Bowser’s daddy brought home something very interesting the other day.
What’s going on, Daddy?What’s Daddy getting out of the funny house he built?A young chicken! (This one has turned out to be the biggest and the boss chicken and I secretly call her Lady Buffy Buff Orpington of Orpington Hall 🤭).One of the Lady’s underlings. I think the grandkids have named this one Opal.
Bowser’s daddy brought home 3 seven week-old birds initially, and has since added 2 more to the flock. They are kinda easily spooked right now and thus hard to photograph. They are so young they don’t even cluck yet – they can only cheep cheep (which is adorable!!!).
Bowser’s rapt interest at anything that moves isn’t making the birds any more comfortable at the moment. However, they are protected from his curiosity in their fully enclosed coop and run.
Remember Bowser’s favourite toy – the totally denuded former soccer ball? I think we can all imagine this is what would happen if Bowser got hold of one of his new chicken friends. A livestock guardian dog he is not!
We hope you are enjoying a wonderful Sunday with your friends, chicken or otherwise.
Hi Deb – what fun to have around … albeit fenced in as Bowser’s around … his nose is out of joint I guess … great additions to the ‘estate’ … cheers Hilary
I think Bowser making friends with any birds is a pipe dream at best. He has a pretty strong prey drive and tries to terrorize any little birds he sees on our walks. He can never catch them though, so that’s good. I don’t see the chickens outrunning him so I hope if they ever get loose they fly up into the trees. Thanks, Sharon 💕
Yup, chickens and soccer balls would have a lot in common in Bowser’s mouth. It’s almost the same color as he is. He probably thinks it’s one of his litter mates. hehehe
Yeah, I doubt it would be pretty, funny or cute! The feathers would be flying and Bowser would take a beating too from those beaks and clawed feet. Thanks, Natalie 💕
Omgosh. My daughter bought some chickens – just for the eggs. One for everybody in the family. My daughter’s chicken is Betty and Betty loves just sitting on my daughter’s lap. Lol.
I’m not sure we can technically still call that a ball… but yes. I’m glad the chickens are well protected.
Me too! Yeah, technically not a ball!!! 🤣 Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
Hi Deb – what fun to have around … albeit fenced in as Bowser’s around … his nose is out of joint I guess … great additions to the ‘estate’ … cheers Hilary
He is mesmerized by the chickens, at times. It’s gonna be interesting 🤔. Thanks, Hilary 💕
Hi Deb – I gather there’s been a birthday … happy days; perhaps Bowser will get hypnotised by them … ?! Enjoy – cheers Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕. Yes, it was my birthday on Saturday #65.
Sounds like fun! I hope it all works out ok.
Me too!!! So far, so good. Thanks, Kate 💕
Haha, oh boy he’s laser focused for sure 😂 Lets hope he makes friends with them so everyone can relax a little ❤
I think Bowser making friends with any birds is a pipe dream at best. He has a pretty strong prey drive and tries to terrorize any little birds he sees on our walks. He can never catch them though, so that’s good. I don’t see the chickens outrunning him so I hope if they ever get loose they fly up into the trees. Thanks, Sharon 💕
Yup, chickens and soccer balls would have a lot in common in Bowser’s mouth. It’s almost the same color as he is. He probably thinks it’s one of his litter mates. hehehe
I wish that’s what he would think!!! But I’m afraid he thinks they are pretty cool toys – they move and make noises 🤣. Thanks, Jean 💕
Wise to keep them penned in
Yes! They wouldn’t last long otherwise, I fear. Thanks, Sheree 💕
Our neighbors have just got chickens. Their dog wants to kill them. It’s a standoff.
It’s a tale as old as time…sigh. Thanks, Dawn 💕
Drama! Well, hopefully not. But I see future blog fodder in the making. 😉 – Marty
Could be, could be 🤔🤣. I hope it’s clownery rather than drama though! Thanks, Marty 💕
How fun, and love the photos! One can only imagine what would happen if not for that fence. 🫣💜
Yeah, I doubt it would be pretty, funny or cute! The feathers would be flying and Bowser would take a beating too from those beaks and clawed feet. Thanks, Natalie 💕
Dogs and chickens don’t mix…long story in my childhood.
Oh boy! That’s probably some childhood trauma right there 😱. Thanks, Bernie 💕
Yep, indeed. 3 days worth!
Yay for chickens! Yay for keeping them away from Bowsers mouth! 🤣
Omgosh. My daughter bought some chickens – just for the eggs. One for everybody in the family. My daughter’s chicken is Betty and Betty loves just sitting on my daughter’s lap. Lol.
We’re hoping for eggs too! I would love a lap chicken!!! Thanks, Mimi 💕