Having a word to guide me and align my thoughts, goals, and dreams for an entire year has been good for me, for a few years already now. (In fact, my 2020 WOTY was Alignment and it really helped me to remember to make decisions both big and small that aligned with my values in that critical first year of retirement). I find having a single word to focus on works better for me than a list of goals or dare-I-say-it: resolutions. So I was excited to learn of Donna and her circle of Australian bloggie friends coming up with a WOTY Link Party. I’m in! I may not post on this topic every month but for sure I am joining the party this month.
My 2022 Word of the Year is Limber.

I created a sigil from the phrase “I am lean, limber and strong”. Spoiler alert: I am none of those things…currently. Our brains can’t tell reality from fantasy, apparently…so if you say it is so, your trusting little brain believes you! This explains a lot, really. OK, OK, I am not going there even though I feel a huge rant about anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers et al coming on.
A-hem. Anyways, if you want to make something a reality you are supposed to speak and think of it as already being a fact. Hence the phrase. Which I have distilled down to one word: LIMBER. And for me, it is just as important to be limber in mind as it is in body. Especially in these trying times of lockdowns, shutdowns, and cancelled plans in general.
One of the things I do to help me with my LIMBER attitude is a daily practice of Qigong. My massage therapist introduced me to this practice, and I fell in love with what is does for my body and mind. I follow a practitioner on YouTube and am now at the point that my body craves a session every morning.
I track my progress in my journal.

I am also incorporating strength workouts in my routine, as evidenced in the above photo. My living room has become my Badass Anytime Fitness franchise, and I am loving it. I’ve also decided that this year I want to be able to do a primal or resting squat at some point….you know the one where you squat as far down as you can, and yet your feet are planted entirely on the ground.
At this point I can’t do it without my heels coming up but I have hopes that I can work on my…uh…limberosity (is that a word? lol) enough to achieve this in due time.

And I am already busy working on increasing my hip mobility (one of the many mobilities I need to work on if I want to achieve this squat…sigh):

Look at me being all mentally limber and learning how to insert a photo gallery into Ye Olde Blogge!
Happy 2022 and end of January, fellow Badassians! Stay strong. Stay flexible. Be LIMBER. Off to join the Link Party!
Rock on,
The WB
This is such an awesome post, Deb. You’ve inspired me, made me smile and made me think!
How have I never heard of a sigil before? (Okay, aside from the fact that I sometimes have a tendency to live under a rock!) My dictionary tells me that a sigil is an inscribed or painted symbol considered to have magical power. I wonder if my Canva-created logo counts?!
I am so impressed by your Habit Tracker and want to learn more about it.
I am now off to see how far I can go with the Primal Squat….hopefully without hurting myself!
Oh yes! Believe in the magic of sigils 😁. I don’t see why your Canva creations can’t be considered modern-day sigils? Works for me. Please don’t go to town on the squats – remember we are hiking tomorrow!!! 🤣 Thanks, Donna 💕
Too late!!
But I’ll still be there rain or shine! 😀
I have also never heard of a sigil!
Sigils are ancient magical symbols. 😁
I love your habit tracker!! I think I might just borrow that idea. I could use a few visuals to help me with some basics. As to limber — what a great word and I have no doubt you can master that squat. Did not know that they were doing a WOTY link up — I could actually do that as I have already done my post. I am trying to recognize little glimmers of hope but somedays it seems like tough slugging. Love the photos and your Widow Badass Fitness Facility!! Take care. Bernie PS thanks for bringing me a smile for my day.
Oh, you are most welcome Bernie! And thanks for making me smile with your comment 💕 I love keeping myself accountable by tracking my progress towards habits I want to encourage. I loved getting gold stars as a kid, obviously. 😁
That is one awesome word for the year Deb! I had not heard of a sigil before and immediately ‘did a Donna’ and went looking for the meaning which is the same as Donna’s above. It is a great word in its own right. I love your goals for the year and look forward to hearing how you get on. I also love the image of your Badass Anytime Fitness franchise 🙂
Great to have you join us and I’m now wondering if I can do a resting squat and will give it a try in the privacy of my own living room rather than join you 🙂
My gym never has to shut down (unlike other gyms in BC, that only recently came back out of lockdown) and I never have to share the equipment with anyone. I wish I had a better trainer though…mine can be too easily talked into doing something else…but I’m working on her 🤣. Thanks Debbie 💕 Good luck with the squat!
Love everything about this post,Deb and LIMBER in mind and body is an excellent focus for 2022. You will achieve your resting squat for sure! I like the idea of your habit tracker and also the sigil which I’ve not heard of before but makes sense to me. I need to think of one for ‘BE” which is my WOTY….Love your Badass Anytime Fitness and totally agree ‘Strong is the New Sexy”. You go girl! Thanks for joining us for our very first WOTY link Party and I look forward to you joining up when you can. Enjoy limbering up for February! xx
Haha! Of course, this would be right up your alley as the Fitness Queen that you are 😍, Sue! Thank you for the encouraging comment 💕
Oh Limber is such a great word Deb, hats off to you for coming up with that one. I particularly like that it applies both mentally and physically. I desperately need to work on my fitness and my balance, so am going to take a look at that QiGong video to see if it might be the missing piece. I’ve starting listening to music every weekday while I’m at my desk but not working with a client which has proven to be both uplifting and is encouraging me to move more. I’m a long way from that squat, but forward is forward right.
I shall also be investigating sigils more, as I rather like the fact that yours is such a great visual reminder of your word. Thanks Deb, all very inspiring 🙂
Forward IS forward! I think part of the secret of aging well is staying (or getting) limber in body and spirit. People can build muscle into their 80s so why not flexibility as well? I used to enjoy yoga but all those downward dogs started irritating my hiatal hernia. Qigong doesn’t do that…it seems almost too gentle…but it does awaken the body and stretch the muscles and help with balance as well. Thank you, Debs💕
I love the idea of a yearly word. Though I think my limber days are long gone. My bad knee hurts just looking at you.
Sorry to read about your knee, Rivergirl. My right knee sometimes gives me a bit of noisy grief (the snap, crackle and pop Rice Krispie kind) but so far is hanging in there. Thank you 💕
Thank you, Deb, for introducing me to Qigong and your tracker … although I admit I’m going to need some lessons on consistency. Apparently it matters 😏
I think you’re looking pretty awesome in your limberness!! 🙂
Thank you, my friend 💕 When I thought about including some pics of me attempting to be limber I thought I’d never be brave enough to post them….but I (put on my big girl spandex and) did! WTF, I’m 62 and it is what it is.
I LOVE your WOTY and your goals; they are simple, yet BIG and still achievable. You can do this!
Liberosity is something we should all aspire to be/do as it will keep us on our feet as we age.
Also, ADORABLE and Bad Ass workout top Deb.
Hahaha! Thanks, Suz 💕 I saw that top several years ago hanging in a Walmart and next thing you know I was walking out the door with it (having paid for it first, of course!). From it’s pristine state you can see it hasn’t left the dresser drawer much in all this time…hence the need for this WOTY 😉.
As They say: Better late than never. Seize the day(s)
I forgot to mention how I love your journal/calendar. That right there is incentive to keep it going.
Thanks, Suz 💕 I do a sort of Badass version of “bullet journaling” (half bullet journal, half daily diary) and I love it. Maybe I should do a post on it sometime. I figured though that there are so many articles and videos on this technique out there already and that I have nothing new to add. But maybe it is something new for this community and I should write about it 🤔.
Your type of journaling is NEW TO ME. So yes, please share. I think just seeing this little glimpse has inspired me.
OK! I will, then. Thanks, Suz 💕
Definitely do a post about that please
You got it!
Look at you doing the body and brain improvement stuff all at once. I love your approach to retirement. You go, girl!!!!
Yep! Retired and STILL attempting to multi-task…that’s me 🤣. Thank you, Jean 💕
Love the word you have chosen to inspire you in 2022 & how you have incorporated it into your day to day life. The pictures are a hoot, I can feel every non-limber muscle in each photo😂. Also absolutely love the shirt you have on! You go girl!
🤣 My pictures have achieved my goal, then! (Which is almost always to make people laugh or at least smile.) Thank you, Lynn 💕
Love your blog Deb, you’re an inspiration. I’m going to adopt that Habit Tracker.
Thank you, Moze 💕 Your words brighten my day!
I love that you put ART in the middle of all the physical goals. Yay!
Well…I am trying to become a Renaissance Woman 😉. Thank you, Helen 💕
So much inspiration, here. My favorite take-away is tricking your brain into thinking you are lean, limber and strong. I’ve been experimenting with other crazy brain tricks, and they seem to work.
Thank you, Donna 💕 Our brains are not utilized to the fullest in most cases. Something worth cultivating!
It’s all about keeping active Deb. You do that already.
Leslie xoxo
So true! Thanks, Leslie 💕
I’d never heard of Qigong before, but I’m going to look into it further. I’m down for anything that will help me stay strong in mind, body, and soul. Xoxo
I hope you love it as much as I do, Kari. It took some getting used to, after practicing yoga. It seemed almost too…gentle. I thought I was “copping out”. I love the benefits now, though. Thank you 💕
You’re the third blogger who I follow who is talking about their word of the year. I feel like I must be in alignment with y’all. My word of the year is ENJOY, but as my latest post explains I’m having trouble with that.
It is that time of year, Ally! I find WOTY posts start appearing in December and carry on into January. I believe the link party I mentioned will a monthly check-in, all year long. I love your word, btw! Thanks 💕
I announced my word of the year in December, so you’re right about that. As for checking in with everyone about my progress every month… sounds ambitious to me. But you kids carry on! 😁
Not sure if I’m up to reporting progress monthly either, but I feel I will check in from time to time!
Sounds like a plan. Semper Gumby!
Oh how exciting! I’ve been doing 10 little yogas for tone and flexibility for decades, but my heels still raise ever so slighting in that squatting position. Keep at it soon you’ll be as limber as a wet noodle! I mean that in a good way you know!!! 😍🤣
😁 Yup! I know what you mean, Deborah. Thanks 💕
Of course limberosity is a word! I love your WOTY and your tracker (yes, you should do a post about it). Btw, Lean and Limber can be a challenge for most of us as we get older but, as for being Strong, I’d say you’ve arrived 🙂
Oh, thank you very much Janis 💕. Yes, I will definitely do a post about how I track the habits I want to encourage, soon.
Totally awesome post – and love your word. I’m off to check out the Qi-gong youtube thingie. I did a session once on the top deck of a boat in Halong Bay, Vietnam one misty early morning and have never forgotten it. As for the full squat, ye olde knees are protesting at the very thought.
Wow, I can just picture that qigong scene. It must have been amazing. Thanks, Jo 💕
I love your word and your ways of getting there seem like a positive step in the right direction. As the curator of my life, I will join you because I can identify with your poses. They make me smile. And now I know how to spell qigong. Do you know Cindy Georgakas? She is a qigong trainer and blogger. I adore her. I have one of her videos on my WQW Fitness post. I’m going to do at least four WQW (Writers’ Quotes Wednesdays) on fitness and four on food throughout the year. I’d love if you would link when you post about it. Here’s my fitness post where you can meet Cindy https://alwayswrite.blog/2022/01/19/wqw-3-fitness/.
Thank you, Marsha 💕 I will check your post and Cindy out!
Love your word/goal for the year, Deb. I’ve never heard of Qigong, but looking at your tracker it is obvious it is working for you. I have a diary just for tracking my writing – I have to record what I did towards my writing (words, editing, etc). I find doing it certainly keeps me accountable and as I hate having to draw a sad face (which means nothing done), I am much more likely to do something.
I love these little tricks we use to keep ourselves accountable. When you can see you have a streak going, it’s incentive to keep going and not break it. Thanks, AJ 💕
Deb, I love this! I have to work on my balance and flexibility every day. Thank you for these resources.
I’m new to the concept of WOTY, having just heard about it at the start of this month. I read a post about it on IG, and the author’s word was “nourish.” That spoke to me so I took it as my word too.
Also, I have to Google “sigil.” I’m learning so much!😁
I love the word “nourish” as a WOTY. Women are usually so good at nourishing everyone but themselves, making it is a great word to focus one’s self on! I am working on balance along with the flexibility, hoping I can improve both this year (or at least stop the “slide” 😁). Thank you 💕
Limber is a wonderful word of the year! I actually had to look it up even if you described it 😆. Now I like it even more. As well as becoming lean and flexible in the body, the concept of learning to go with the flow comes to mind. I like the sound of it all.
That thing about the brain is fascinating. It gives you what you feed it. Last year I was late to find a focus of the year but I chose “self-respect”. A part of it was that every time my brain kicked off those thoughts of self-doubt and shame, I started feeding it with positivity towards myself as a person and my skills & achievements. And it helped a lot!
What an excellent word to focus on! Yes, the brain does give you what you feed it – astute observation. Thank you, Susanne 💕
I think if you stick with this “Limber” theme for the year, then next year your word can be “Pretzel.” I think we have to keep moving our bodies, especially as we grow older. I have to remind myself to get up from my computer now and then, and walk around, or my word for the year could become, “board.”
Wise words, TG! Thanks 💕 I can only aspire to “Pretzel” 😁
Love, love, love the pics. I can relate to the feeling invoked by Strong is the New Sexy. I used to feel like a goddess during a yoga class in my spandex and baggy t-shirt. The rules in my gym are pretty lax as well. Someone is known to show up in her pyjamas to do her yoga and tai chi chih. No complaints so far. The tracker is NB to me; it gives me accountability and motivation. It’s easy to say “I just did that” until I look at the calendar and see that it’s been a couple days. My WOTY is SUSTAIN -The sustain pedal has been activated on this pandemic response calling me to strengthen and support my own physical and mental response. This involves the daily routine and those activities that elevate the ordinary, like a walk with a friend or a new recipe or a day trip. I need to focus on that which provides sustenance physically and mentally. I don’t want to be merely reconciled to this life but be replenished and nourished. Stay strong and limber, Deb.
Yes to what you said about the calendar! It keeps me from fooling myself that I am exercising regularly when I can see big blanks on it. Sustain is a great WOTY! Thank you, Mona 💕
Wonderful post! I love your enthusiasm around your word and your efforts to be limber!
Thank you very much! 💕
Looks like you are right on track, Deb! I had no idea what a sigil was. Thanks for that enlightenment. I do have one pressing question, though: who took those photos??
I took the photos, with my remote. Thanks, Liesbet 💕
Love the word LIMBER – it’s unique (like you) and I love how it’s both physical and mental. I did a habit tracker last summer to try and create some new habits… it only lasted two months. (Although i’m kinda doing a couple of the things still so I guess it helped.) I like how yours is so colorful…maybe that was a downfall. Mine was black & white. LOL.
For me it’s yoga. I missed doing it this week because we traveled to visit friends and I didn’t plan on doing yoga there, then missed a day before we left and … it was 7 days between sessions. Ouch. Yes, just ouch – my flexibility (limber-ness) was shot. I had been up to doing it 3-4 times a week and really need to get back to that. (Day 2 in a row today, so restarting.)
How slow is it to see gains compared to how quickly we can lose them???? 🤣 So true! Thank you very much, Pat 💕
I chose moderation as my word to practice for the year but I am not sure how to write about it. I’ll try to join in when I get a chance. I think a word for the year is an excellent way to make change for the better.
Moderation is an excellent guiding word! Thank you, Bernadette 💕
I love your word and this post, Deb! For whatever reason, it just made me feel good. And bonus…I learned two new words Qigong and sigil. I feel smarter already.
😁 Yay to new words! I love finding them. Thank you, Christie 💕
Hi Deb – this is excellent and just what I need as I really need to kickstart my year … so I’ll be following along your suggestions – I used to do QiQong and will start again, as too do more limbering … thanks – loved it – and I’ve noted the videos etc …
All I can say is congratulations to you – have lots of achievements towards your health goals. Thanks – this is brilliant – good timing for me too … cheers Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕 Good luck towards your goals as well!
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