My phone is rapidly filling up with photos of Mr. Adorable aka Bowser aka my grand-doggy so what’s a blogger to do? Create a weekly photo dump post of some of my adventures in dog-sitting, I suppose! I’ll start out with a post of the pup in his quieter, non-bitey non-crazy mode: THE NAP. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that 😁.
Here’s the progression of a nap from the week before last:

Another day, another nap:

Now that the weather has finally heated up and we’re a bit older, this is the preferred nap strategy:

And finally, the car nap:

Rock and nap on,
The WB
Well aren’t you having some fun!
Always! Thanks, Susan 💕
Deb she is so sweet.
Leslie xoxo
That he is! Thanks, Leslie 💕
You must exhaust this pup! What do you do with him? He certainly feels safe (as I look around at 3 cats napping in my office!).
Hehehe…stay tuned for further Sunday Schnauzers to see what else I do with him! Thanks, Kate 💕
I like this Sunday Schnauzer blog 😉 … I hope it becomes a regular thing! I can’t seem to get enough of his royal sweetness 🥰
That’s the plan, Sis! Thank you 💕
Quite understandable
Thanks, Sheree 💕
Hi Deb – he is one delight … and sleep is the best thing – I love the ‘puppet’ one where his limbs are akimbo … wonderful … just enjoy and thanks for sharing with us … cheers Hilary
Happy to share! Thank you, Hilary 💕
Omg! So much cuteness. The stretch and the car nap.
It almost makes up for when he is manic mode. Thanks, Rivergirl 💕
Someone is in love……
Yup! Thanks, Tracey 💕
I am loving this trip down my memory lane, Deb! Thank you for sharing! 💜🐾
You are most welcome, HG 💕
Being a puppy is hard work and requires lots of quality naps. So cute!
You said it, Jean. The pup-sitter gets to nap at the same time, naturally 😁. Thanks 💕
OMG! I just caught up on all your Bowser posts, He is soooo cute! I love the cuteness of babies and puppies sleeping. It almost makes up for the trouble! Enjoy puppyhood.
The key word is “almost” 😉. Thanks, Anna 💕
I wish he could give lessons on how to get a good sleep (maybe I should try hanging my head off the side of the bed).
Maybe? I don’t see how it could be comfortable but the proof is in the photos, isn’t it? Thanks, Janis 💕
Absolutely gorgeous. Bowser looks extremely comfortable in all positions. Love the doggy car seat!!
Best $25 I ever spent at Amazon! He settles right down and (usually) goes right to sleep. Thanks, Donna 💕
Such a cutie–he poses really well.
He is a natural born ham! Thank you 💕
He is ADORABLE!!!!
YES, he sure is! Thank you, Dawn 💕
That puppy car seat cracks me up! … not to mention the completely adorable little fur-face within it 🙂
It cracks me up too 🤣. Thanks, Joanne 💕
Dogs are so weird when they sleep! Our lab used to fall asleep on my feet when I was standing! Notice you started us on nap pictures when he is super cute! I know what comes next…. when he’s awake and had puppy crazy energy!
It’s like you read my mind 🤣. Stay tuned! Thanks, Bernie 💕
Babies and puppies are the cutest things ever when they’re sleeping 😀 Although my grandson (who we think has Covid) is also cute when he’s out of sorts and pouts the best pout in the world 😉 Unfortunately ’twas his grandpa & other grandma who gave it to him and now I don’t get to spend my weekend with him & his sister. But delayed gratification ‘n all that…
Sorry to read about your grandson. Hope he recovers quickly and you get that gratification without too much more delay! Thanks, Debs 💕
Thanks Deb 🙂
He is so damn cute. And he certainly loves his Oma. ❤️
You definitely saved the best for last. Great pic. 🙂 – Marty
Thank you, Marty 💕
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