The Sunday Schnauzer – Is My Sock Knitting Safe?

In these troubling times, I have returned to knitting as a calming and meditative practice. However, it is not quite so calming when Bowser is on the scene. Remember this and this?

Don’t be fooled by this angelic face. He is looking at my knitting and scheming, I just know it.

Anywho, I have switched from wooden double-pointed needles to metal-tipped circulars for my sock knitting so Bowser won’t be able to snack on the needles I think?!…and I am being doubly cautious about where I leave them in case he gets ahold of them and tries snacking on them. For obvious reasons. Not the least of which is he could seriously hurt himself.

I’m admiring my newly finished sock and he is admiring the 2nd sock I am starting, on my lap.
It looks really good on him. Perhaps I should knit him a sweater?
My yarn is safe, for now…

We hope you stay safe from yarn thieves this weekend.

Elbows up,

The WB

21 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Is My Sock Knitting Safe?

    1. Thank you very much, Dawn 💕 It’s actually my sock that’s around Bowser’s neck, but that yarn could make him a fabulous scarf, agreed! Yes, go teach your neighbour to knit!

  1. Those socks are absolutely gorgeous, Deb! I have been wearning my newly knitted (by you) toque everywhere and have been getting great compliments on it! Maybe Bowser needs more treats and chew toys? 😀

    1. Thank you very much, my friend 💕 Hehehe, there are never enough treats and chew toys in Bowser’s mind AND he will still go after my knitting, if given the chance!

  2. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – I too vote for a Bowser jumper … but I’d wait for the Autumn … love the socks – cheers Hilary

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