What’s On Your Plate Blog Challenge – It Came Out Of A Jar Edition

🎵Summertime….and the living is easy BUSY🎵

All of this stuff is happening around Chez Badass, all at the same time. The weather has been hot and super sunny, the garden is going gangbusters, the grandkids are here, nature is calling, the wild berries are ripening, AND I am undergoing some long awaited renovations (of my 2nd bathroom and my entryway). Whew!

What’s a gal to do, with all this mayhem happening ALL at the same time? Turn to the pantry (or in this case, her daughter’s pantry 😉), that’s what to do!

I had some long-suffering frozen shrimp thawing in the fridge and we combined that with a jar of sauce, some frozen mango chunks, chopped onions, and these babies:

Fresh picked pole beans from my backyard!
Languishing jar of sauce, from my daughter’s pantry. I’ve been disappointed by jarred sauces before, so my expectations were non-existent low.
Simmering it all together. Looking (and smelling) good so far!
Dear Readers, it was unexpectedly amazingly delicious. The fam came trooping through the back garden gate – lured by the pleasing aromas wafting from the kitchen – and everyone enjoyed this hastily put together masterpiece! Now, please excuse me while I make an emergency run to the store to pick up more sauce…🤣.

So that’s it for me, for this month! Please join my co-host Donna (she lost the golf game but won at dinner!) and me in sharing what’s been on your plate lately!

Here’s the Link Party deets if you care to join the party that way:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Otherwise, I hope to see you in the Comments!

Rock on,

The WB

44 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate Blog Challenge – It Came Out Of A Jar Edition

    1. It’s wonderful! I have beans in the freezer, beans that I have pickled, beans that I have given away, and still have fresh to eat every day 😁. Thank you 💕

  1. hilarymb

    Hi Debs – I do make that sort of dish occasionally … but usually don’t have the garden veg around – but make do with good quality other ones. Looks good though – my August ones will be food x 4 or 5! Cheers Hilary

  2. m2muse

    Winner! Winner! I have no aversion to pre-made sauces. Anything that makes meal prep easier. I used a jarred VH sweet Thai chili sauce on a noodle bowl this week – orzo noodles, Italian sausage, carrots, kale. Delish. I preserved 6 qts of beans this week awa 5 pts of mustard beans. I need to pick the kale this morning. Love fresh garden produce.

  3. That looks so yummy! I picked up a couple of jars (cuz you can’t buy a single jar of anything at Costco) of Yai’s Thai Yellow Coconut Curry sauce the other day and it was pretty darn good. I don’t know if I can find the sauce you used in the U.S. but I’m going to look. As far as I’m concerned, tasty and easy is a clear winner!

  4. Looks delish, Deb! Sorry but nothing special from me as this is serious moving week. Catch as catch can meals – you know the drill! Coming next: trying to fit essentials into a too-small kitchen. The worst bit! But I’ve already got some Jamaican recipes & the library has a great book ready for me to pick up… so prep those taste buds for a report next time!

  5. Hey Deb! It does look tasty…and I am NOT above making dinner with a little “help” now and then. While I don’t mind cooking for the most part, if there is more important and/or fun, exciting things to do I have no problem using the jar. Especially when you add a few fresh things in there. I think we all need to do “no stress cooking” when and if it is the best thing to do! ~Kathy

  6. Pingback: food encounters in Ipoh – Touring My Backyard

  7. Summer is all about highlighting the garden produce and that’s what you’ve done. I think I’d take a copy of that recipe seems I have beans galore

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