H is for…


…Hiking! And Health, and Huffing & Puffing around Niagara region again today.


Data from Hike #5
Data from Hike #5
Yet another waterfall. Stop. You're killin' me.
Yet another waterfall. Stop. You’re killin’ me.
Hiking buddies. Me and Mizz J.
Hiking buddies. Me and Mizz J.
Resting those burning quads. Ouch.
Resting those burning quads. Ouch.
Well, at least someone thinks it's actually spring!
Well, at least something thinks it’s actually spring!

Another great day hiking. Is there any other kind?

I continue to work towards becoming a healthier Badass. I recently got “fired” as a patient from the Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinic. They told me to begone and trouble them no more. Well, alrighty then! Happy to oblige. Dietitian said the same thing, basically.

Continuing to take my meds, with a high degree of petulance, eye-rolling and sighing thrown in. Blood pressure is good but I want to lose a lot more weight before I kick those pills to the curb.

Next weekend I am on the schedule for an overnight sleep clinic. Should provide good fodder for the blog. Just sayin’.

Did I mention I saw an Ear-Nose-Throat doc for a bump on my lip and he said I had a deviated septum? Will  wonders (of finding new things wrong with my body) never cease.

That’s all for now, folks!

Rock on and walk on,

The WB


G is for…



Anyone who knows me has probably realized by now that I love gadgets.

If there is a gadget available for anything I am interested in doing, chances are high I have to have it!

I just can’t run. I have to track my runs with a Garmin Forerunner.

I just can’t walk. I have to track my steps with a FitBit.

I have an iMac, an iPhone, an iPad (mini), a MacBook Air…and an old iPod kicking around somewhere.

My kitchen is also full of gadgets including an assortment of cute tea strainers. I mostly use the prebagged variety when I make tea but for the few loose leaf teas on hand I clearly feel the need for a variety of strainers…to suit my mood? I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they continue to entice me. (Note to self: be sure to finally try out the floating rubber duckie strainer this weekend!).

The one gadget I cannot justify purchasing is a garlic press. Why I am obstinate about not cluttering up my kitchen with one of these when I have several sets of measuring spoons, 2 rice paddles, multiple silicone pot holders and oven mitts, and a plethora of bar ware for all of the cocktails I am going to make (someday!) is beyond me.

I even have 2 – not 1 – but 2 ice buckets. Matching, even! OK, to be fair the first one was picked up at Value Village and the second one was inherited.

But when it comes to dealing with garlic, smashing the bulb with a can of tomatoes from the pantry works just fine. Who’s with me on this one?

Rock on,

The WB

F is for…



Last Saturday’s hike (Short Hills parking lot to Decew House) was the most gorgeous yet. Although we were ankle deep in mud and sliding (and falling) all over the place at times, we did manage to come upon 3 – count ’em – 3 waterfalls during the course of 2.5 hours!

Swayze Falls - Falls #1
Swayze Falls – Falls #1
Forgot the name of this one. Terrace Falls? Falls #2
Forgot the name of this one. Terrace Falls? AKA “Dry Falls” as that’s the condition it is usually found in. Falls #2
Falls #3 - by an old mill. Sorry, forgot this one too.
Falls #3 – by the Morningstar Mill.

I predict many more falls to come as we head north on the Bruce Trail. Er…I mean waterfalls…not literal falls. Hopefully.

Miss J and I as foreground to the beauty of the falls.
Mizz J and I as foreground to the beauty of the falls.

Mizz J and I invested in gaiters after this walk. This spring is proving to be cold and wet and I’d rather not put the Bruce through my washing machine every week, thank you very much.

Rock on and walk on,

The WB

E is for…


…relearning about the Enjoyment of Life.

My graduate studies in Business Administration ended on February 28, but my learning journey most certainly has not!

Suddenly, on February 29th I was faced with seemingly endless hours of free time (after work, of course) compared to only the day before when I was cranking out my final 2,000 word paper. And the years before, when my free time could be counted in mere minutes per day due to the effect of JD’s OCD on our life together.

I am still in awe of – and in the process of figuring out what to do with – all of this free time. But for now, I am learning to accept that it is OK to spend as much of that free time as I choose just doing things that I enjoy. Period. Without guilt. Like a “normal” person.

The little voice in my head that says I should be doing something productive instead of “just” reading or catching up on Netflix or going for a walk in the sunshine is getting quieter and quieter. But it is still there.

So far I think my recovery is going pretty well, all things considered. I hope the voice shuts up for good soon. ‘Cos I got a whole lot of catching up to do in the Enjoyment of Life department and I’m done with feeling guilty about it.

Rock on,

The WB


D is for…


…Deciphering things.

I have spent a good deal of time and mental energy in the past 3 years trying to find the answers to a lot of things such as:

  • why did my husband have to get cancer?
  • why did he have to die?
  • why am I still here?
  • what do I do now?
  • what does IT all mean?
  • and,

Going through JD’s things after his passing while cleaning up both properties created even more situations and information that needed processing and understanding. My husband was very secretive and I was not allowed access to his things while he was alive. I had to go through everything he hoarded piece by piece after his death as the “good” (family mementos, money, valuable papers, useable stuff) was lumped in with the “bad” (garbage, broken stuff, useless papers, more garbage) with no organization.

It was like an archeological dig, people. With just as many hypotheses, theories, assumptions and questions begging to be tested, confirmed, answered. Including that the person(s) with the answers were never going to be around to fill in the blanks for me.

These blanks were driving me crazy. So crazy that lately I felt I needed professional help to deal with the unanswered questions repeating like a broken record in my mind.

It only took one session with a counselor, really, to help me get off of the mental merry-go-round I was on.

I have stopped trying to decipher my husband’s OCD-addled thinking. I have stopped feeling the need to get the answers I will never receive.

I’ve learned to be OK with that. I’ve learned to stop investing energy where I can get no return. It is what it is and it was what it was. I can’t change it but I can change my thinking about it.

I am still here. That is what matters now.

Rock on,

The WB


C is for…



Way before I concluded my MBA studies, I had a plan in the back of my wee mind to shift my focus back to improving my health and fitness once school was done. Then I had a TIA two weeks before school finished so this plan became even MORE important to me.

So now it’s been about a month since school ended and I have dramatically increased my daily exercise. I make it a point to hit at least 10,000 steps on my FitBit everyday. So far I have a perfect score in that regard. Yay me! And I am hiking every weekend now too.

I am also being more careful with my food intake.  I rediscovered  the account I had years ago at My Fitness Pal. My last login was the week of JD’s cancer diagnosis. Hmmm. Isn’t hard to figure out why I stopped logging at that point. Put on 22 pounds since then. Hmmmm. Again, not too hard to figure out why as my whole world has been turned upside down a few times since then.

Yet with my increased exercise and decreased food intake, I am a bit disappointed to have lost only 4 pounds in this past month. However, people are noticing a change in me – that I look smaller and my legs are becoming more toned. (This thanks to my habit of wearing leggings and boots often this winter!)

I retook my measurements last week and I have already lost 2 inches off of my waist. How can this be with such a relatively insignificant number showing up on the scale?

The only possible answer is that I am condensing. Yes – like a dying star I am becoming a black hole, human-version. 🙂

This week I will begin a weight training class for women. And next week begins a 5K learn-to-run class. Why, after 5 half-marathons under my belt, am I signing up for a beginner running class you may ask? That is a very good question!  The answer is that I have never been coached by a physically present person as to how to run/train-to-run properly. For my first half, I benefited from virtual coaching via teleconferences but that has been it.

I think this will be fun and probably enlightening for me, and I have no problem entering this class with a beginner’s mind. I might even gain some speed!

Rock on,

The WB

B is for…



About a year ago Mizz J and I were invited to one of her colleagues’ wedding, on the island of Barbados. Not a destination wedding per se, as both bride and groom are Bajan – born, but we were both stoked to be going there for this event. We booked our hotel and tickets last March, with additional travel plan cancellation insurance, because my mom was struggling with her health already at this point so we had no idea what the future might bring.

Well, Mom came to my place to die last October…and we still had no idea if this trip was ever going to happen. Mom made it clear that if her wishes were to be heard and considered she would either leave us before the trip or a few weeks after we got back. She did not want to mess with our travel plans!

On December 18 Mom got her wish and 2 weeks later to the day, Mizz J and I were in the air on New Year’s Day, flying south. We went with mixed feelings and a sense of duty – to Mom, who wanted so bad for us to still go no matter what, and to the bridal couple, who were expecting us. After spending January 2 attending the nuptials, we were free to relax and enjoy. So that is exactly what we did.

Here is where I could be found every day.
Here is where I could be found every day…
...reading books and looking at this (when not frolicking in it!)
…reading books and gazing at this (when not frolicking/swimming in it!)
Check out the beach hair!
Check out the beachy hair!

I did not feel at all like exploring the island – which was kinda unusual for me, but attributable to all that had gone before, I suppose. We did book a catamaran excursion online a few weeks back, to swim with sea turtles and go reef-snorkeling, so that was all I did other than walk down to Oistins for a nightly fish dinner, and relax under my favourite palm tree.

Pardon the crappy disposable underwater camera photo but this is one of the fellows we swam with.
Pardon the crappy disposable underwater camera photo. This is one of the beauties  we all swam with.
I highly recommend one of these excursions, as does Mizz J!
And this is the beauty I personally swam with!

We were sorry to leave the island but are committed to making a return visit. I would love to make this an annual event. It’s a wonderful slice of heaven. The weather was perfect – hot and sunny, tempered by just the right amount of ocean breeze. The hotel we stayed at was just our style. Small, quiet, friendly, laid back. We would have no problem going back there.

Splurging on a Bajan ice cream on our last day.
Slurping up Bajan ice cream AND Bajan coffee on our last day. Thought we would change things up from rum punch and Banks Beer…hehehe!

Do you have a favourite tropical destination? Do tell.

Rock on,

The WB

A is for…


…several things actually…Adventure, Attitude and being Alone.

Last year on April 1 I wrote about Adventure and this year the Adventure continues! Since last April I have gone through a few things including the palliative care and death of my mother…and a TIA. I have taken up recreational kayaking and I just purchased a second, two-seater kayak. I guess that means I now have a “fleet” of the durn things, hehehe.  I visited Barbados for the first time (and hopefully not the last!). And  I FINALLY completed my MBA studies. I recently started a new challenge – to hike the 885 Km Bruce Trail, section by section, in its entirety. Wonder what I will be writing about at this time next year?

Every year has 365 days, and those days pass whether we like it or not. Some people don’t like looking back but I find it very useful and gratifying…especially when I see that things I talked and dreamed about, like the Bruce Trail quest, are actually coming to pass.

Life is full of changes and surprises, not all welcomed. However the one thing – the only thing – we have complete control over is our attitude about life. And to be present for what life throws at us. Taking my mother into my home for the last 3 months of her life, to care for her and to give her the death at home she wanted, was not easy but I couldn’t imagine not doing it. It was an incredible experience to be present for.  I was blessed to become reacquainted with my aunt and my 2 sisters as when they came to live with me and help out during this time. The special quiet times with my mother as her life wound down were also a gift and joy to all of us.

So now, everyone is back to their real lives, my mother is gone, and I am alone once again. At first my home seemed so much larger and emptier than it has ever been. Now I treasure my solitude once again. I understand that a lot of people can’t bear to be alone. That has never been my experience. I am often lonelier in a group than I have ever been by myself.

Feel free to comment with your thoughts about adventure, attitude or being alone. I look forward to reading them!

Rock on,

The WB


Bruce Trail Journey, thus far…

The start of my Bruce Trail journey. March 5, 2016.
The start of my Bruce Trail journey. March 5, 2016.

Three hikes under my belt now. I have come as far as Decew House, in Thorold from the start in Queenston Heights. Here are some snaps and data from the journey, to date:

Data from Garmin Forerunner 10 - 1st hike
Data from Garmin Forerunner 10 – 1st hike. This is going to become my trail log.
View from the Niagara Escarpment.
View from the Niagara Escarpment.
Data from second hike.
Data from second hike.
Rushing waters
Exposed limestone
Exposed stone (limestone?)
Data from 3rd hike
Data from 3rd hike – forgot to turn Garmin on at start so first 15 minutes are missing. Damn.
Brilliant day.
Brilliant day.

My daughter, Mizz J, is on this journey with me. That is her right in front of me, in the last picture.

So three hikes in and here are some of my thoughts on the process (in no particular order):

  • the people you meet while hiking are wonderful – happy, friendly, caring and sharing types
  • trekking poles are a godsend. Where have they been all my (hiking) life?
  • nature really IS the best medicine – obviously for the body, but especially for the soul
  • it is an integral part of human nature to quest, journey and explore and we are built physiologically and psychologically to do this. This is why this hike challenge is so satisfying on so many levels for me.

Next week there is no “official” shorter end-to-end hike scheduled as it is Easter weekend. However, there is a 90 minute Bruce Trail meditation walk being organized for Easter Sunday morning that Mizz J and I plan to attend.

Rock on and walk on!

The WB

The Next Challenge…


Well, that didn’t take long. It hasn’t even been a week since I finished school and I am undertaking my next challenge – to hike the Bruce Trail end-to-end!

This is something I have been dreaming of doing for many years, and this dream roared to life again while I was stuck indoors, working away on various assignments over the past couple of years since Jeff died. It was never a dream of my husband’s – his OCD made any kind of fun outdoor activities challenging to schedule and challenging to perform, to say the least – so onto the back burner it went, along with so many other things I wanted to do.

But all that is behind me now, and I am realizing MY dreams, for a change. I really didn’t plan to start this quest quite so soon. I was hoping to be build up my stamina and leg muscles a bit more with walks around the Village trails first. But the universe has other ideas, as usual!

My membership package from the Bruce Trail Club came in the mail a few weeks ago.

And in it was a newsletter from my chapter, the Iroquoian.

And in that newsletter was pages and pages listing planned hikes for the spring.

I was idly rereading it 2 mornings ago when it finally registered – this group is hosting a series of guided short (9-10 km) hikes for the first 8 sections of the trail, starting this Saturday at the trail head. Oh my. Shit became real all of a sudden, as they say these days.

I cannot NOT do this. The universe has spoken.

So, weakling status be damned – on Saturday morning you will find me at Queenston Heights with (hiking) boots on! Let the adventure begin…

Rock on,

The WB