The Sunday Schnauzer – How Is This Even Comfortable Part Two?

In case you missed it, here is Part One.

Now, THIS is what comfortable looks like. To me, at least.
What in dog’s name is this?
Well, he’s definitely sleeping.
Oops, sorry. I’ll take my camera and get lost now.

Have yourself a comfortable weekend!

Rock on,

The WB

26 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – How Is This Even Comfortable Part Two?

    1. Me too! With the foot -for temperature regulation…I think I used to hang my head over the side when I was a kid. Probably because I was looking for a head rush or something 😂. Thanks, Janis 💕

  1. debscarey

    I guess he’s just demonstrating that dogs are superior beings to us humans… and that they also do it while looking cute af 😉

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