I have a bin of clean socks in my closet, that is Bowser-accessible. When he wanders out of sight, I can usually find him in my bedroom, having helped himself to a pair of them.

We hope you are staying out of trouble this weekend!
Rock on,
The WB
I have a bin of clean socks in my closet, that is Bowser-accessible. When he wanders out of sight, I can usually find him in my bedroom, having helped himself to a pair of them.
We hope you are staying out of trouble this weekend!
Rock on,
The WB
I think he needs his own box of socks.
Bowser thinks he already has one, clearly! 🤣 Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
He is undeniably cute!
His saving grace! Thanks, Sheree 💕
He has good taste in colors!
Someone does 😉. Thanks, Kate 💕
So much cheaper than having him ruin slippers. Levi wouldn’t wait for Don to take off his socks. When he felt like playing he’d just help himself to the socks Don was wearing. Like you said, it’s a good thing these little guys are cute.
Isn’t it though?!?! 🤣 Thanks, Jean 💕
Our Lucky once ate an entire riding boot. Minus the sole. He wasn’t cute enough for that.
Holey crap! Those things ain’t cheap!!! No one is cute enough for that. Thanks, Bernie 💕
That innocent face would work if he wasn’t holding the evidence. 😂😂
So true! Thanks, Bobi 💕
I am not sure our daughter ever forgave him! They were her favourites!!
So cute… but I think I’d find a cover for that bin. 🙂
Good idea! Thanks, Janis 💕
Hahahaha! That face… “who me?” Such a cutie, hard to be mad ❤
Impossible to be mad! Thanks, Sharon 💕
Now if you can only teach him to pick out matching pairs….
Penny steals socks too, out of the clean laundry, out of the dirty laundry pile, random socks just laying around the living room. Tonight I tossed some placemats in the washing machine, then left the laundry room to go get more dirty laundry and came back to find 2 of the placemats in the living room with one very happy puppy. Apparently she’s branching out.
🤣 Penny has Bowser beat! Clearly an overachiever 😉. Thanks, Dawn 💕
Deb, it’s like you practically invited him INTO the bin! HA.
My girls love to find dirty socks and leave them all over the house.
Yep, I know! I thought the curtain would keep him out but that only worked for a few days. The devil always find work for idle …er…snouts 😂. Thanks, Suz 💕