The Sunday Schnauzer – Walktober 2024

Last weekend was Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, and it was a glorious weekend for walking along our usual routes. Many leaves had fallen due to recent wind and rain events, and our walks were a feast for the senses. The crunch of the leaves, the fresh smells of the earth and the vegetation, the feel of the sun warming up our bodies – it was everything to be expected from October walks in the woods.

Bowser surveying his kingdom.
Meanwhile, I was looking for and found lots of these beauties!
My favourite, scruffy little beauty.
Bowser across from the roots of the Magic Tree.
Happy dog, happy life…especially in October.

I’m linking up this post with Dawn’s for her 2024 Walktober.

We hope you are having a great weekend wherever you are, and that you are able to enjoy being outside.

Rock on,

The WB

26 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Walktober 2024

    1. Bowser is killing it, isn’t he? All he needs now is a cask of pumpkin spice something-or-other attached to his collar like some kind of millenial St. Bernard 🤣. Thanks, Suz 💕

    1. I often see these mushrooms with what looks like a bite taken out of them. I hope that it’s not the case, as they are supposed to be somewhat toxic (to humans, at least). As in: they won’t kill you but you might wish you were dead after eating them. No, Bowser is completely uninterested in fungi (thankfully!). Thanks, Jean 💕

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