Bowser, I hope you are staying out of trouble while I am away in Barbados!
Here is how I am picturing you:

We hope you are snug and warm this weekend,
Rock on,
The WB
Bowser, I hope you are staying out of trouble while I am away in Barbados!
Here is how I am picturing you:
We hope you are snug and warm this weekend,
Rock on,
The WB
Trust you’re having a great time and I’m sure Bowser is missing you
Yes, thanks Sheree💕 I’m having a great time. I’m sure he is missing me as much as I’m missing him. 🥹
Bowser has asked me to relay his displeasure at your absence and demands you return to pamper him forthwith!
I’ll be packing tomorrow for my flight to Toronto and will report for pampering duty on the following evening if the air and ferry travel gods allow! Thanks, Rivergirl 🥳
Bowser does look very snug and warm. It is currently 0C here but is supposed to go up to 5C by noon. Hope you are having much warmth and sunshine there. Please bring some back home with you! <3
Yes, plenty of sun and warmth! I will try to shove some in my luggage to bring back with me 😁. Thanks, my friend 💕
He misses you!
So I’ve been told! Thanks, Kate 💕
Can’t wait for your post about your vacation adventures when you get back home.
Thanks, Jean 💕
I doubt he’s going to fess up to any shenanigans, at least not till you’re home again.
Nope, not gonna fess up at all. Mostly because he thinks he’s an angel 😂. Mommy will fill me in, however! Thanks, Dawn 💕
This is how I picture Bowser all the time. I’m a sucker for those adorbs close ups! I hope you’ve had a wonderful vacay! 😊😎
Thank you, Bobi💕 It’s been great and I’m looking forward to some of those adorbs closeups again, in real life soon!