The Sunday Schnauzer – Some of My Other Favourite Things

Two weeks ago I showed you my ballie. Oma said this week I could show you other things I love but not as much as my ballie, and that mostly end up in my mouth. Oma is still busy with her move to the Bowserlands. She says she will be here soon. I cannot wait.

Strawberries! (Any berry, actually)
Napping with my family!
Especially when I lay on them so they can’t get away when I am asleep!
Mommy’s toes!
Shaking and chewing on Placeholder, Oma’s fake dog! Oma, you don’t need a Placeholder any more – I’m here now!
Tug of War!
Supervising renovations at the Bowserlands!
Even if it is tiring work!
And last but not least, playing in the ocean!

I hope you have lots of favourite things too.

Rock on (I still don’t know what this means but Oma says Her blogge, Her rules),

The Bowz 🐾

38 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Some of My Other Favourite Things

      1. Sorry to read this. Erica said she was having trouble a couple of days ago. A WordPress glitch? I haven’t changed anything. Hope that’s the end of it. Thanks, Ally 💕

  1. Thank you for sharing your favourite things – I love all these cutie pics of you! Please tell Oma she did a fab job of capturing you in action!

    Also, tried to respond to Oma on her French Toast post but had some trouble, so leaving it here instead:

    “I love cooks that emerge organically from conversations, or happen chance, or just because. And I love that you made yourself a colourful & delicious birthday breakfast! Appreciate you sharing your delight with us!

    P/S Happy belated birthday! May the year ahead be filled with fun adventures, delectable eating and memorable conversation!”

    1. What I love about dogs is that they don’t lose their love of play until almost the end. So in that sense, they take forever to grow up. I’m trying to be more dog-like in that way 😜. Thanks, Jean 💕

  2. He’s so stinking cute! Laughing at Placeholder Dog. YOU are so funny.
    Hey, do I spy with my little eye Vintage Linoleum flooring?

    1. 😁 Placeholder has been with me since shortly after my Lucy passed away. Yes, vintage linoleum under the carpeting that was in that room. Good spying eye! 😄 Thanks, Suz 💕

  3. I used to take care of my nephew’s Miniature Schnauzer. It was fun and we got along spectacularly. He wasn’t great with the leash but in most other respects a very smart and loveable dog.

  4. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – well he knows what he wants … constant companionship and love … and will not let anyone get away at any time … he’s a sweetie – lovely .. cheering and thank you – Hilary

    1. Dogs are so good at lifting spirits with their enthusiasm, silliness, and overall enjoyment and contentment with life, aren’t they? They help me with shite days too. Thanks, Debs 💕

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