Photos taken the same weekend as last Sunday’s post.
The rain just kept on coming – non-stop for 3 days! We were lucky to not have to go anywhere and to not experience any flooding. Unfortunately, a lot of people on the mainland were flooded out by the atmospheric river.
But for us, it was a couch potato weekend, for sure. My daughter sent me these photos of their Sunday morning with Bowser.

Hopefully you have drier weather where you are and can get off the couch!
Rock on,
The WB
Bowser and I are sympatico when it comes to rainy days.
That makes 3 of us 😂. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
I am in Alabama and the sunny weather is wonderful. I hope you have sun soon.
There have been brief but wonderful sunny interludes yet the rain is much needed so I won’t complain. Thanks, Dawn 💕
Cute photos nonetheless
Bowser can’t take a bad picture! Thanks, Sheree 💕
He’s a supermodel schnauzer
We were away from the Island and missed much of that rain. I’m glad that Bowser and family stayed safe and dry. Love the hair stylings!
Thank you, my friend 💕
We’d love some of that rain. It’s been a dry fall here. Bowser looks content as always.
We had such a dry summer we need all the rain we can get (and we’ve gotten a lot lately). Thanks, Kate 💕
Please send us some rain! We got a little sprinkling last night, but it wasn’t nearly enough to make a dent in the drought. Rain or no rain, I’m with Bowser when it comes to naps.
I’m with Bowser too! I’d share the rain but we really need it after our dry summer. Thanks, Janis 💕
Still cute even when giving the ‘ol stink eye! 😂
You got that right, Bobi! Thanks 💕
I’d take some of that rain- and then no stylist would be necessary because rain makes my hair curly!
It makes mine curlier and also frizzy! Thanks, Bernie 💕