Some of you may have surmised from Bowser’s complaining recent posts on ye olde blogge that I have been away on a holiday. Yes! For the first time since the pandemic started in 2020, I left Canada once again for Barbados. But first I spent a lovely bunch of days with my friend Joanne in Ontario. Who graciously lent me full use of her closet and laundry facilities so that I could travel with only carry-on luggage despite needing to dress for full-on winter as well as full-on summer temps.

Of course we hiked!

One of many exciting things (to me, anyways) we did while I was at Joanne’s was drop into her local library to get me a Toronto Public Library membership. I’ve been wanting one for years, ever since I saw what my Barbados buddy (CJ) could borrow online.

As a non-resident of Toronto, I had to pay (gladly) yet also appear in person in order to get my card. Which makes no sense to me…why couldn’t I just subscribe online since I am paying for the privilege anyways???? Why do I have to show up and prove where I live?!?! Just SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. Hopefully now that I have the card I can renew online since the volume and access to digital items far surpasses what my local library has on offer.
All too soon my time with Joanne was over and I headed out to meet up with CJ, to catch yet another plane, this time to Barbados!

New this time: a decrepit, abandoned hotel along the boardwalk had been taken down and the property cleared for redevelopment. The privacy fence along the property has been turned into a beautiful, beachside outdoor art gallery. Which provided me with inspiration and additional food for my soul every morning.

Unfortunately, one week into our two week stay CJ needed to fly back home due to a medical emergency involving a family member. I offered to fly home with her but she wouldn’t hear of it. (Thankfully the crisis passed and the patient was successfully discharged from hospital after CJ returned. Still, CJ was glad she cut her vacation short to be in attendance and provide support.)
This left me on my own for the 2nd week of the vacation. I kept myself busy with snorkeling, beach walking, exploring, and plenty of people-watching!

Another visitor to the patio:

And just when I thought the whistle frogs couldn’t be any tinier, this guy showed up:

After seeing this guy, I was very careful to watch where I walked, lest I accidentally step on one of these frogs (who look a lot like tiny pieces of debris!).
I had a very good second week. Except for all the rudeness I witnessed from hotel guests directed at hotel staff. I don’t remember so many people being so rude and such whiny ass entitled complainers from previous visits. Perplexing, to say the least. You’re on vacation, people! CHILLAX.
Readers who have traveled since the pandemic: have you noticed the same thing? I let it suck a lot of the joy out of me (my bad). I can’t even imagine how the hotel staff put up with this shit. These workers all deserve instant sainthood.
At one point I was able to actually intervene on behalf of a manager being treated abominably by a guest. I knew she couldn’t say anything but I certainly could AND DID. I told the man he was being rude and asked him where his manners went, and he slunk off. I was kinda proud of myself because I am usually slow to react when these things happen around me, due to shock and surprise.
I was primed this time by all the rudeness I had been witnessing I guess, and when he barged into our conversation to make his stupid remarks about the manager’s long braids (Is your hair real? Is it a wig? If I tug on it, will I pull it off your head?) I let him have it. Definitely not sorry about it, either.
Here’s a couple more pretty beach pics to take the bad taste of that guest away…

Overall, it really was a wonderful 3 weeks! Two days of plane travel back to back (and 4 time zones) on the way back home proved to be quite exhausting though. I haven’t been that tired for a long, long time. So tired that I noticed my thinking was impaired enough to make me afraid to drive my car for my first couple of days at home.
It was great to go away and also great to come back home, even if I traded the warm sands of Barbados for this:

Have you resumed travelling abroad? Have you seen people who have apparently forgotten decent behaviour and manners like those I encountered on this trip? Let me know in the Comments please!
Rock on,
The WB
I have been keenly waiting for your trip report 😆 and it was well worth the anticipation! How fabulous you enjoyed both snow & sun-drenched sea on the same trip!
Sorry that your companion was called away – with fortunately a happy conclusion. Good on you for staying. And for standing up for the hotel manager. One would have thought that the pandemic would have encouraged us to be grateful to be holidaying again, but apparently, it has made tourists rude. Very sad.
We have not started travelling again. We have decided to take it slow. We are hoping that people will come our way or visit instead 🤪
I hope that people head your way soon! I don’t blame you for taking it slow. I made sure to bring (and wear) plenty of masks and hand sanitizer for the people-dense places like the planes. So far I am staying in good health. Thanks, Ju-Lyn 💕
A holiday of contrasts! I resumed travelling this time last year and it was wonderful. Been too many places to mention but then I do write about them all on my blog.
Thank you, Sheree 💕 I don’t know why I don’t get notifications of your posts and I will seek to remedy this.
Thanks but this happens on WP from time to time. Posts disappear from one’s timeline, you re-follow and nada. Then, months later, they pop back up again!
Hi Deb – it sounds like a wonderful trip – and am so pleased you got your Toronto library card – looking forward to your selections. Oh Bowser’s been talking to us … and asking where is she? Well now he’ll be so happy to have you back. Sounds like a great three weeks – just sad CJ had to go back … but obviously the right decision. Welcome home to the weather! Cheers – those sunny beach photos – look so enticing – cheers Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕 As good as it was, I’ve learned 3 weeks is the absolute upper limit of time I like to be away. With my new library card I’ve been able to instantly borrow books I’ve been waiting months for at my local library – woohoo!
Hi Deb – well lesson learnt … but yes the library card will make a difference – cheers – Hilary
Glorious! Love the Barbados photos. So glad you had a wonderful time! 😎☀️🌊❤️
Thank you, Natalie 💕
Absolutely beautiful! The beach walks, the tranquil waters, the frogs! Sorry the rude tourists sucked some joy from the trip but I’m glad you put at least one in their place. People can be such idiots.
Yes they can. And in unusually high numbers this trip. My last day especially was brutal. I witnessed 4 separate incidents within 2 hours (2 at breakfast; 2 while waiting in the lobby for my ride to the airport). It did make it a whole lot easier to leave though 😉. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
P.S…. I’m in awe that you can only take 2 backpacks for a long trip. I could do that for an overnight.
If you had seen the photos I saw of the recent luggage nightmares at Toronto’s Pearson airport, you might be similarly inspired! 😱
Oh, I’m inspired. I just couldn’t do it!
What glorious pics, Deb. I love the contrast between the beauty of your hikes in the snowy woods and the beauty of the beach in Barbados. Big applause for your response to the rude guy; I hope none of those rude tourists were Canadian! 😏 Btw, this is the first time I’ve noticed your Land Acknowledgment. I love it, hope you don’t mind if I add something similar on my site. 😊
No, none of them were Canadian. CJ and I met one Canadian couple on the beach. We surmised the woman was Canadian when she apologized to a tree root for tripping her and she confirmed her nationality to us (true story!!!) 🤣. Thank you, Jane 💕- you are the 2nd person to mention the land acknowledgement. Please add away, and if yours is better I am stealing it 😉.
Thanks for the tropical sunshine on this cold and windy day. We haven’t traveled any distance yet but it’s a combination of family health issues and ye old covid. Sounds like you had a great trip. I’m jealous of the warm weather, sunshine and of course the beach!
I’m jealous of myself right about now! This morning it’s -10C and we are supposed to get another dump of snow tomorrow. Rude!!! 😒 Thanks, Kate 💕
We have had an inch of snow all winter! You can keep it. If I can’t have it for Christmas I don’t want it in March!
Same girl, same!
What lovely images of the sea, sunrises, sunsets, and critters!
It was nice to see you and J together again on the trail.
I haven’t started traveling out of the country yet but, I want to!
Thank you, Deborah 💕 It was really great to spend time with Joanne and my friend CJ again! Friends make everything worthwhile.
💗 They do.
Thanks Deborah! It was so nice to spend time with Deb again 💕
The photo “Sunset with Palms” is amazing… should be a painting!
That view is what you think of when you imagine a tropical island, in my opinion. I have to take multiple pictures of it every time I go there. And I have a watercolour app on my phone so I transformed it into “painting”…hehehe! I may actually paint it myself one day. Thanks, Helen 💕
What a great trip with such contrasts. Fabulous your time with Joanne (wish she still blogged) and C.J. but sucky about the rude people. Haven’t traveled internationally just to PEI and people were as charming as the island. Shall see this spring when we return to Europe but kudos to you for your standing up for the manager. The beach photos lovely!!
Thank you very much, Bernie 💕
Thanks Bernie. It’s nice to be remembered … preferably fondly 🙂
Definitely and I loved your writing style! Just saying.
Looks & sounds like you had a wonderful getaway for the most part. Love that you & Joanne were able to connect and spend some time together. I have been a carry on convert for awhile now and have found that once I got used to it, I wouldn’t travel any other way! It can definitely be more challenging with winter attire but you really just have to get selective! I am glad you spoke up to the rude individual, I am always stunned how travellers feel entitled to treat people with such ignorance. Good Lord people, it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to be kind and respectful!
I agree! I think people have forgotten how to behave, coming out of lockdown. Thanks, Lynn 💕
I’m happy to know overall your vacation was spectacular. Your photos of the ocean and beach and sky are swoon-worthy. Thanks for sharing them here. As for travel abroad, it’s not even on my radar yet. As for people behaving badly, yep, they’re everywhere anymore.
You are right about people behaving badly everywhere. It seemed extra concentrated (and extra unnecessary) though, while on vacation and coming from fellow vacationers. Thanks,
Ally 💕
Wonderful experiences and photos, Deb. Except for the assholes you encountered. I’ve noticed over the years how the gringos and travelers have become more entitled, but these are usually the younger generations. The spoiled brats that never had to work much to be able to enjoy life. Not the ones who can afford a resort hotel in Barbados. Maybe spending a lot of money makes one forget their manners? Crazy stuff.
It would boil my blood as well and I totally get how shock and disbelief prevents us from interacting at first, but after some thoughts about it afterwards, we are prepared to step up when it happens again! Well done, you for intervening.
Thank you, Liesbet 💕 The people I saw being the most rude and entitled were older people, not the young. But then the hotel we stay it is low-key, unpretentious and not for the serious partying crowd (which is usually the younger bunch). Younger people do stay there but they are usually young families.
Mostly the guests are comprised of the white-haired bunch and man, are they good at behaving badly with the native Bajans and complaining about every damn thing. I wanted to stand up at the restaurant at breakfast one morning and apologize to the staff having to put up with white people!
I hope I stay sharp enough to keep speaking up when people are being rude.
Great photos of our vacation. Warms me up just looking at them. Glad you had a good time despite the few ugly tourists.
Thank you, Jean 💕
Hi, Deb – This is exactly the post from you that I was hoping for (apart from the rude hotel guests — so disheartening)! I loved seeing your warm, sunny photos on our cold snowy day. I look forward to catching up with you IRL and hearing more. You were dearly missed!
Thank you, Donna 💕 Missed you as well! Looking forward to next week!
It was so nice to spend time with you again 💕 Two and a half years is just toooo long between visits. I’m already looking forward to our next badass adventure 😎
Oh! Me too, gurl 😁. Me too! Thanks for everything, Joanne 💕
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos and your stories. You’re wonderful at documenting your adventures and sharing them with us. I felt like I was right there with you.
I am so glad you stood up for the employees. You are good people, my friend.
Thank you, Kari 💕. I try to be a respectful guest wherever I go. I was glad I got a chance to stand up for this manager. I also took the time to tell the hotel owners how glad I was that they came through the pandemic OK, and even made improvements to the hotel during the downtime. That is commitment to the future of their business!
Barbados looks like a little piece of heaven. I have traveled but haven’t encountered that rudeness while traveling but don’t even get me started about rude and selfish drivers!
OMG, don’t get me started either! 😁 *Shaking tiny, impotent fist of rage at those stupid drivers* Thanks, Bernadette 💕
I loved seeing your Barbados pictures… but my favorites were from your time with Joanne. That art fence is genius! So many barriers around construction sites like that are eye sores.
Yes! I thought turning the fence into an outdoor gallery was a stroke of genius! Thanks, Janis 💕
Looks like a great break…and those tiny frogs! So cute… I’ve also noticed more people being rude when travelling or at airports. It’s almost as if they forgot all about the patience sometimes required to queue and take it out on people they shouldn’t be taking it out on. As you say, just chill.
Yes! There seems to be a lot of pent-up rage and impatience these days. And people are taking it out on those that can’t say much of anything about it, which is a shitty thing to do. I hope it dissipates soon. Thanks, Jo 💕
Deb, there is no excuse for rudeness, especially of the kind you recanted. That was highly personal and I’m glad you gave it to the guy. As we ease back into traveling, I have seen folks loose their temper due to luggage issues, service issues and the like. It does seem that the hospitality industry took a big hit in terms of retaining quality employees and have been struggling to recover since Covid. Patience is the best thing you can pack in your carryon bag these days.
Love your dreamy photos and glad you had a good visit with Joanne. I miss her blog.
“Patience is the best thing you can pack…” I LOVE THIS! Will add it to my packing list 😉 even though I seem to be able to carry a lot of patience wherever I go. I miss Joanne’s blog too (but Joanne more). Thanks, Suzanne 💕
Welcome back! I haven’t resumed travelling abroad, so can’t really comment on prevailing attitudes. I wonder sometimes if the enforced isolation of the pandemic didn’t affect people’s filters on how to behave in public. After not having to mind ya manners for so long, did they just forget them?
Those beach sunset look gorgeous. Something to remember when you look outside 😉
I wonder about that too, Sandy. I’ll be looking at those beach sunsets a lot tomorrow as more snow is in the forecast 🤣. Thanks 💕
This memories back on our visit in Barbados. These photos caught my attention. Thanks Anita Let’s follow our blogs. Anita
Thanks, Anita 💕. I am now following your blog!
I returned a week ago from a cruise to the South Pacific – we were affected by a cyclone (the one that has caused such devastation in New Zealand). We had to cut short our port visits (from 3 to 1) but for the most part, everyone I overheard was really decent about it.
Oh my, I heard about a cyclone heading to Africa but nothing about New Zealand…could that be the same one? I’m glad people were decent. We can still band together and show our best selves, it seems. That is good to know. Thanks, AJ 💕
Hi Deb, I cannot imagine the challenges, packing for Ontario and Barbados. My money is on you for figuring it all out. Awesome photos of you and Joanne! Most of my reading is online libraries and I do access excellent books. Yet, I have to wait months for certain books. I also buy specific books. I ‘get it’ on access to different libraries and I was aware of appearing in person. In the meantime, I have a huge TBR file. Thank you for sharing your experience. The photos you shared of the Barbados part of your trip always made me smile. The sun, sunsets, sunrises, ocean views….ahhhh. Happy you made it back safely to our pretty winter wonderland ❄️💕
Thank you very much, Erica 💕. It was challenging but Joanne said “my closet is your closet”, so the only winter clothes I brought were on my back when I got on the plane! I get that you need to appear in person with ID in hand to prove that you are a resident and get your free card, but if you are paying to join the library why do you need to show up in person??? I just can’t figure that one out.
I agree with you, Deb, on the library. I have tried to use Vancouver libraries from here and to no avail and they have many more options
The views are magnificent and I love how they turned a constructions site into art. Literally!
The tiny frogs. OH MY GOODNESS. I’d be panicking that I’d step on one or forty. 🙂 I had to google them and hear the whistling.
I’ve never in my life traveled for three weeks, nor have I ever been able to travel so lightly. I applaud you.
I’ve not noticed people being ruder than usual. (what the hell, you’re on vacation!) I’m glad you stood up for the manager because for real that guy needed to have a swift kick in the nuts.
Yeah. That guy. Busted into an active conversation without so much an “Excuse me, but” and made his remarks and then looked at me and smiled and laughed as if to say “Join in and appreciate my fabulous wit and humour!” Meanwhile the poor manager is also looking at me and saying with her eyes: “What can I do? Assholes be assholin’”. I just had to say something and am forever glad that I did. Thanks, Suz 💕 I love everything about Barbados – the people, the food, the weather, the wildlife – and I try my best to be a good and respectful visitor to this fabulous island.
Assholes be assholin
This needs to be put on a T-shirt!
We are about to go abroad for the first time since COVID, to Japan, in March. I sure hope not to come across any of that type of rude person. Though, I did see lot’s of “assholin” going on in recent trip advisor reviews on everything from people not speaking English (eye roll) to the rooms not being as big its n the U.S. For goodness sakes, stay home if you don’t want to experience different cultures. Looks like you had a lovely trip though. Welcome back!
Thank you, Tracey 💕 I hope you have a wonderful time in Japan. I belong to several Barbados Facebook pages and the amount of complaining and groaning going on there sounds like what you’ve seen on Trip Advisor. Every once in a while someone posts some actual useful information, which is why I am still a member of those pages.
Gorgeous photos – your holiday sounds lovely, and I’m glad you were able to continue enjoying it after your friend had to return.
We’ve not been overseas yet, but then Himself & I haven’t flown anywhere together. I have (with a friend), but he’s not a fan as he’s a big & tall guy, and budget airlines are just too cramped. We’ve talked about doing a driving tour into Europe, but we’d need a decently long bit of holiday to do that and I struggle to get him to take any time off at all.
Hence, why I especially enjoyed living vicariously through your beautiful Barbados break – thank you 🙂
You are most welcome, Debs! Thank you 💕