Read about Part 1, here.
Funny story about my fireplace…I can’t have a wood-burning or gas fireplace where I live so that leaves me with electric as the only other option. I’ve had an electric fireplace before, and it was…OK. Pretty, but noisy to run and very obviously fake flames. So last winter I researched electric fireplaces and decided that the Dimplex Revillusion fireplace was the realest fake on the market and the one I was most interested in. However, it is not to be found IRL (in real life) anywhere near where I live. I didn’t want to buy one sight-unseen as they are not cheap. So I shelved the idea and went on to other projects (of which you might rightfully guess I have many! 😉).
Then I went back to Ontario in June to attend a special event for a friend’s daughter and while I was there I visited my good friends Kenn and Jonathan (who now live in my old apartment, above their museum). They show me all the changes they have wrought in my old place (all magnificent!) and lo and behold they had built an electric fireplace into a wall of bookshelves and IT. IS. THE. DIMPLEX. REVILLUSION. I practically screamed when I saw it. (Another funny story: they had also bought the exact same washer/dryer unit as I did. Can you believe it? What are the chances???).
Anywho, I got to see it in action and was convinced it was the unit for me. So I ordered one in late August.
Now I had to find a mantle to fit around the firebox. I went to good ol’ Facebook Marketplace and searched and searched. Nothing would fit it exactly. Then I found one that almost fit…and it was FREE. What did I have to lose? I could try to fix it and if I failed… well, it was FREE! I picked it up.

I had to remove the shelf in order to fit the firebox so that means I needed a new front piece. I went to Home Depot to buy a piece of wood and the helpful guy in the lumber area suggested a piece from the “FREE pile” (did you know they had one???) and he cut the perimeter to fit. So far so good! My expensive firebox is getting enclosed in a free mantle with a free front piece. Whee!!!

And here’s where it started getting expensive…Home Depot couldn’t cut out the inner piece to make it snugly accommodate the firebox so I ended up buying a jigsaw so I could do it myself ($75). And then I bought some peel and stick stone tile to decorate the front (2 x $60).

And then I stupidly bought way too much paint for this project ($85). But I was able to use it for the long overdue painting of my 2nd hand drop leaf dining table, and I will also use it to paint some other 2nd hand cabinets I have (yet another future project…sigh).

I am so pleased at how this turned out. The DIY gods were certainly smiling down at me for this project. Or maybe it was Beginner’s Luck. I hope I am this lucky with my next project: The Cloffice. Stay tuned!
Rock on,
The WB
p.s. for those wanting to know without doing the actual math:
My FREE mantle ended up costing:
- $75 for the jigsaw
- $120 for the peel and stick tile
- $85 for paint
- Priceless: pride and satisfaction
Grand total: $280
Hi Deb – well all I can say is brilliant – you’ve done a wonderful job … amazing and so clever – it all looks very cozeeee and very happy and cheerful. Clever you … love it – so good to see you making do with the freebies, as well as having those coincidences in Ontario – life’s like that at times. Cheers and happy winter days – Bowser will be a happy boy! Enjoy the comfort – Hilary
Bowser and I have certainly been enjoying the comfort of the fireplace. Thanks so much, Hilary 💕
I’m seriously impressed, the while room looks so cosy.
Thank you very much, Sheree 💕 Cosy is always the goal!
Deb, your room looks so cozy and inviting. Great job on the fireplace! Does it emit heat? I love the granite/slate and the detail on the front really stands out more after being painted. Nice finishing touch to cut out the base to fit snuggly against the wall. Very professional! Have fun with that new jigsaw. Just think of all the new projects you can create for yourself.
Yes, it gives off pleasant heat – much needed for our damp winters! I’ve got too many projects simmering in my brain already and yes, now the jigsaw opens up more possibilities 🤣. Thanks, Suzanne 💕
I am beyond jealous of your handyman abilities. Those are some mad skills girlfriend! It looks positively beautiful and professionally done. I’ve always been tempted to try those peel and stick stone things. What’s the texture like? Does it feel like stone…
It does feel like stone because it IS a thin layer of real stone. My mad skills came from watching a few YouTube videos. My mantra when it comes to stuff like this has always been “Well, if a man can do it how hard can it be?”😉 I realize I lack the strength of a man but there are workarounds for that too. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
How do you cut those peel and stick stones?
I forgot to add the snips I needed to buy for this project! Damn, that’s another $20 towards the mantle. They were called aviation or all-purpose snips.
Okay. Thanks!
That is seriously good looking! Great job.
Thank you very much, Kate 💕 I kinda surprised myself with this one.
Oh my, you are just like my sister, fearless! I have never used a jig saw. If YOU could cut the material to fit, how is it that Home Depot could not? Regardless, you have an additional skill! I love the fireplace, the color, the tile and the “fire!”
The saw at the Home Depot is this huge programmable contraption on a wall that can only make long straight cuts from end to end on a piece of wood. It couldn’t stop and pivot in another direction. The only thing it can do apparently is cut big pieces of wood into smaller ones for customers. Thanks, Dawn 💕
Absolutely gorgeous. Excellent work.
Thank you very much, Bobi 💕
That is gorgeous! The room looks so cozy.
Thank you, Sheila 💕 Cozy is what I go for.
You did a great job! Those tiles are so rich looking and the whole unit looks perfectly proportioned to the room. Even the TV size looks good. If it were the same width of the fire place it could look too matchy, matchy on that end of the room. You could try using some different color lamp shades to draw the colors in the fireplace stones upward and outward. Jigsaws are fun. You’ll find other uses for it. Love how you’re not afraid to tackle DIY projects.
Jean, you guessed another one of my projects – I bought fabric paint a while back to paint the shades on the sconces! 🤭 I just haven’t landed on the colour or the design I want yet.
I thought adding bookshelves on either side of the mantle (and making them look built in to the fireplace unit) would help balance out the wall but building bookshelves is a whole ‘nother level of DIY that I’m not sure I have the skills for. Yet! Thank you 💕
You should be very proud of yourself!! Well done. Cool that you had a good visit with your old landlords.
I was their landlord, Bernie. Then I sold my building (the former Post Office) to the city, and my former (now the city’s) tenants took over the whole building. Thanks! 💕 I am kinda proud of how this project turned out!
Oops! I was backward – not such an unusual occurrence! I wanted a wood burning fireplace but couldn’t have one, and I adore the gas one. It’s so easy!
I would’ve opted for gas I think, if it was available in my area.
I think electric fires have come along ways. I know gas ones have.
Hey Deb! Very impressive! Your fireplace looks awesome and you can be extremely proud at a job well done. And I looked back at part ! of your renovation project and I’m also impressed that you stayed sane while having your place worked on so much in the last year. I would go CRAZY having my place torn up like that! Things are looking great and I would like to see a complete “before” and “after” post when it is all complete! ~Kathy
Thanks, Kathy 💕 I’m not that good at taking remembering to take “before” pictures but I really should! Luckily I could stay at my daughter’s when my kitchen and flooring was being done so I escaped most of the insanity.
Your new fireplace looks great! You do good work (with Bowser’s help, of course). The slate… ummm… granite looks exactly like the slate (not granite) we have in various areas of our front and back yard hardscape.
Really? I always think of granite as a much more solid, more highly polished stone. I stand corrected! Thanks, Janis 💕
I was actually agreeing with you. Our slate looks like your “granite.” I think the name for the peel and stick product should have been weathered slate. But, either way, it’s lovely.
Oops, I read your comment wrong…and I’m glad! I was seriously doubting my slate-sussing skills there – wondering how I could have confused the two. Thanks for letting me know, Janis! 💕
Like others have said before me, you have developed some seriously impressive handywoman skills. I’m in constant awe of your can-do attitude!! 💕
Well, I chalk it up to my impatience and frugality. I want everything done on my timeline and I don’t want to spend a lot of money on handymen unless I absolutely have to! Thus a handywoman is born 🤣. Thank you, my friend 💕
I love how connected you are to your two friends!
Your fireplace looks exactly like the one a friend gave us years ago. Our built-in fireplace is gas, and the line needs to be repaired, which will cost thousands of dollars. So, last winter, we brought up our electric fireplace from the basement and placed it in front of our regular fireplace, and it works perfectly! I’ll have to look into the brand.
I love that room! It is absolutely perfect in every way. ❤️
It’s kinda amazing, isn’t it? Now if only Kenn and Jonathan could transfer the rest of their good taste to me 😉. Wouldn’t that be funny if you had a Revillusion too?! Thanks, Kari 💕
I looked and it isn’t. 🤣
You have lovely taste. 🖤
Hi, Deb – You are my hero! Your new fireplace and cozy living room area are perfect. I don’t know how you do it all but I am very impressed that you do! <3
Thank you very much, Donna 💕
Wow! Beautiful job! I am so impressed with your many skills inside and outside, Deb. Lovely, warm home ❤️
Thank you very much, Natalie 💕
Marketplace is the best. Lots of free stuff.
I’ve gotten some good stuff from there! Thanks, Ann 💕
My DIY and renovating days are long over, but I doff my cap to you for your work with that fireplace. You may find some bookshelves on FB Marketplace which you can work your magic on. No need to start from scratch when you’ve gone skills to make something new out of something old as you did so well with that fire surround (I suspect this may already be your plan 😀 ).
You suspect right, Debs! Thank you very much 💕
Wonderful project. It looks pretty and professional. What a learning experience, though.
I wonder if it is a curse or a blessing that my first project went that well 🤔. I seem to have caught the DIY bug. Thank you, Ally 💕
$280 for your mantle is still a bargain, right? It looks so lovely! I love your creativity and gusto to make this happen; it’s a lovely centerpiece for your room.
How funny about your friends with your dream fireplace and they copied your washer/dryer? Stalkers maybe? KIDDING!
Yes, still very much a bargain! I’m just hoping this means some of Kenn and Jonathan’s good taste and style has rubbed off on me 😉. Thank you, Suz 💕
I really don’t even want to know what an electric fireplace looks like or does. But your mantle and slate look great.
It’s basically a space heater in drag. Thank you very much, Kieran 💕