Lest you think, gentle readers, that the grand puppy is some sort of cuddly angelic being that sleeps all the time (after last week’s post)…I bring you Bowser in the ON POSITION. Here is what immediately happens upon waking up from a nap. It starts off slowly but then inevitably builds up to crazy attack dog mode.

We go outside and play “fetch” to burn off some puppy energy.

When he gets really frisky we play Tug of War.

But even that isn’t enough to stop him from going after my legs and hands in a frenzy of play. The more I push him away or scold him, the better he likes it. Bowser thinks Oma just likes to play rough and he is always happy to up the ante.

Hey, wait a minute…I’ve got an idea!

Then I had an idea!

Rock on,
The WB
He’s quite a character but like all youngsters, a bit demanding
Absolutely! I can’t help but laugh at him, even when he is biting me. Thanks, Sheree 💕
Oh, those sharp little puppy teeth, I remember them well. Love the Thunderdome idea!
Only about 3 months of those teeth left to go 😬. Thank you, Rivergirl 💕
You go, girl! I’m having ptsd flashbacks to the last time I had a puppy. Cute but also so stressful.
You nailed it, Susan! Thanks 💕
Hi Deb – those needle teeth – long may they pass/fall out! … !! Just enjoy the little one before the kids come home … great photos … has the thunderdome survived?! Cheers Hilary
The Thunderdome has indeed survived! And – dare I say it – Bowser is getting better at amusing himself with activities that don’t involve biting the hands that feed him 😉. Thanks, Hilary 💕
LOL LOL LOL. I thought the thunderdome was for HIM to be inside of! ? Great ingenuity! We’re thinking about a puppy….though I can’t believe we’re thinking about a puppy. I said I would NEVER DO A PUPPY AGAIN! We’ll see how this all turns out….good luck to you, the little guy is ADORABLE.
He IS adorable and that is the only thing that is keeping me from shutting him up in a room by himself until he is 6 months old 🤣. And he makes me laugh all day long. Thankfully the puppy stage is short (but intense) and he is already changing and maturing. Thanks, Dawn 💕
He has his Oma wrapped around his….ummm….teeth?
Yeah, he pretty much does 😁. Thanks, Kate 💕
Too funny Deb. The enclosure is for you… He’s just trying to get rid of his puppy teeth.
Hehehe…I’m all for losing the puppy teeth, just not in my flesh 🤣. Thanks, Leslie 💕
Yes…that can hurt…
Oh my! I just love your schnauzer blogs! The only problem is … I have to wait a week until the next one 😂
You and Bowser bring me so much enjoyment and giggles each week … thank you!
Happy to provide this service, dear sister! Thank you 💕
Love your solution! I think you had the last laugh.
I like to think so too, Liesbet 🤣. Thanks 💕
Brilliant! I remember puppy teeth and don’t envy you – or your skin – at all. I also remember the ON button. Probably why my next pet will be a cat 🙂 He is adorable, though, and it looks like you are having a great time with him.
I am, indeed! I seem to recall kitten teeth and claws being problematic as well. Best to get an adult! 😁 Thanks, Janis💕
He is so darn adorable! Don’t forget he’s not too young to start teaching him not to bite.
Yes, we are all trying to do that but it’s not always getting through his little peanut of a brain 🤣. Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks, Jean 💕
Oh boy! You do have your hands full! I remember having to wear my leather yard gloves just to be able to sit on the couch with Ralphie when he was a pup.
Yes, hands full and full of scratches and bruises 🤣. Hopefully I can survive this stage (again). Thank you, Anna 💕
We had to take one of our puppies (8 months old at the time, well past the time when the biting should have stopped) to a behaviorist to learn some tips on how to train him not to bite. We’d tried the standard stuff—yelping when the teeth made contact or biting him back (which mama dogs do with their puppies). We tried time outs. A sharp no with a bop on the nose. None of this standard stuff worked like with training our other dogs. He had been taken away from him mom too early and didn’t learn from her the difference between mouthing and biting. We end up breaking him by stopping whatever play we were doing with him abruptly the minute his teeth were on us. Then walking away for at least a half hour. He did learn with that technique but I never trusted him to play with children like with any other dog we had.
Bowser starts out mouthing but then switches to biting as play escalates. Good tips! Thanks, Jean 💕
I’ve never had a puppy, and this teething stage looks deadly! Being an interactive chew toy sounds painful, but he sure is cute. I’m mentally inserting the sound effects of grrr! grrr! grrr! with each photo 🐾🐾
Hehehe! The grrr sounds often accompany the play and make it doubly hilarious, coming from such a small thing (who thinks he is very fierce 🤣). Thanks, Joan 💕
Love it!!!! That Thunderdome is a fabulous idea!!! 😀
I thought so! Thanks, Donna 💕
Crazy puppy!! Your post and your solution to his nipping are hilarious 😂
Thank you, Bernie ☺️💕
What a creative use of a puppy pen! I hope you’re living your Tina Turner in the Thunderdome fantasy to the fullest 😀 Thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos Deb.
I’m trying! Wish I had her legs though…🤣. Thanks, Debs 💕
Don’t we all! 😀
That thunderdome is incredible! I wish I had one of those when Biscuits was a puppy last year!
It has come in handy! Thanks, Kari 💕
Adorable!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, that’s a Schnauzer puppy for ya! But you already know that 😁. Thanks, HG 💕
We are all just prisoners of our own device. Puppies and playpens can hold anybody in.
Hotel California would have also been a great name for this puppy playpen 😁. Thanks, Kieran 💕
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