When your oldest friend calls you up and says “Whatcha doin’ the end of August/early September?”, the only acceptable response is “Nothin’. What are WE doin’ then?”. Thus the fabulous road trip to PEI (Prince Edward Island, a Canadian province) began, in our heads, at least.
Cath (aka CJ – my friend since Grade 2 and my Barbados buddy) had purchased an RV about a year ago. It was only a matter of time before either she showed up at my door in it, or I joined her for a road trip. Here is what happened. First things first – the itinerary Cath drew up for us:
The basic sketch of our adventure, which was followed for the most part. Catch-22 is a fabulous restaurant in Wasaga Beach – had the best halibut meal of my life there, that night. We didn’t go to the Big Apple store/bakery/restaurant (too crazy busy) but we did go to Reid’s Dairy and Taste of Country in Belleville, ON. We did not end up at Richard’s for lobster rolls, instead it was the Lobster Barn (delicious food) – in Victoria-by-the-Sea. Nearby Hampton Beach is where our friends Brenda and Ted have a beautiful place, on PEI. What’s not on the calendar is an amazing show we saw Sep 7 at Harmony House (Hunter River, PEI): The Leonard Cohen Songbook, which blew me away….even more than seeing Lennie Gallant (and that’s saying A LOT.) More on my experience at The Table, in my next WOYP post!Cocktail hour at McLaren campground, on the Long Sault Parkway, Ontario. That’s Mini Winnie, in the background.Cath’s miniature poodle and our traveling companion: the lovely Miss Juliette. St. Lawrence sunrise.Miss Juliette can get a little barky . Especially if she is missing her mommy. At a Walmart parking lot on a supply run, in Rimouski, Quebec.Stopping to take in the views of a covered bridge – Routhierville, Quebec.More great views – Tide Head, New Brunswick.Standing on the dock in Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick. Admiring the views AND the kayak ramp. Kouchibouguac means River of the Long Tides, in Mi’kmaq. This is where the Kouchibouguac River empties out to the Atlantic Ocean.A very quick exploration of Kellys Beach in Kouchibouguac National Park as the rain begins to pelt us.(Miss Juliette stayed in the RV as dogs are not allowed here.)First view of the Confederation Bridge (12.9 km, links PEI to the mainland). The last time I visited PEI (at least 2.5 decades ago) this bridge was only a dream. We had to take a ferry, back then. The home of our wonderful hosts, just off the beach.It was our hosts’ birthdays while we visited. One day after the other. Two separate celebrations were planned and executed so each had their special day. Cath whipped up a joint chocolate birthday cake per request (one of her many culinary specialities) for them. I even had a (very small) piece and it was delicious, although chocolate cake is not my thing. Some of Cath’s family was on the island at the same time (staying nearby in a beachfront rental) and they joined us several evenings for meals, cards and general merriment.Most days involved at least one walk on the beach!Sunset on the beach in front of Ted and Brenda’s house, with the Confederation Bridge in the distance.Going for a hike at a local park. Ted is holding onto Juliette’s grandmother: Chloe. Ted and Brenda are also parents of another poodle – the aptly named: Ginger. Who can be pretty spicy, for her size! Little Miss Ginger. Our hair colouring kinda matches, I just realized.Waiting for Lennie Gallant at the Souris Show Hall. Lovely, intimate show.Trying the capture the beauty of the night sky in Souris, after the show.Early morning walk along the shore, Red Point Provincial Park in Souris.Typical red cliffs (and sand, soil) found on the island – Red Point Park, Souris.Interesting sea weed growth on a rock – looks like it’s wearing a wig! Red Point Park, Souris.
One thing I didn’t remember to photograph and wish I had: I had a reunion with an old friend who lives on PEI. Kim and I started out as pen pals many decades ago – before the internet, even – when you actually had to write out your thoughts on a piece of paper and mail them to each other. Can you imagine such a primitive form of communication? It was truly heart-warming and inspiring to see her IRL – and to take in all the beauty of her home and gardens and all the gorgeous artwork she has created. Seeing her creations on Facebook is one thing, but seeing those pieces hanging around her cozy home is quite another!
As foretold in the itinerary, the adventure had to come to an end eventually. After an informative and exciting last walk on the beach with a geologist where we looked for (and found) the fossilized remains of 330 million year old trees and plant life, Cath, Juliette and I headed back over the bridge to the mainland. We revisited our route and campsites for the way back to Ontario: ending in Wasaga Beach for the first two, and the airport for me.
Another gorgeous morning at McLaren campground, waiting for the sun to rise.Our last cocktail hour. My big goal for this trip was: that we are still on speaking terms at the end . Achieved!
My flights were blessedly uneventful. Which is about the best thing one can say about air travel, anymore. The airline did not give away my seat on the plane and deny me boarding; no one parted me from my luggage; nothing was stolen from me; no one asked me to give up my window seat so they could have it instead because of their poor planningclaustrophobia (Really, girl?!?! Uhhh, NOPE.)…see here for my woeful previous air travel experience, if you care to.
Stunning photos!! Wow that sunset with the Conf Bridge is worthy of wall space as is the fact that you guys had such an epic time and remained friends. Great adventures and in such a fabulous location. Looking forward to the food post — lobster I bet!! Bernie
I figured that. It will occur about the time I am trying to find some high tea and eating fish and chips. Maybe an eccles cake if I can find one. Bernie
I remember your last airline trip and I’m so happy this one was without stress or disappointment!
What a lovely trip. The photos are mesmerizing and I love that you and your friend were able to do this AND you are still friends. (I had no doubts, surely you didn’t either) The Minnie Winnie is the cutest thing ever!
It’s one thing to hear about your fabulous road trip, but another to see the great photos! What a wonderful experience!! My favourite photo is the one of the red cliffs. I had forgotten how red PEI soil really was!
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what your mileage was when it was all over?
Hi, Deb – I am delightged that you had such a wonderful trip. Your photos are beautiful Speaking of those photos – has Bowser seen them? just sayin! <3
Your trip looks gorgeous and sounds like it was lots of fun. My gorgeous god-dog is a miniature poodle whose name is Miss Jessica. She also is most unhappy when her mother leaves her with me, although fortunately doesn’t hit those levels of sound!
Stunning photos!! Wow that sunset with the Conf Bridge is worthy of wall space as is the fact that you guys had such an epic time and remained friends. Great adventures and in such a fabulous location. Looking forward to the food post — lobster I bet!! Bernie
Thank you, Bernie
Food post coming up next week!
I figured that. It will occur about the time I am trying to find some high tea and eating fish and chips. Maybe an eccles cake if I can find one. Bernie
Gorgeous gallery
Thank you, Sheree
Aww lovely trip. The sunset looks like molten gold pouring over the sea. Love trips like this.
Me too! Thank you, Alison
GORGEOUS! I love your photos, itinerary, and your “big goal” for the trip
. I can relate to that goal. So glad you had a fabulous time, Deb! 
Hehehe! I set the bar real low so I always have a fantastic time
. Thank you, Natalie 
How absolutely fabulous. The sunsets! The scenery! The beach cocktails! The poodles!
And ooh la la, your friend’s house! Looks like an amazing trip…
Yes, it was all that and more! Thank you, Rivergirl
What glorious pics. Glad you had such a good time in my part of the world!
It’s such a beautiful part- if we didn’t have a good time we’d have only ourselves to blame! Thank you, Jane
Sounds like a fun time!
And it was! Thank you, Kate
Looks like a beautiful and peaceful trip (minus the barking
What a lovely trip you had!
Thank you, Kari
I remember your last airline trip and I’m so happy this one was without stress or disappointment!
What a lovely trip. The photos are mesmerizing and I love that you and your friend were able to do this AND you are still friends. (I had no doubts, surely you didn’t either) The Minnie Winnie is the cutest thing ever!
Thank you, Suz
I’m very happy about this trip and especially no additional air travel trauma!
It’s one thing to hear about your fabulous road trip, but another to see the great photos! What a wonderful experience!! My favourite photo is the one of the red cliffs. I had forgotten how red PEI soil really was!
Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know what your mileage was when it was all over?
I don’t know the mileage but I know someone who does! Let me ask her and get back to you. Thank you, my friend
Hi, Deb – I am delightged that you had such a wonderful trip. Your photos are beautiful Speaking of those photos – has Bowser seen them? just sayin! <3
Bowser is not impressed that there was another dog in my life for 3 weeks, as you might imagine
. Thank you, Donna 
What a fabulous vacation! You hit the jackpot with a friend like that. Beautiful sunsets, but that sea weed-covered rock wins the photo prize.
– Marty
Thanks, Marty
I love that photo too!
Your trip looks gorgeous and sounds like it was lots of fun. My gorgeous god-dog is a miniature poodle whose name is Miss Jessica. She also is most unhappy when her mother leaves her with me, although fortunately doesn’t hit those levels of sound!
That’s good (especially for the ear drums
). Thank you, Debs 
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