The Sunday Schnauzer – It Started Out Fine…

We had another big snow dump this past week. It wasn’t safe to drive, but it was perfectly safe to go for a walk in the woods. Or so I thought…

Bowser leads the way, as usual.
Having fun exploring.
Rosehips brought some delightful colour to our walk.

There was a lot of snow tasting going on.
I decided to join in the fun. And wisely decided only to taste the snow before it hit the ground.
It was so beautiful out, we walked all the way down to the channel coming off of Haslam Creek.
Bowser exploring the creek edge.
I had just taken this picture when IT happened.

Bowser either tried to walk on the very thin ice or fell off of the bank into the channel! He was completely submerged for the longest millisecond of my life. Then he popped back up and tried to grab onto a nearby branch that was in the water although even further from land. Meanwhile I ran like a rocket to his location and coaxed him back to the bank, whereupon I grabbed him by the harness and hauled him back onto land. All the while agonizing how I was going to get this dog back home without him turning into a pupsicle in this -8 degrees C weather. (Obviously no pictures were taken of all this drama.)

Turns out I had nothing to fear. Bowser’s instincts kicked in and I was treated to the “snow zoomies”.

Snow Zoomies: running and diving and rolling into the snow to get warm and somewhat dry.
Zoomies over, we were back to running, jumping and exploring all the way back home. Like nothing ever happened. Huh! What about that?!
He never even shivered once. What a dog!

I doubt future walks will find us near the creek, for the time being! Bowser got over his dunking in no time at all, but I am still traumatized recovering.

Good Yule, Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah! However and wherever you celebrate, hug your loved ones (and stay away from icy creeks).

Rock on,

The WB

38 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – It Started Out Fine…

  1. Since we’re experiencing a green Christmas this year these delightful snow pics are just what I needed to see this morning! Wise move about tasting falling flakes when walking with a dog. But poor little pouch, that must have been a horribly chilly plunge. Glad yo see he shook it off, literally.

  2. Bobi

    Bowser was obviously born to be a snow dog! I’m so happy to hear he survived his mishap. His snowy close-up is adorable as usual, but you gave him a run for his money this week with your own exceptional selfies! Happy Holidays to both of you.

  3. Oh goodness… thanks so much for the chuckle — so VERY glad he’s o.k. What a rambunctious little scamp he is! LOL…. great photos … felt good to chuckle out loud. He IS a real miracle. Hugs to you both, T

        1. I’ve been watching Kirsten and Grohl (as in Dave) do a song with musical guests every night for Hanukkah so I knew tonight was the last night. It’s on YouTube on the Foo Fighters channel if you’re interested.

    1. It’s the best Christmas present, Janis! BTW, the cranberry glop from your story did not get made. Instead Donna brought over a very delicious apple-cranberry sauce 😋. Maybe next year! Thanks 💕

  4. Oh my goodness. My heart! Poor Bowser….I do hope he remembers that this incident was NOT fun for either of you. I can’t imagine him ‘warming up’ by rolling in the snow; this is too much for my Florida eyes!!

  5. Pingback: The Sunday Schnauzer – Stylin’ – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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