The Sunday Schnauzer – Dog Math

I’ve been working for a while now at the Come Command with Bowser. (With Schnauzers, it DO take a while. They are stubborn creatures. IYKYK!). He is pretty good at responding (and quickly) now that he knows there are treats involved. Usually.

Bowser, come! Running hell bent for leather, anticipating a reward.
Now that I’ve got your full attention… Pardon the dirty fingers. I did a spontaneous trash pick up on this walk. I usually plan these things better, and pack gloves to wear.
Nom nom.
Bowser’s Dog Math: only 1 treat instead of 2 = no treat given; treats fall to ground and not eaten out of hand = no treat given; one treat falls to ground and one eaten out of hand = no treat given. If you think your dog can’t do math, try showing him 4 treats and only give him 3.
Camera focused on proper “person” now! Get a load of that steely gaze. What focus! What concentration!
This walk’s trash haul. I can only pick up the small items and I only stopped gathering because the bag is full. Sad.
I also found a cell phone on this walk. Thanks to the power of social media, it was quickly reunited with its rightful owner.
The morning’s exciting (snacks!!!) walk over; time for a snuggle and a nap. When are you joining me on the couch, Oma?

We hope you are having an exciting weekend, with lots of snacks.

Rock on,

The WB

30 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Dog Math

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – well the phone person presumably was a very happy lost phone person! Bowser and treats … ah well – he’ll always win somehow. Good for you for collecting the rubbish – people are irresponsible … cheers and fun week ahead … Hilary

  2. Bowser is a cutie and a smarty, thanks to Oma’s love and training. Of course, he can do Math. Yes, sad about the trash, and you are awesome for gathering, Deb. 💕Erica

  3. I don’t understand hikers who leave trash behind. You’d think of all people they’d enjoy seeing nature without the signs others have been there before them.

    Dogs do now math! Have you thought about teaching him with the talking buttons or would rather not know what Bowser is thinking at any given time? If I still had a dog I think I’d do it for the basic—maybe 10 or 20 words but not go crazy like some do with 100 or so.

    1. I think it is underage kids partying and tearing up the trails on their quads and motorbikes that leave the trash behind. I guess there is an age where caring about the environment is not cool. Or doing anything that adults might want/expect/tell you to do. Hopefully they outgrow this. I’ve never thought about the talking buttons. I guess I’d rather not have the fantasy that I can read his mind shattered 🤣. Thanks, Jean 💕

  4. Oh I remember trying to teach my baby to ‘come’ when called – it was difficult at best even with treats!! And they absolutely can do math, they know when you’re holding back LOL! Look at that stare, such concentration ❤

    1. Remember this for future posts: whenever you see Bowser perfectly still and posed, it’s because I am holding both the camera and a treat in my hand 🤣. Oh, you know dogs well, Sharon! Thanks 💕

  5. Bobi

    Didn’t even notice the dirty hands with that adorable face front and center! 😍 😊After he masters ‘come,’ will he be heading to kayaking class?😁😂

    1. I would love that, but I haven’t figured out how to fit him in my sea kayak. If I used a lake kayak, he would definitely have room to come aboard. Thanks, Bobi 💕

  6. Love this in so many ways, Deb! Bowser and my Maxie could’ve been twins. If any dog is a math master, it’s a smart and stubborn schnauzer.
    Now, if only people could be smart and stop trashing our parks and trails. Good for you, Deb. Rock on, WB! 💜🙌🏾

  7. We are so alike, I also can’t just take a walk and not clean up at the same time. Multi-tasking is in our DNA.

    I had a nice laugh at Bowser’s Math Skills; he’s no dummy.

    1. Bowser is the smartest “person” in the room, most of the time. He doesn’t sweat the small stuff, rests when he’s tired, and finds creative ways to amuse himself and get happy (usually at my expense)…along with being a math genius 😉. I try to limit my dedicated trail walk cleanups to once a month but inevitably I bring home SOMETHING for the trash/recycle bin just about every time. Thanks, Suz 💕

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