my plate in May! Please join Donna and myself in sharing what was on yours, either in the Comments or via the Link party (if you wish to link your blog post). Note: When this post goes live I will be traveling by plane to Ontario for a very quick visit to my hometown so please forgive me as I may be tardy in replying or visiting your blogs.
Rock on,
The WB