The Sunday Schnauzer – Oma Is Away, Again

Bowser here. Oma is away again on another of her vacations. Mommy says she is on the west coast of the island, doing some broken kayaking….no, wait…kayaking around the Broken Islands.

So I am a bit lonely for her. But I have the rest of my pack taking me on adventures (take that, Oma!) so that is helping a lot.

Helping the pack fish and catch crabs at Roberts Memorial Park. I was here before, when I was a young pup – see this post.

I hope you are helping your pack out this weekend.

Rock on,

The Bowz 🐾

p.s. Mommy says Oma probably doesn’t have internet or even cell coverage (whatever those things are) where she is, so she won’t be able to reply to any comments for a couple of days.

21 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Oma Is Away, Again

    1. I was missing him (and the rest of the pack) while away. Especially when our boat captain brought his little dog along with us – he was so cute! This little guy would bark like crazy every time Captain Gary anchored the boat – and only then! Buddy had a problem with the anchor itself for some weird reason 🤷‍♀️. Thanks, Janis 💕

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – Bowser is a delight … as are you!!! Looking forward to news re your trip – he’s a lucky pup … with two families to spend time with … cheers Hilary

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