The Sunday Schnauzer – The Return of the Snuggler?

Bowser knows it’s spring and is loathe to come inside. Or is he?

I was busy in the kitchen when I glanced outside and saw this.

I felt I was being watched.
So I went to my back patio door and invited in him in. Nope! Not having it.

Back to the kitchen I went, to continue with my food preparation. A few minutes later, I looked outside again and saw this.

He’s inching closer.
I went back to the patio door again. Again, a refusal to come in.

So, I finish what I was doing in the kitchen and head to the living room to pick up my knitting (my refuge in these troubling times). Then I see this.

OK. He finally wants to end the staring contest and come in.
But, more staring – indoor version. What? Do you need a snuggle?
The answer is yes.
Forget about knitting for the foreseeable future. You will be calming yourself by petting the dog sleeping on your lap instead!

We hope you have a restful weekend with lots of snuggles.

Elbows up,

The WB

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