The Sunday Schnauzer – A Brand New Dog

Bowser went to the dog spa on Friday.

He cleans up rather nicely, doncha think?
Enough admiration, Oma! We have important business in the woods to take care of!
After walkies, comes snugglies.
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful!

We hope you are having a beautiful weekend.

Elbows up,

The WB

20 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – A Brand New Dog

  1. Penny went to the spa too, last Monday. Her feet are white again! She hates going to the spa, I think mostly the dryer, but she’s always grateful when I pick her up. Your little guy is very dapper. And any excuse for a snuggle, right?

      1. Oh, absolutely, I noticed. It’s never far from my mind. Wish it was but somehow I’ve become a news junkie. I’ve always been very Canadian focused.

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