What the Health is Going On

Dear Bloggie,

I thought I should bring you up to date on what’s been happening to me since I’ve been under investigation for the 2 TIA-like (mini-stroke) episodes I have experienced thus far in 2016.

I have completed all of the scheduled testing and last week I saw the neurologist to get the news about the results of the 2 MRIs I recently was privileged to receive. No, I am not being sarcastic, Blog. How can you think that?!? Wait. Uh, OK. I have been a bit of a pill IRL about the medications the doctors have put me on, and all of the tests. I’ll own it.

But really Blog, I am also very grateful at the same time that I live in this great country where health care is deemed to be a necessity and everyone’s right and the griping is about being made to wait a bit rather than how to come up with the money for diagnosis and treatment.

So, to describe my results in one word: NEGATIVE.

Negative, negative, negative. All of my cardiac and neurological testing is blessedly, head-scratchingly negative. So what happened to me? Dunno. Will it happen again? Dunno.

Can I get on with my life now? Will my doctor release the restriction on me that I am not to perform any exercise more strenuous than a slow walk? The cardiologist wants to see me again and you bet I will be asking.

In the meantime, I have been focusing on cleaning up my diet for the past 2 weeks using a no-sugar, no grains, low carbohydrate high fat Paleo-ish approach. I’ve done this before with magnificent results but since JD passed I have been kinda loosey-goosey with my diet and here we are 3 years and 20 pounds later. A-HEM!

So, two weeks have gone by and I am only a scant 2 pounds lighter…dammit. I am a bit disappointed it isn’t more but I am not as active as I could be (see exercise restriction, above). And I am older too, meaning whatever magic menopause is wreaking/has wrought upon my metabolism since about 4 years ago could be to blame as well.

However, I feel GREAT! I really do. I am up early (like 5 am early) each day with tons of creative and mental energy to burn. I’m alert all day – no afternoon slumping – and sleep well each night.

No cravings anymore. In fact very little hunger or when it hits, it is so subtle of a nag that I can easily ignore it until I am ready to make time to eat. This I remember very well from the last time I ate this way. Nice to not feel shakey or sick or mentally drained if more than 4 hours passes between meals and my blood sugar tanks. I’ve turned myself back into a fat-burning machine, from a sugar-burner. And no “carb flu” feelings either. I guess my body remembers the good ol’ days when I took better care of it. 😉

So what if it takes me 20 weeks (or more) to lose 20 pounds, dear Blog? The time will be here regardless of whether I try to change my habits or not, and how nice will it be to arrive there and have removed that excess weight? I’d love to train again for another half-marathon (on doc’s blessing of course) and it certainly would go a lot easier with 20 less pounds to carry.

Maybe I can even stop taking some medication. I’m thinking the blood pressure meds, at least. And maybe the blood thinner too. It might take a bit longer and a couple of more blood tests to convince the doc I really don’t need a statin in my life. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

Rock on,

The WB

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Soles (to step up!)

These soles have got HEART and SOUL.
These soles have got HEART and SOUL.

Dear Blog,

Ya gotta love it when your new boots come with a message.

These are truly the boots for this new era the world has entered into. Some may call it the Dark Ages of Humanity – the Sequel, or the Coming A-Trumpolypse.

I call it a reason for new footwear.

Yes, dear Blog, I did break my Shoe Moratorium…sorta. These being boots and all, I think I could have a pretty solid argument that these don’t qualify as a shoe purchase. (Note from budget-conscious part of brain to self: next time it MUST be called a Footwear Moratorium.)

And dear Blog, please recall that I DID NOT buy any shoes or boots while in Amsterdam…though not for lack of trying. Damn that Birkenstock store at the Albert Cuyp Market for actually closing up shop for vacation…I mean, who in retail does that?!?!

Think about it. You sell SANDALS for a living, and you shutter your shop for almost 3 weeks IN THE SUMMER. WTF???

Anyhoodle, I digress into rant territory when the point I want to make is: I should get credit for superhuman restraint on coming back home without any new shoes. Or boots.

These new boots are my gift to me, I have decided, for surviving 3 years of widowhood and all of the trials, tribulations and shocking revelations that have come with it so far. My excuse story and I’m sticking to it.

Fluevog Skins, in Purple
Fluevog Skins, in Purple

Rock on,

The WB

The Big Reveal. Why Now? My Top 10.

Dear Blog,

As you know yesterday I went public about JD’s cheating, on the 3rd anniversary of his passing (and of my re-birth as The WB).

Since then I’ve been thinking as to my reasons for doing this. I don’t regret it. I think I needed to do this and here’s why:

  1. Since the MBA convocation ceremony I attended in June, at which I received degrees for the both of us, I feel like I have fulfilled all of my obligations to my late husband. I made sure he got the recognition he deserved for the effort he put into his studies even as he was dying. I was able to quash my feelings relating to what I know about him now and call up how I felt about him then, when we were in the program together and when we found out about the cancer. I can’t do this anymore because:
  2. After that event I noticed my feelings towards him really start to change. For example, I no longer felt upset at our approaching wedding anniversary as I had in the couple of years prior. In fact I feel no love anymore – just empty inside. Maybe this will change over time but I’m not counting on it.
  3. His parents are both gone now; his father passed away in early 2015. It must be hard enough to lose a child – I didn’t want to add to his sorrow by telling him what I found out about his son. I didn’t see what purpose it would serve. So I left the old soldier with his happy memories of his boy to comfort him.
  4. My mother passed away in December 2015 and I didn’t feel I should be shocking or burdening her with this knowledge when she was already unwell.
  5. His sister does not read my blog and is not on social media. See point #3 – not adding to the sorrow applies to her as well. Although I suspect one day we may have this conversation as she could ask a question that precipitates it. Not looking forward to this day.
  6. I told my kids and they have been so supportive and empathetic. It has been important in our healing as a family, I feel.
  7. My change of feelings about him may become evident in my future postings on this blog and on social media, if it hasn’t already. Mostly, I imagine, by what I am not saying about JD or our marriage anymore. This should explain that change to anybody who might pick up on this.
  8. Some people have been very kindly commenting to me about how tragic it is to lose someone you thought of as a soulmate. True, but my dears – you don’t know the half of it. Until now. Yes, I am still a grieving widow but the things I am grieving are not what one would expect. If I can describe my grief in one word, that word is COMPLICATED.
  9. It took until just lately for me to process things enough that I could talk about it to a wider audience. Being as introverted as I am, I like to take time to think important stuff through thoroughly if at all possible, before speaking. As there are almost no resources out there for dealing with discovery of infidelity posthumously, this has been difficult for me to sort out on my own.  My thoughts have been all over the map on this one as I try to deal.  Some days they still are. And, ultimately:
  10. Almost 3 years later, I feel I am finally ready to open up about this.

Thanks for listening and being there for me, dear Blog.

Rock on,

The WB

A Widow for 3 Years

Dear Blog,

Today is the anniversary of JD’s death.

I hope he is at peace or reborn or whatever the hell happens when our physical bodies stop working.

Living with JD was not easy, thanks to the OCD which he ultimately refused to seek treatment for. I did my best to help him while we were together. Which came at a cost, of course. It affected my relationships with family and friends. It affected my health. I was in over my head but bound by secrecy and was forbidden to seek help or understanding for either of us.

I didn’t find out until after he died, when I was left with sorting through his hoard of papers and stuff, who I was really married to.

He was a consummate liar and a hypocrite in his dealings with me, in particular. Me – the only person, he told me over and over again, he felt free to really be himself with.

My (once happy) memories of our time together are now and forever tainted because of this. Were his feelings towards me all lies, like his words and actions were? I was so completely fooled by JD I don’t know what was real anymore. I have lost more trust in myself and my ability to perceive, than in him.

I have sought counseling, which was only a little bit helpful. How do you find closure when the other party, the one who might be able to answer your thousands of burning questions, is dead?

I did reach out to the woman he cheated on me with (the only one I know about – I am not so naive as to think there couldn’t be more). She too was duped into thinking he was otherwise unattached, faithful, and in love with her. She thought they were going to get married and start a family. A lovely woman, really.

I just wish she had told me what was really going on when she found out he was living with another woman (me) and immediately kicked his sorry cheating ass to the curb. But she chose to keep her silence and leave our relationship alone. In my opinion she did me a huge disservice by not reaching out to me.

But what is done is done. I was kept in ignorance and kept on living with and loving and supporting this man with my whole heart and being. This unworthy man.

I have been a widow for 3 years today. My life is the best it has ever been. I am very content and happy, for the most part. I am still working through the process of forgiving my husband, which is necessary for me…not for him.

For the first couple of years after I found out, I could still feel tenderness and love and sorrow for him, even as I was reeling with shock and disbelief, hurt and anger. But as time goes on, I can’t dredge up those emotions anymore. I feel like I am just…done.

Someday someone is going to ask me why I don’t have any pictures of JD or our wedding displayed around my place. I don’t know what I’ll say in that moment, dear Blog.

Rock on,

The WB

The Power of Writing It Down


Hey there Bloggie Dearest,

Well, yesterday was the last day of the 5 Days of Mandala Magic online course I signed up for, and with the last lesson came an invitation to sign up for a whole year of instruction from Julie Gibbons, starting proper in 2017.

The monthly cost of this course is so reasonable versus the value I have received already in just these 5 days, that I signed up immediately and with absolutely no hesitation.

(I have to say also that I really admire the way Julie runs her vocation/passion/business. I think it is genius to offer a free 5 day online course as a lead-in for a year’s worth of lessons. It gives the potential subscriber a good insight into Julie’s personality and teaching style, as well as the quality of the material to be delivered. At the end of the free course most 5 Days of Mandala Magic students would know, I imagine, whether or not this course was a good fit for them at this point in their lives. It certainly has made me comfortable with my decision. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear…indeed!)

Remember quite a few months back, Blog, when I told you I was all excited/inspired by an article about Route 66 turning 100 when I am turning 66, and how this led to the development of my 10 Year Plan spreadsheet and an actual rudimentary budget?

As per my way, I created the spreadsheet in a fervour of inspiration and then didn’t look at it again. But then today I got to thinking about it again as I had this niggling thought in the back of my brain that Art was featured somewhere on the spreadsheet. (Actually I thought I might have written it down for THIS year – 2016).

When I opened it up I saw that I had placed Art in the Learning category for 2017. Hmmm…another reason signing up for a year’s worth on instruction on mandala making and art journalling was a slam-dunk decision for me.

This, dear Blog, is why I love writing down my goals and dreams in some format – whether it be in a journal or spreadsheet. The act of committing the thoughts to paper (or pixels) has invariably resulted in manifestation of the same. And if it didn’t happen, it was almost always because I had changed and no longer wanted it. Or, it just hasn’t happened yet, but I can see it on the horizon. Weird! I know, Blog.

Now, I am not going so far as to say that these are declarations to which the universe has responded to me personally. I’ll leave that to the devotees of The Secret.

But what I think is this: the act of stating goals in a physical or digital sense loads them into my subconscious which in turn then guides me in seeing (seizing!) opportunities and making decisions later on down the road of life.

I may have forgotten what I have written down, but my subconscious doesn’t. And going back months or even years later to see what I had envisioned for myself, I am gobsmacked by how many of my (usually forgotten) stated objectives have actually been accomplished.

So clearly I am a fan.

Just imagine what could happen, dear Blog, if I wrote down some goals regarding you? 😉

Rock on,

The WB


Concentric Circles Mandala

Concentric Circles Mandala - Natural Elements
Concentric Circles Mandala – Natural Elements

Dearest Blog,

I really reached far back with this one.

When I was a child I used to envision the cycling of the year (the calendar, if you will) as a thin circular band of ever-changing colours, going from brightest in high summer to darkest at the winter solstice. Although I didn’t call it that because frankly dear Blog, I was too damn young to know about that stuff. Yeah, I know Blog…I WAS a weird kid.

So here I am, 50-odd years later, finally taking that image out of my head and putting it on paper.

My idea with the concentric circle mandala was to make it primitive, and to illustrate the elements of the natural world within the border of the cycling year. Can you find them, Blog? Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I tried to represent them all so that they are recognizable.

I used cheap-o magic markers on watercolour paper – a set of pens designed for the current adult colouring book craze. When I tried to put the night sky and moon phases in the black band, it just ate up the white pigment ink pen. Just sucked it up like a sponge!

Someday I will refine this piece and perhaps do it in acrylic on a proper canvas.

I like to think of this as a first draft.

Rock on,

The WB

RIP, Mr. Leonard Cohen

Definitely has the most plays in my iTunes library.
Definitely has the most plays in my iTunes library, followed by his latest release: You Want It Darker.

Dear Blog,

Now we have a definite contender, in my mind anyway, for biggest blow to humanity this week.

I had the opportunity to see this artist in 2009, during the tour that produced the live album pictured in this blog post.

When people would ask me what artist/band I would go see again in concert, the immediate answer was always “Leonard Cohen, naturally!” I had hoped to be able to see him again but as time went on it became apparent that this had been my only chance, and one I am so very grateful for.

A lot of us, myself included, knew this was coming. Mr. Cohen said this summer that he thought he would be joining his muse – Marianne –  soon, in death.

Leonard Cohen used his poetic and musical talents to show us about life and all its joys and sorrows. It is no surprise to me that he also showed us about death and how to approach it with your whole being – head on and with full acceptance.

Like David Bowie – another artist who knew it was coming – he used what was left in him in his remaining days to get his last (and he knew it would be his last – again like Bowie) work out to us.

I see Gordon Downie of the Tragically Hip doing the same as he lives with the reality of a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.

Thank you, thank you, thank you gentlemen.

Rock on,

The WB


First Completed Mandala

Completed White Tara mandala
Completed White Tara mandala

Dearest Blog,

I am so excited to share with you my first completed piece – a lotus mandala featuring White Tara. White Tara is associated with compassion, long life, healing and serenity.

I have been fascinated for decades already with mandalas and goddesses and here I have combined both.

The US Election directed me in these choices, and I was helped magnificently by the gentle and inspiring coaching of Julie Gibbons and her 5 Days of Mandala Magic online course.

Tara seemed the natural choice as she hears all the cries of the world and offers her compassion unreservedly. Instead of her usual depiction seated on a lotus flower, I have given her a golden lotus crown and surrounded her with the flower as a mandala.

I dedicate this mandala to all who are hurting  – those that hurt so much they thought voting for this deeply flawed and dangerous man to lead their country was their only option, as well as the rest of us. Who are still reeling from the shock and frightened for the future.

Working on this piece helped calm my fears and turn my heart again to what is good in the world instead of focusing on the negative.

Rock on,

The WB

Mandala Magic

Dear Blog,

A few weeks ago I signed up for a 5 day online course called Mandala Magic provided by an artist named Julie Gibbons.

It started on November 7 and the timing could not have been better, dear Blog.

Last night I started creating my first lotus mandala and decided to feature the Buddhist goddess of compassion in the centre, as Tara (aka Kwan Yin and a bunch of other names) is often depicted sitting upon a lotus. I don’t pretend to know a whole lot about Eastern religions and their pantheons of gods and goddesses, but ever since I first learned of Tara a number of years ago, I have been drawn (no pun intended) to the idea of her.

So last night as I fretted over the USA and the general direction the world seems to be taking, I made a choice to NOT listen, watch or surf election coverage and turn to my pencils instead.

Work in progress
Work in progress

I found it very calming and meditative to work on this last night, dear Blog.

I suppose you have already guessed, old chum, that the new few years should be good for my art practice. 😉

Rock on,

The WB


Worry is praying for what you don’t want to happen…and I can’t stop this prayer

Dear Blog,

Today is Election Day in the US, you might remember. I know I can’t get it out of my mind, dear Blog.
I find myself consumed with worry…AND I’M NOT EVEN AMERICAN. I can only imagine how all most some of them feel.

Did the world and German people feel this way when Hitler was on the rise to taking power?

Never have I seen a campaign like this. Never have I seen such hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism and fear unleashed. It’s like the human race took as step back a hundred or so years in time. The apparent rapidity of this devolution of human consciousness and learning is breathtaking to me.

Maybe I’ve just been naive in thinking that we had moved on from this type of thinking. That it was all behind us now.

Looks like it wasn’t behind us at all. It was just simmering under the surface of civility and political correctness. All it took was a brash, loud-mouthed person with no moral character to show people it was OK to let fear dominate your decisions and to quash compassion for others. That it is OK again to put up barriers to exclude other humans and to focus on differences instead of seeing that we are really all the same….this human race. That ignorance of the facts is acceptable. That instead of thinking for yourself, just follow the one that brays the loudest, the one that says what you want to hear, no matter what nonsense and lies pour out of his mouth.

There are two emotions that drive us. Fear breeds hatred. Love breeds compassion. Why do people choose fear? Like love, if that is what you choose, there is no end to it. There is always something to fear.

Right now I fear for us all. I want to get back to feeling love for humanity again, instead of fearing what people will can do if the wrong person gets enough power to make good on his hateful words. I want to feel compassion for this man. To try to understand what made him into the person he is. I think he is sick in his soul and his mind. Why throughout history have we been tricked into following madmen? Why do we not learn? It is because we don’t learn that we must keep repeating the lesson.

These thoughts roll round and round my mind as I inwardly clutch myself with worry. My brain and heart have been curled in the fetal position for days now.

Thanks for listening, dear Blog.

Hopefully tomorrow we can all rock on to a better future than the one I can’t stop worrying about,

The WB