The Sunday Schnauzer – Napping

My phone is rapidly filling up with photos of Mr. Adorable aka Bowser aka my grand-doggy so what’s a blogger to do? Create a weekly photo dump post of some of my adventures in dog-sitting, I suppose! I’ll start out with a post of the pup in his quieter, non-bitey non-crazy mode: THE NAP. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that 😁.

Here’s the progression of a nap from the week before last:

Here’s how it started.
And here’s how it ended.

Another day, another nap:

Now that the weather has finally heated up and we’re a bit older, this is the preferred nap strategy:

I am on high alert, waiting for Bowser to roll off the couch. My other grand-dog (back in Ontario) broke a front leg when just a pup by leaping off a couch, and I don’t want a repeat. No rest for Oma!
This seems marginally safer…
This started out as a stretch, but then he just stayed that way. Weirdo.
The head must hang off the end of the couch, always.

And finally, the car nap:

This doggy car seat is the best.

Rock and nap on,

The WB

42 thoughts on “The Sunday Schnauzer – Napping

  1. Joyce

    I like this Sunday Schnauzer blog 😉 … I hope it becomes a regular thing! I can’t seem to get enough of his royal sweetness 🥰

  2. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – he is one delight … and sleep is the best thing – I love the ‘puppet’ one where his limbs are akimbo … wonderful … just enjoy and thanks for sharing with us … cheers Hilary

  3. OMG! I just caught up on all your Bowser posts, He is soooo cute! I love the cuteness of babies and puppies sleeping. It almost makes up for the trouble! Enjoy puppyhood.

  4. Dogs are so weird when they sleep! Our lab used to fall asleep on my feet when I was standing! Notice you started us on nap pictures when he is super cute! I know what comes next…. when he’s awake and had puppy crazy energy!

  5. debscarey

    Babies and puppies are the cutest things ever when they’re sleeping 😀 Although my grandson (who we think has Covid) is also cute when he’s out of sorts and pouts the best pout in the world 😉 Unfortunately ’twas his grandpa & other grandma who gave it to him and now I don’t get to spend my weekend with him & his sister. But delayed gratification ‘n all that…

  6. Pingback: The Sunday Schauzer – Mad Bowz: Thunderdome – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

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