R is for…


Round 2 of Renovation Madhouse!

This time last year I undertook several major renovation projects at my place – new upper and lower roofs; installation of solar panels; kitchen and bathroom “to the studs” teardown and remodel. And, as luck would have it – they all occurred at once! And I continued to live there the whole time!

So. Much. Fun.

Yet. I. Survived.

Never. Again. I. Said.


Now Round 2 is about to begin – more exterior work including painting, new entrance lights, new entrance doors, and restoration of the clock in the clock tower of my building. Inside, I am doing some improvements in the basement for my tenants as well having work done on my own place.

Three more rooms in my little aerie will be getting the spa treatment – new electrical, new ceilings, refinished hardwood, walls prepped for painting, and the pièce de résistance…a walk-in closet in the room to become my bedroom!

This will leave only my living room as yet needing an overhaul, and I hope to be able to schedule that (if time and budget allows) for later summer/early fall.

It’s gonna be another busy, dusty spring at Chez Badass!

Rock on,

The WB

Q is for…


…Quads (of steel!)

Quadricep muscles of steel are what I am trying to earn through all my physical activities of late. Also, hamstrings of steel, calves of steel, and – might as well put it out there:  buns of steel – would be great too.

Between hiking up and down and all around the Niagara Escarpment for my Bruce Trail hikes, and my 5K Learn-to-Run class, I should be well on my way.

Developing my lower body in this way would be a nice complement to my ever-present upper back, shoulder and neck muscles of steel. You know the ones we modern humans get from being hunched over our electronic devices AND from carrying the troubles of the world on our shoulders …the ones I pay a registered massage therapist to tenderize beat into submission work on, on a monthly basis? Yeah, those.

If only I could learn to carry stress on my butt instead of my shoulders. I’m not saying it’s a Kardashian-worthy butt. There will be no champagne glasses resting comfortably back there any time soon. But there is junk in my trunk. Definitely enough to carry some stress back there instead of in my neck and shoulders, for some respite.

In the meantime, I will continue to forge me some legs of steel.

Rock on,

The WB

P is for…



The return of decent weather means it’s time to get the patio functional again.

I made a few improvements this year – namely a rug, and a set of lights. But basically it is the same patio set and sun shade I have been enjoying since 2014.

Sorry I couldn't capture the lights perfectly. I don't have the skillz.
Sorry I couldn’t capture the lights perfectly. I don’t have the skillz.
Or the camera.
Nor the camera.
Still, I think you get the idea that this is one of my favourite hangouts in the warm weather.
Still, I think you get the idea that this is one of my favourite hangouts in the warm weather.

I was hoping to be able to afford a real railing this year but unfortunately I have other projects at Chez Moneypit that are taking precedence.

So no little ones, no pets, no dancing, no drinking to excess on the Badass Patio…yet again. Sigh.

Other than that, you are welcome to enjoy the patio with me.

Rock on,

The WB

O is for…



Last week I looked at my calendar and saw that I have to go out every night after work this week.

The old me wouldn’t have blinked an eye at this. The new me says that is way overbooked.

I like the way the new me thinks.

Now, to get the old me to stop doing this.

That is the challenge.

Challenge accepted.

Rock on,

The WB

N is for…


…Niagara region of the Bruce Trail.

Today was Hike #6 of 8:

Data from Hike #6
Data from Hike #6

I have to say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the area. I mean, before this, when I thought of Niagara I thought of the falls, of course, and Niagara-on-the-Lake, and figured the rest of it looked mainly like this:

Acres of grape vines.
Acres of grape vines.

Although it can be densely populated in areas, and we did walk through or look down on many suburban neighbourhoods, we also were in many wild areas, like this:


And this:


And this:


And we came upon many splendid waterfalls like this:

Ball's Falls. Notice the Canada Goose in the water at the edge of the falls.
Ball’s Falls. Notice the Canada Goose in the water at the edge of the falls. Also – sun’s out; guns out…hehehe.
What a badass bird.
What a badass bird. Casually grooming itself at the edge of peril.
Closeup of said badass fowl. Or is it a fowl badass?
Closeup of said badass fowl. Or is it a fowl badass?
Sign at Ball's Falls
Sign at Ball’s Falls
Ball's Grist Mill
Ball’s Grist Mill

Two more Saturdays of hiking and Mizz  J and I will have completed our end-to-end of the Niagara section of the trail. Someday I would like to come back and explore this area further.

Rock on,

The WB

M is for…



After 4 1/2 long grueling years, I have finally finished all of the course requirements for my Masters in Business Administration degree.

This past Wednesday, April 13, the powers that be at Athabasca University (AU) officially granted me my degree and said parchment is apparently on its way to me right now via snail mail. JD’s degree is coming to me too – shortly after his passing, AU contacted me to let me know that they would be granting his degree posthumously based on his stellar academic performance while he was alive. And to ask me to let them know when I was graduating, so that we could graduate together. Wasn’t that wonderful of them? I was very touched.

The official Convocation is going to be held in Alberta in June. I’ve already booked my flights and my hotel and rental car. To finally meet in person so many of my academic coaches, fellow graduates, and AU staff after interacting in a virtual environment for all these years is exciting, even for an introvert like me!

Before JD finagled me into this I started this journey, I had always thought that a business degree was not for me. I didn’t see myself as a “business person” at all. I saw myself as a scientist and a bit of an artist. I had some pretty strong ideas about what being in business was all about and I was having none of it.

How wrong I was about this.

My MBA studies have led to a deeper understanding of what business really is and (most importantly) can be, and has further shaped who I am and how I interact with this world. Whatever you may read or experience in the world of business, at business school there are strong underpinnings of ethics and corporate social responsibility in every subject area. Time and time again we were presented with examples of companies and business leaders that were not only financially successful but also good, thoughtful corporate citizens.

Unfortunately it is the Enrons and Chainsaw Als of this world that get most of the (bad) press. Because this is more interesting and sells more media than a little story about a little business doing good things?

Life is business and business is life. Think about this because I have, a lot. Read this next paragraph and think of yourself as a corporate entity (which you are because you literally have a body).

You have to come up with a product (yourself) that people are willing to invest in and “buy”, and market it accordingly. You have to decide how you are going to interact in this world with all of your stakeholders: your partners, suppliers, investors, customers, employees, alliances and competitors. You need to pay close attention to your financial data and set goals and targets – short, medium and long-range. You need to manage your resources effectively. You need to conduct yourself in an ethical, responsible and professional manner at all times. Some would disagree with this last statement, especially with their actions if not words but I am telling you YOU NEED TO DO THIS as a responsible, successful human being. It is your duty as a functioning member of society.

When you look at it this way, we are all business people – in the business of being humans. Who wouldn’t benefit from a business degree to help manage You, Inc?

Rock on,

The WB

L is for…


…Lovely things.

I do love lovely things. I love to surround myself with lovely things. They bring me limitless joy as I admire their soothing and serene beauty.

What I am especially enamored of right now is this:


As soon as I saw this pattern for bedding on the Zara Home website, I knew I had to have it. And I wasn’t even going to wait for it to GO ON SALE. I know – I’m shocked at myself too.

I’d had a beautiful water colour floral duvet cover in my mind’s eye for several months already and was hoping I would come across one for real in the spring.

And behold, here it is:

My dream, realized.
My dream, realized. How lovely is this?

This spring I am planning on renovating another couple of rooms at my place, including my bedroom. So my new lovely duvet cover will eventually reside in a room deserving of its loveliness. Until then, it is the bright spot in an otherwise sad, scarred, closet-less, former office space.

My dog, Placeholder, is allowed to enjoy the loveliness too. Only because she is so well-behaved and a very clean sort of dog.
My dog, Placeholder, is allowed to enjoy the loveliness too. Only because she is so well-behaved and a very clean sort of dog.

Rock on,

The WB

K is for…



Meet my beloved Pink Floyd, purchased last August:

First (and last) time on the town dock. Kayaks and docks – not a good combo. I quickly learned it was much better to launch and beach Floyd a little further away, on the riverbank itself. ‘Nuff said.

Floyd and I go out on the ironically named Speed River.

Does this look like a speedy river to you?
Does this look like a speedy river to you?

My August/September ritual was to get up on Sunday mornings, pack a light breakfast and make a travel mug of tea, and wheel Floyd down to the river for a leisurely paddle and nosh before it got too hot. We usually ended up here before turning around and heading back home:

After the Black Bridge, the water was too shallow, even for Floyd.
After the Black Bridge, the water got too shallow, even for Floyd.

Along the way, we would see things like this:


And this:

Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing

And this:


And this:


And of course, these:

Canada Geese
Canada Geese

I can’t think of a better way to spend a morning. Or an evening. Or a day.

Hard to believe all this beauty is in my "backyard". Pinch me!
Hard to believe all this peaceful beauty is in my “backyard”. Pinch me!

This spring I purchased Floyd a little “sister”, yet to named. A bright green tandem (two person) kayak. So friends and family can come onto the river with me, instead of having to listen to my raptures about how wonderful it is out there.

I am looking forward to my first full season of this wonderful activity.

Rock on,

The WB

J is for…


…Joie de Vivre!

I spent some time orienting a newly hired work colleague a couple of weeks ago and she told me that I had joie de vivre. No one has ever said this to me before. I had a vague idea of what this meant…I looked it up to be sure.

Yes! I do have an exuberant love of life. But it was not always this way.

Like mostly everyone, I have had sorrow and hard times in my life. And looking back, I am grateful for the lessons learned and the growth earned by persevering when times were bad.

I think this focus on gratitude is what has kept me from becoming bitter about certain periods in my life. There is always some kind of gold to be mined from every human experience. Even if the only good thing you can say is that you survived it!

And I know that things can get bad so when times are good, I want to celebrate and enjoy them to the fullest! Because neither good times nor bad times last.

Change is inevitable. You gotta roll with it.

But for now…for me…times are good! Let the good times roll, baby!

Rock on,

The WB

I is for…



An introvert is what I am. As I suspect a high number of people participating in this challenge are. Blogging seems like such a natural fit for an introvert.

Introverts are the new black. Hardly a week goes by that I don’t see an article expounding on the glories of introversion and how the introverts of this world make excellent friends, co-workers, employees, leaders. Go ahead. Google “Introvert” and see where it takes you.

Introverts used to be viewed as shy and socially maladjusted individuals. Now, finally the truth is out there.

We’re not shy. We. Just. Don’t. Like. You.


Well, not kidding actually. Chances are high if an introvert is quiet around you it’s because they have already decided you’re not worth engaging. Or they are still trying to figure out if you are worth the energy it will cost them to engage you. Because most social interactions will do that to an introvert – drain them of their energy.

I had this problem in University. A very loud (and, I thought, idiotic – she actually carried a burning cigarette into a lab where ether was being used) fellow student once loudly proclaimed in front of a group of my peers that I should sign up for assertiveness training. Because I never talked to her, I suppose.

I was baffled by this outburst as were the few classmates who actually knew me. I never asked her how she came to that conclusion because I didn’t value her opinion of me or anyone or anything, so what was the point? Besides, I was still pissed that she could have blown me up that day.

Introverts are not any better than extroverts. The world needs both types. It’s nice that introverts are finally getting their day in the sun.

Now please go back to leaving us alone. 😉

Rock on,

The WB