The Sunday Schnauzer – Cuddles at Oma’s House

My daughter and Bowser came over one afternoon a couple of weeks ago, and a snugglefest photo shoot ensued.

More, more, more!
We are laughing because we were always just missing Bowser at his cutest and he just wouldn’t perform for the camera like we wanted him too.

We hope you are having lots of giggly snuggles this weekend.

Rock on,

The WB

18 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Cuddles at Oma’s House

  1. I swear you got my Levi reincarnated! Schnauzers must stick close to their ancestral quirks and foibles. My groomer specialized in the breed and one time he had three siblings in the place at the same time and I could not tell them apart. Calling Levi’s name didn’t even help, they’d all react. The groomer was smart, though, he’d put a different colored nail polish on one toe nail on each dog as they got dropped off.

  2. Awwww, how sweet! Love the giggling. My sister was here from AL for 2 weeks. She and Penny fell in love. It’s like they are soulmates. Sister left for home this morning and Penny is sleeping on my feet as if to make sure someone else doesn’t disappear.

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