Waaaaay back in January (late December, actually) I made Limber my word of the year, for 2022. My focus is on being limber not only in body, but in mind. I think most would agree that if we are not actively and continually working on our flexibility and strength (mental or physical), we will surely start losing it. And that has certainly been true for me, mostly in the physical sense…(but I do also worry about getting stuck in a mental rut).
So far this year, I have been sticking with my daily Qigong, and also am still working on my deep squat. In working on the latter I realized how weak and out of shape I was overall, despite being someone who gets “out there” regularly, and walks and hikes whenever possible. Walking is great exercise of course…but does very little for flexibility and strength overall. I was also dabbling with occasional and brief videos involving free weights, but without any real plan. Naturally, I wasn’t seeing much in terms of results or change.
Then I received an email in March from a fitness YouTuber I follow that changed up my Limber plans for this year. Jessica Smith was offering a digital download of a 3 month program called Lift & Shift she designed specifically to help women of any age improve strength, stamina, and functionality in all aspects of their lives. I checked it out, saw that it would help me reach my goals in a way I could never do on my own, and out came the credit card!
The program started March 28th so I had time to purchase the extra equipment needed to begin, in advance. I already had some weights, but I added a heavier set because I am delusional GOALS!

I also got a bigger mat (yoga mat on steroids, basically), a step, a squishy ball, sliders, and a resistance band. The mat also came with a bonus pair of gloves, for lifting weights with.

So my living room looks like this now, most of the time:

Before I started the program I gave myself a stern talking to. Self, I said, you are going to do this right this time. You are going to listen to your body and stop before you injure yourself. You are going to take your time – it’s a marathon not a sprint – and slowly but surely you will make progress.
I knew it was going to be a very rough start, so I thought I should document how each workout went and how I felt during and afterwards, so I could have a record of the progress I was making.

OMG, the first few sessions were SO. DAMN. HUMBLING. Even though I thought I was mentally prepared, I was not prepared to feel physically ill partway through each workout video. Not only humbling, but discouraging! Starting this routine was way worse than I had imagined. Yet I persevered with the daily workouts even though I couldn’t come close to completing them, and the sick feeling went away as my stamina improved.

What I enjoy about this program is the variety of the workout videos and the calendar that tells you what video to perform, and in what order. There are lighter days (yoga-like stretching workouts), medium days (fine toning routines) and heavier days (lower/upper/core days, compound superset days and HIIRT). There are “rest” days each week where there are no scheduled workouts but you are encouraged to remain active and/or do a cardio session of your own choosing. So far the cardio session I choose is NO DAMN WAY as I need those days for my body to recover from all the abuse the challenges I am throwing at it. 😉 But I am getting stronger and my stamina is increasing, so that could change.
It is a 3 month calendar of exercises, and of course you can repeat it as often as you would like. As someone who wants to remain strong, flexible, and independent for as long as my body will allow it, I can see me incorporating this into my daily routine for life.
At the beginning of month 2 as of writing this post, I am starting to see some real results in my day to day activities and Lift & Shift is even helping me get closer to my deep squat goal:

As for working on being mentally Limber, I have my upcoming move to help me with that. How to make do with a smaller indoor space? How can I make the smaller space I will be inhabiting do everything I need it to do, and still look inviting and uncluttered? Planning, scheming and dreaming about all of this has indeed made me look at EVERYTHING I currently own with a very critical eye. I am suddenly aware of and questioning any assumptions I hold about what I really need, in order to be happy in my new space.
I am loving my new hair, my new workout routine, my upcoming move (challenges and all), and most of all my WOTY. I love how it serves as a touchstone of sorts for me as I journey through 2022. As change happens and opportunities and challenges come up in my life, I can judge them against my WOTY and that helps me to decide if/how it contributes to my big picture for this year, my Limber goal.
How about you? Got a Word of the Year? Doing good things with it? Do tell!
This month I am joining the 2022 WOTY Link Party, from my buddy Donna’s site…maybe I’ll see you there. 🙂
Rock on,
The WB
Love your blog! You seem to be doing such exciting things and growing a lot!
Thank you, Susan 💕 After many years of family and work responsibilities, I have time now to do things just for me, and I don’t want to waste that opportunity!
Congratulations! A great idea to keep a journal like that. A real inspiration!
Thank you very much 💕
Okay so I see you every week, and we have long meaningful talks, and still I did not know everything that this post revealed. You are so inspirational (that I knew). I absolutely love how you challenge yourself with goals, set them, write them down, adapt them but stick with them, and record and measure your results. Your achievement on the squat alone is truly awesome. I’m inspired!
Thank you my friend 💕 You inspire me also, with your dedication to exercise!
Oh my days. Am in awe of the limbering widow . Go you. Truly inspirational. I consider it a Good day if I go a walk, but you with the scary equipment, wonderful. My word of the year is Balance. Proving quite hard.
Balance is hard to achieve, at least it always has been for me! I think of it as being more aspirational than actually achievable – partly because what I consider to be a balanced life or day or week will change as my priorities change. I guess that makes me somewhat fickle 😁 Thanks! 💕
Hi Deb – I do admire you … and I definitely need to do more exercising and stretching et al – this is inspirational … good luck with evaluating all your needs for the move etc … sounds like your time ahead is well on its way … all the best – while that squat is seriously impressive. Cheers Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕 I was initially brought down low by how out of “tune” I had become, but the good news is that our bodies can and will improve, at any age.
Deb, as a coach I keep encouraging people to write it down. Now I have to admit that I really must do more of that myself. I’m so busy with my to do list, I’ve been forgetting how it’s as necessary to make time to record and reflect. Good reminder, thank you.
As for you & your amazing selection of work-out stuff – wow! Just WOW! Seriously impressed 🙂
Thank you, Debs 💕 If I didn’t write down where I began and where I am currently, it would be harder to recall the progress I have made and will continue to make.
That’s fantastic! Good for you. If I could ever get my knee (and now neck) healed I’d love to be that active again.
I hope you can get some relief and healing, Rivergirl. Thanks 💕
Love the hair and of course you have to finish off the magenta stuff so you don’t have to move it! I admire your tenaciousness. I’m not good at exercising at home. I walk 30 miles a week but that does nothing for upper arm stuff. So…I have great leg strength with no joint issues but don’t ask me to pick up an 80 pound box of cat litter!
🤣 Yes, one tiny little tub of dye less to move. I do confess part of the impetus to get stronger is because I know I have a move (and a lot of painting of rooms) coming up and I want also to be able to help my kids with their move and renovation plans. Thanks, Kate 💕
“Before I started the program I gave myself a stern talking to.” I love this and I need to do it, too– I am a slug about consistently exercising. Your new hairstyle is perfect. Plus I do love that color on you. As for my word of the year, it is ENJOY and in truth I haven’t been able to do much of that. Still… I do have 2/3rd of the year yet to go.
Thank you very much, Ally 💕 I do hope you get to ENJOY, going forward for the rest of the year (and your life!).
Journaling anything makes it real, doesn’t it. Wish I had your commitment to physical exercise.
You’ve got to change your sidebar photo to one of those above with your shorter haircut! It’s so cute and sassy.
Thank you very much, Jean 💕 I struggle like anyone to get started on a new habit, but if I can “gut it” through the first few days or weeks, it becomes much easier.
Well done! Keeping the journal is a great idea. I’m 66 and have always been active – running, hiking, & core work & thought of myself as very fit. About 8 years ago I saw a cardiologist who shot me down -basically said “yes you have good cardio & strong legs, but in 25 years will you be able to get out of your chair?” His message hit home and I started doing some upper body. I’ve done pushups every day for almost 2 years now. Upper body strength is so important for women as we age (plus I like having strong looking arms!). Keep up the amazing work.
Absolutely, Pat! Upper body and especially core (gawd, I hate core work!) is just as important (if not more so) to maintain functional mobility as we age. Push ups are such an amazing exercise because they engage just about everything! Thank you 💕
Omg, you are one hot badass, Deb! I love your new ‘do and the incredible progress you’re making with your goals. Truly inspiring. My mind is much more limber than my body! Just love this post!💜🙌🏾💪🏾
Thank you very much, HG 💕
Congratulations on your fitness plan — looks like you are rocking it! I also love your haircut.
Thank you very much, Donna 💕
I love your commitment Deb! I went out for my first bike ride of the season last Sunday & man oh man, I realized how out of shape I have become. Like you, I am on the go but there is nothing like a good old workout to let you know there are still some areas we need to work on! You have inspired me to do better! Love the new doo!
Amen, Lynn! Thank you very much 💕
I love your hair! I also love Jessica Smith. I started working out with her last year but gave up after a few weeks. You’re motivating me to try again. I also completely forgot about my word for the year… I had to look it up (nourish). So thank you for the double dose of inspiration today. 🙂
Confession: I fell in love with Jessica initially because of her dog Peanut (RIP). Then I stayed because of the way she teaches. And Peanut is all over the Lift & Shift videos I purchased because they were filmed before she passed – Yay! You are most welcome, Kari. Thank you 💕
ME TOO! I was so sad when I learned that Peanut passed away!
My word for this year is “notice.”
Nice! How’s it working for you? 💕
Hi Deb fantastic news that you have ventured into the areas of strength as well as flexibility and of course cardio. I love your home gym and will certainly be your cheerleader. Start slowly and you will achieve your goals. It really doesn’t take too long if you are consistent and you certainly seem committed with your journal and program. Love your hair cut and of course your BOLD colour. I didn’t realise you were moving. My husband and I are thinking of moving back to Brisbane to be closer to family. I love where we live by the ocean but sometimes there are other priorities to consider. Thanks for joining in the WOTY link up and keep going with the exercise program. You’ve got this! x
Thank you, Sue 💕 Thrilled to have you as my cheerleader 😁
Well, go you, as they say. I am someone who cannot stick with most things…unless its a daily coffee & treat but then again, I am doing well post cancer 5 years. I like how you have “made” your work in getting more limber accountable to you. You are the only one that counts…And here’s my confession. I am someone who was not familiar with your story of how you “became Widow Badass” and as an Australian who is a bit conservative in her 70s I didn’t see the point of Badass…not a term used much in my world. Then I read your “about” on the blog. AHHHH. Now I get it! Onward, as they say…thank you for sharing. Denyse
Thank you for your comment, and for reading my About page. 💕 And congratulations on your post-cancer anniversary! Onward, indeed!
I LOVE your hair! And good for you – staying limber! I love your editorial notes too! You inspire me!
Thank you very much, Janet 💕
So much growth in your life! I love it all and you are an inspiration.
When I started strength training back in 2015, it was the single biggest transformation to my body. I was shocked. All the years of cardio were nothing compared to a few days a week of lifting heavy weights. That being said, I need to up my cardio on ‘off days’ because I’ve slipped back into my old weight. Aging isn’t for sissies.
You look great and I TOO love your haircut. my dream is to have wash and wear hair, but mine is too thin and I just look haggard. 😳
Can’t wait to see your new place.
The hair struggles are real, aren’t they? I didn’t think I could wear this style any more, as my hair is drastically thinning on top (while still being thick everywhere else) but some judicious combing helps…I agree with you about the strength training. I’ve heard that from so many sources and hopefully will see the transformation for myself in time. Thank you, Suz 💕
I love everything about this post. And I think you are doing everything RIGHT, starting with a word that keeps you motivated and focused. Also love the gym journal. Good luck on this journey. You are an inspiration!
Thank you very much, Anna 💕
This program sounds like a perfect thing to do to train at home in an organised way. And you look great! Focused and dedicated! Well done for starting, and keep going. I know that humbling experience. I do training session with a PT and when I started, in mid March, I hadn’t really lifted any weights or even been out for walks for a long time. When I came out of the gym I nearly had to crawl back to the office and barely made it up the stairs! But I loved it and I still do. My word of the year, calm, is going quite well and my PT sessions are helping me with it.
Exercise is great for keeping calm, isn’t it? Thank you, Susanne 💕
What a fabulous WOTY Deb, I think I’ve said that before but it just keeps on giving! I love your new hair and your commitment – especially being honest to admit to not puking after a workout is a WIN (which is most definitely is). Limber is one of those words that can apply to many things in life and you are living it!! Well done and thanks for joining us for the monthly WOTY linkup 🙂
Thank you very much, Debbie 💕
I really, really like your free weights. When everything shut down back in 2020, I tried buying them online but no one had them. Everyone was creating their own home gyms! Now that I’m back at the real gym, I’m using the ones they have. But it still must be great to have your own. Keep it up! – Marty
A previous set of free weights didn’t get packed when I made my big move to Vancouver Island. Luckily the stores are stocked with them again! Thanks, Marty 💕
Not surprisingly, you are ROCKING it!! Limber suits you 🙂
Thank you, my friend 💕
Love that you’re working out and enjoying it. It’s always hard starting. I am a regular gym goer. When the gyms were shut down, I switched to online classes. I almost died (workouts were more cardio based as opposed to weight lifting). The first month was rough, but I managed to improve quite a bit. Now I’m back to the gym and loving it. Sadly, I lost lots of strength, so I feel like I’m starting back at square one. Looking forward to your future fitness recaps.
That’s the thing about strength, isn’t it? Hard to achieve and so easy to lose. I will be sure to post my progress (or lack thereof) in the future. Thanks 💕
I’ve stopped exercising for a few months now, but still doing the walks, and just reminded myself that it might be time to get going again. I use two utube channels, not saying which, that make me feel goog especially as I know for one of them I could NEVER do that stuff. So I feel pretty damn good when I do my impersonation of that work out. Ha! But the background music likes me.
Stay strong. And all the best with your move. Oh, why must we travel along in this life? Seems like only last year you moved.
It’s been 2 years this month, since I moved to the island. I’m looking forward to this next move because I’ll be living on the same property as my daughter, and I’ll have a backyard and the ability to store the kayak (that I haven’t bought yet 😁). The exercising – it is slowly but surely getting easier although my knees are giving me grief. I probably should stop to let them heal but it is too hard to start again so I am icing them and applying Tiger Balm. I think it is my IT bands that are irritated, nothing more serious than that. Thank you 💕
Oh Great! You are going to be ‘living’ with your daughter. Worth any move.
And a backyard (herbs, wildlife, pet slugs, sunlounger…) The very best to you. Live the life you want to live!!
Deb, I know this comment is quite late, but I have to tell you about this book I found, called “Treat Your Own Knee”, by Robin McKenzie. It has helped me tremendously, and I’m still doing the first exercises. But I know my knee has gotten stronger, and I hardly have any knee pain anymore. And I’ve had knee pain for decades. I’m trying “Treat Your Own Neck” by him next. Hey, if it works I’ll be thrilled, and since I’ve had success with the knee, I’m encouraged to try the neck.
I will definitely look this book up! Thank you so much, Denise 💕
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