In a somewhat vain attempt to burn off an abundance of puppy energy, we are trying to plan an adventure a day, when Bowser is in my care. It also helps with socialization, which is very important if you want a friendly dog who is open and confident when faced with new people, dogs, and situations. So far I have learned that Bowser is a bit of a “party dog” in that he wants to be wherever other adults, kids and dogs are hanging out. He doesn’t understand that dogs are not allowed on many of Vancouver Island’s beaches during the summer months not that this stops some people. We are staying on the right side of the community by-laws and exploring the parts of the shore where dogs are not verboten.

Hope your weekend is going well, you are hanging with friends and family, and get to carry around some nice sticks (or feathers).
Rock on,
The WB
He’s just so darn cute
Like a living stuffed toy! That is what he reminds me of. Thanks, Sheree 💕
That is one sweet little fellow. Keep the updates coming!
I will try! My dog sitting days are now at an end because the teenage grandkids are visiting for the summer…I have enough photos for a couple more posts at least and hopefully can continue even after that. Now I am in full moving+renovation mode. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
He is going to have such a good life with you as his grandma. Those photos of him with the stick and then the feather crack me up.
They crack me up too! You know how proud these dogs are when they are carrying something around like that 🤣. Mini Schnauzers are such little clowns. Thanks, Jean 💕
He is adorable and I can tell he’s a busy pup too.
He certainly is! Thanks, Juhli 💕
What a sweet adorable dog and what a beautiful place!
Thank you, Susan 💕 I feel very fortunate to live here and have this little clown in my life!
He is such a cutie! I love how dogs are “all in” for whatever adventure presents itself.
They are, aren’t they? That’s what I love about dogs. They are really great teachers in how to be present and enjoy each moment, amongst other valuable lessons! Thanks, Janis 💕
What a sweetheart, Deb!
I might be a bit biased, but think so too! Thanks, Leslie 💕
Bowzer is absolutely adorable in every single shot. I cant wait to meet him!
He can’t wait to meet you either! I’ve been telling him all about you 😉. Thanks, Donna 💕
I’m with Donna — every single shot! – Marty
I don’t care what your photography skills (or lack thereof) consist of, you cannot take a bad photo of Sir Cuteness! Thanks, Marty 💕
I love his little doggie back pack/harness! So cute!
Everywhere we go, people ask me where it came from (Petsmart). Thanks, Tracey 💕
An adorable munchkin. Oh the trouble he can get into….
You know it! Thanks, Kate 💕
He is so cute and you are so good taking him on this adventure!!
He is a joy to be around so no hardship involved whatsoever. Thanks, Suz 💕
awesome. Carol baskins boyfriend is a schnauzer named Milton. Fun little dogs and no allergies.
Yes, absolutely! They have “personality plus”. Thanks, Kieran 💕
A feather!! I laughed at that. Great post.
I know! How ridiculous, right? Thanks, Bernie 💕
But hey they play with their own tail so….
cute dog, super cute. I like that you do use the beaches that dogs are allowed at. I don’t understand why some dog owners think their dog is different. It’s a mindset when people ignore smoking restrictions or talk on their cellphone and drive. Don’t get me started on drivers who speed. I am starting to sound like an old geezer.
You and me both, David. Dog owners need to realize that not everybody loves their dogs like they do, and that people deserve dog-free spaces too. Some people are actually fearful of dogs and/or don’t want them around their little ones. And don’t get me started on dog owners who don’t pick up after their pets. I AM an old geezer when it comes to stuff like that 😁. Thanks 💕
Bowser always makes me smile. That cute little face. 😀Totally true about “socialization.” Also a good idea to not end up in ‘puppy jail’ regarding many of the beaches. Thank you for sharing all of the adorable photos of Bowz! And your cute little pink toes, Deb 💕
Hehehe! Thanks, Erica 💕 Gotta justify that monthly pedicure somehow…keeping the tootsies blog-photo ready…Yes, a well-socialized dog is a joy to be around and so worth putting in the effort in the early months of a pup’s life.
Oh his little cute face & pink tongue 🙂 Just adorable. It sounds like you’re having lots of fun Deb. What on earth will you do when his parents return?
Go through Bowser withdrawal, naturally 😁. Actually, I am being kept very busy with my impending move and renovations. Right now I am helping my daughter and son-in-law with THEIR move and renovations and getting some Bowser cuddles in throughout each day I am there. Thanks, Debs 💕
A slow Bowser withdrawal sounds way better than cold turkey. You clearly got this Deb 🙂
And before the summer has ended, I will be living right next door to Bowser! Yep, I can do this 😁. Thanks, Debs 💕
Bowser is so adorable! I’m going to Vancouver this fall. It looks beautiful!
Thank you 💕 I live on Vancouver Island, not in Vancouver. But Vancouver is a beautiful city (on the mainland) with stunning ocean views as well. I hope you have a fabulous trip!
Hi Deb – he is adorable … I’m glad you’ll be in his vicinity for the future … it’s a beautiful area isn’t it …cheers Hilary
It is a beautiful area, and now I have the perfect excuse to get out and explore even more! Thanks, Hilary 💕