We have had an awful lot of rain lately. So much that our formerly placid creek is now a raging river (again – this is a cyclical and natural process). So we have altered some of our routes to avoid any crossings, until things settle down once more. But we still like to walk up to the creek and observe, from a safe distance.
There is one viewpoint that seems to bother Bowser and he has to stare and bark while I take in the scene. And I couldn’t figure out what he was barking at it. Several times we have been there lately, and each time he (usually completely silent on our walks) has to pause, look, and bark. Every time I scan the creek and the opposite bank to see what he is barking at – an animal, another human – what is it?!?!

After the 2nd walk (and barking session) to this particular viewpoint, I think I have it figured out.

I guess he will be barking at it until another high water flow dislodges it and pushes it further down the creek.
We hope you are unbothered this weekend.
Rock on,
The WB
A good doggie grandmother would wade out and remove that bothersome stump.
Just sayin’….
😂 Yes she would! But that stump is huge and probably out weighs me so uh-uh. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
It was disturbing his zen.
And that’s unforgivable! 😂 Thanks, Kate 💕
Bowser is a very observant dog. If it wasn’t there before, then why in the heck is it there now? That can only mean no good! D
That’s exactly how he thinks! Thanks, Donna 💕
He’s a smart boy. It wasn’t there before and it shouldn’t be there now. Penny doesn’t like things out of place either.
Surprising how observant they are! Thanks, Dawn 💕
Very observant Bowser! He knows his environment and doesn’t like things out of place 😂
Truth! Although I walked him there recently with my daughter and was hoping he’d bark at the stump again, but no dice. After seeing it for the 4th time, he’s accepted it as part of the creek, I guess 🤷♀️. Thanks, Sharon 💕
Bowzer is such a good Watch Dog – he’s protecting you from the big scary creature.
Yes, he’s very good at barking or growling to alert me of things he finds concerning. That’s a schnauzer for you! Thanks, Suzanne 💕
Or maybe there was something sinister and scary hiding behind the stump the first few times and it’s gone now, after being ratted out by Bowser.
Well, it appears Bowser thought so! 😁 But for the life of me, I could see nothing of note except for the sudden appearance of the stump in the rushing creek. Thanks, Jean 💕
I’d bark at it too. Without my reading glasses it looks like a walrus or a bathing bear.
And the bear part could actually happen around here! No doubt that is what Bowser is thinking. Thanks, Kieran 💕
Hi Deb – looks like a lion about to pounce … not surprised Bowser was somewhat anxious … we’re having lots of rain here too … cheers to you and the boy – Happy New Year – Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕 Happy 2025 to you too!