Big Birthday Celebration: A Tale Of Two Teas

Last weekend I hit a major milestone birthday – well, according to our government that is! I turned 65, which is the traditional “age of retirement” still, here in Canada.

Woohoo! I can look forward to my Old Age Security cheque every month now, starting in August. It’s not near enough for a person to actually live on, but it will be something for those of us who no longer garner a paycheque. When I retired from my career officially at age 60, I opted to take my Canada Pension Plan (a benefit available to all Canadians who have paid into the plan during their working lives) early because of a few good reasons – the main one being that my early CPP plus my existing survivor benefit (for being a widow of a working Canadian) meant I was pretty close to my maximum payout already, so why not?! And I have not regretted for one minute my decision to retire early!

My daughter had made plans to treat me to High Tea at the Empress, in Victoria, on my actual birthdate so I had a girly splurge at the local mall the day before – purchasing a new silk top, a new lipstick at the MAC counter, and some new jewellery. Happy birthday to ME, LOL!

Interestingly (to me, anyways), this statement necklace is made from recycled aluminum. Which makes it quite lightweight and thus easier to wear.
My beautiful daughter.
Getting ready to enjoy our tea tray and extra special tea blend (more on that later!)
Close up of some of the sweets.
Complimentary glass of prosecco rosé delivered by our waiter, Raymond.

Because the hotel knew it was my birthday, I was given some very special gifts including a sachet of their Empress blend tea (to take home), a delicious glass of bubbly, AND a pot of very premium tea – all on the house! The tea (regularly $18 a pot, on top of the cost of the High Tea itself) was absolutely wonderful – beautifully fragrant and a delight on the tongue – so of course I headed to the Fairmont Store right afterwards to source some to take home. Imagine my shock when I found out it was $99 for 2 ounces of Madame Butterfly!

Luckily (?) I can get over a shock quite quickly and easily 😉 so in the true spirit of YOLO: YES – I bought the damn tea! I reasoned it was the equivalent of buying a very fine bottle of wine or spirits, so out came the credit card. I also purchased the other blend we selected for our high tea – Lady Londonderry (at $18.95, a veritable steal…).

This is looking more and more like the equivalent of a very fine wine, indeed! (The flowers described on the label are jasmine, which gives the tea its heavenly fragrance as well as contributing to the taste.)
To be opened and enjoyed the next time I host Book Club.
Lady Londonderry ingredients. I have lemon balm and calendula growing in my garden…hmm, getting ideas 🤔.

As if I wasn’t spoiled enough already, my good friend and fellow blogger Donna wanted to treat me to a day at Butchart Gardens including THEIR high tea! Who am I to say no to two high teas only 3 days apart?!

We got the best outside table in the place, overlooking the owners’ private garden.
Another guest kindly took our photo.
This tea started with individual trifles! Photo by Donna.
The Butchart Gardens tea tray.
Including a special chocolate birthday medallion!

After that delicious meal, Donna and I valiantly tried to walk some of it off around the gardens.

View looking down at the Sunken Garden.
One of many spectacular dahlias that took my breath away.

In comparing the two teas, they were equivalent in terms of quality of ingredients in my opinion. The Butchart Gardens tea tray seemed to give you more in terms of quantity as well as cost – the Empress high tea cost was almost double per person – but in the wise words of our waiter, Shane: Yes, but you had to pay to get into the Gardens in order to eat here…

The Empress provides a different sort of ambience – including a piano player tinkling away throughout our tea, and a gorgeous view of the Victoria Harbour and Parliament buildings…as well as the history of that grand hotel itself. Meanwhile the Gardens provided spectacular vistas and blooms everywhere you looked while enjoying their tea and later walking their paths. I couldn’t choose just one over the other, and luckily I didn’t have to!

If you are ever on the island (and celebrating a special occasion…or not!), I can highly recommend either of these venues. After all, YOLO!!!

And if you can’t find anyone to treat you, there’s always this wisdom from the Parks and Rec crew:

Rock on,

The WB

44 thoughts on “Big Birthday Celebration: A Tale Of Two Teas

  1. Happy Birthday to a very dear friend. I was honoured to be able to celebrate with you. What better way to celebrate than High Tea and a walk through a beautiful garden with an even more beautiful friend! <3

  2. Now that looks like an absolutely perfect way to celebrate a birthday. High teas, shopping, a dear friend and gardens.
    Jealous over those fabulous teas!

  3. I am so jealous of your high tea selections and, of course, of the experiences. I’m glad you bought the $99 tea. You only turn 65 once and it really is a special birthday when those retirement checks start coming. After looking it up online and seeing how it’s grown just three weeks per year high in the Fujian Mountains of China, I can see why it’s pricey. Did find a deal where you can get it for $79 if you subscribe which I won’t be doing. I’m not much of a tea drinker. It’s kind of how I know when I’m sick—when I crave it–or just need some a comforting reminder of my mom.

    1. I’m really glad I overcame my “sticker shock” and bought the tea too. For the reasons you mentioned! I never thought to look it up online, huh! Thank you, Jean 💕

  4. Happy, happy birthday! Congratulations on the pension check. My husband refers to his Canadian pension as “beer money.” Tea money sounds more like it!

  5. Karen L Barry

    You look wonderful and the food looks amazing but you forgot to include at least one picture of Bowser!

  6. Good for you for treating yourself to the tea. I’m not so sure I’d be sharing it at bookclub at that price. Just sayin’. Draw a bath, light some candles, play some nice background music and sip away… Happy Birthday. Sixty-five looks very good on you.

  7. What absolutely stellar celebrations you had! Both high teas look interesting, but alas, I don’t drink tea, but it turns out that would save me a bucket of money!

  8. debscarey

    Many happies Deb! I love an afternoon tea, and birthdays are best celebrated that way in my (clearly not so humble) opinion 🙂 So glad you decided to indulge yourself with some extra special tea. I rarely drink these days (although a glass of bubbly will generally tempt me) so I also splurge on good tea instead.

  9. Happy belated birthday my dear friend! I LOVE that you were doubly celebrated—it was much deserved. The High Tea at both places looks so fun and of course, with the best company.
    I agree with you: the splurge on the Tea is like buying a fine bottle of wine, but without any of the bad stuff. (alcohol) So why not enjoy it?
    The gardens are lovely, and SO are you! Cheers to your sixty fifth year. XOXO

  10. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – I saw this a while ago … and eventually realised I needed to/must comment (and not drool!) – how lucky having a birthday in August … and then getting two tea treats -they both look very tempting. That birthday top looks gorgeous, as too the necklace – then the tea goodies … lucky book club to enjoy anon. Butchart Gardens – a great place to spend some time …and wander around slowly working tea off! It’s a gorgeous place to visit … I have happy memories of visits there. Delightful to see your gorgeous daughter and then to see you with Donna … great choices – and that table overlooking the private garden. Cheers Hilary

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