The Sunday Schnauzer – A West Coast Mother’s Day

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day in this part of the world, and the family and house guests headed out to Jack Point for the afternoon. Bowser’s daddy and his bestie had gone out early in the morning to set some crab traps in the deeper water. They were hunting Dungeness crabs.

Now the tide was out and it was time to retrieve the traps and hopefully find some male crabs inside that were big enough to keep.

They put the boats in the water in the estuary, and are making their way to the open ocean to retrieve the traps.

Meanwhile, the women (and Bowser) made our way up the trail to find a picnic spot.

Spot found, and Bowser-approved. You may notice Bowser is sporting a new “do” – trimmed quite short for the summer weather to come.
Bowser sees something in the blue camas.
In the Coast Salish calendar, May is known as the Moon of the Blue Camas. Blue Camas bulbs are a traditional food of the first peoples of this area.
Bowser and I kept watch for the guys to return with the traps.
Bowser had lots of fun exploring the area.
Luck! Quite a few legal-sized crabs were in the traps so a fire was built on the beach and the crabs met their end in boiling water. Here are some of the cooked crabs.
Someone thought crab is delicious, and kept trying to snatch mine out of my hands as I was getting it out of the shell. Here’s Bowser’s daddy giving Bowsie his share.
A tummy full of crab makes one sleepy.
After a fabulous lunch of crab, crackers and fresh veggies, the day clouded over and the wind picked up. So we packed up, and headed back home. But not before taking a mother/daughter shot in front of a sign that seemed written directly about ye olde blogge’s main attraction…LOL!

We hope you had a fabulous weekend and Mother’s Day as well.

Rock on,

The WB

P.S. the next day Bowser treated me to an afternoon of very stinky and silent crab farts 💨 😫. Oh well, I still love his smelly ole butt!

33 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – A West Coast Mother’s Day

  1. Carol van de Water

    What a great thing to do. The crab looked delicious and I love Bowsers new cut. Especially love the smiling mother daughter pic. Two beautiful women.

    1. Thanks, Jean 💕. We were careful not to let him eat all he wanted and he certainly did not get to enjoy the garlic butter we brought along. Mini schnauzers can be prone to pancreatitis although none of mine ever got it. Did Levi ever suffer from it?

  2. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – ha ha … dog food, not crabs for humans. Those are an amazing size – gosh I do love them … your family Mother’s Day outing sounds perfect – good weather early on too … Smart chap is Bowser – he’s got himself into a brilliant loving home – and he does look handsome … cheers Hilary

    1. It was a perfect day, starting out browsing at a local outdoor market – then a fresh crab boil at the ocean – then gelato cones in town. Bowser is a pretty smart dog, that’s for sure 🤣. Thanks, Hilary 💕

    1. Bowser is the canine equivalent of a garbage can. Last week he was trying to eat the crap dug out of the rain gutters (decomposing fir needles) 🤣. At least crab meat looks, tastes and smells appetizing! Thank you very much, Ally 💕

  3. What a wonderful Mother’s Day! Loved hearing about the crab adventure and Bowser’s fun day. Those crabs look delicious. Bowser’s new haircut is adorable! Thanks for sharing your day.

  4. Crab Farts: The gift that keeps on giving. LOL!
    I love the pic of you and your lovely daughter; glad you were treated to a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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