Okay, okay…technically I don’t have a patio. I have a balcony. But I have it tricked out like the fiercest patio you can imagine…or at least it WILL BE once Jeff Bezos sends me a coupla more items. I came close last year but due to my arrival time on the island and pandemic-induced scarcities, last summer’s effort was lacking a few items that I had deemed necessary for peak enjoyment. And I know it’s only April, but we are very very close, people! Already! (If you’d like to see last year’s balcony, click here.)
I managed to get my hands on a couple of baskets of fuchsia this year…and I got some really great lights, to replace last year’s misguided valiant attempt at solar lighting for my north-facing space. So excited for my new patio lanterns!

I’m still waiting on a privacy screen for the railing, and comfier cushions for my benches, and some plants (impatiens, maybe…) for my railing planter box and then I’ll be done…uh, I think.

By the time I got to Vancouver Island and was settled enough to go plant shopping (early June of last year), all the hanging baskets of this shade-loving plant were completely GONZO. I was SOL, for 2020. So I leapt at the chance to pick up these beauties at Ye Olde Superstore this week.

It only took me a day to realize that when it came to watering these babies (I have 2 of them), I would also be watering my bench cushions. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. What to do, what to do? Surely there was a ready made solution out there? Yes gentle readers, there was. In glorious see-through plastic, and in Jeff Bezo’s garage…otherwise known as Amazon. Hmmmm. I thought I might be able to MacGyver something mahself instead. So that is just what I did.

By now – if you are still reading – you are probably wondering what all this has to do with a tea party so I’ll get to the point. THIS. It’s this:

I decided that overripe bananas were taking over my limited freezer space so that means only 1 thing around Chez Badass: time to dig out my tattered copy of Muffin Mania and make me some muffins! I used this recipe:


The thing is, banana is not my favourite flavour in baked goods. But somehow this recipe works for me. I think the oatmeal tones down balances the banana flavour a bit. And using gluten-free flour gave these muffins a delicious cake-like texture that I don’t remember from when I made them with regular flour.
So if you came to my house in April we’d be sitting out on my balcony under the new patio lanterns, drinking tea and eating banana oatmeal muffins. And singing this song:
Yes, I would make you sing it along with me. Start practicing, because I got my first dose of Covid-19 vaccine this week. (Whoop whoop!)
Rock on,
The WB
P.S. Thanking the lovely hostess of the Virtual Tea Party, Su…go check out her blog and see what she is serving this month!
I had to click the link to figure out the pillow. You’re right, it can’t be unseen again. I also love the design of your mug, though I couldn’t find any phallic symbols in it.
Hopefully there aren’t any, on those mugs! Thanks, TG 💕
Very nice, love the lights. I adore fuchsias, but we have too much sun and high winds at our place to make them viable.
I’ll bet you can grow many sun-loving plants that are out of my reach, at my current location. Thanks for commenting, Rivergirl 💕
What a clever solution for the hanging baskets! Your patio/balcony sure looks lovely.
Thank you, Irene 💕 I’m kinda proud of myself for coming up with this solution ☺️
Hi Deb! A gorgeous patio and like I said when I saw the photo on FB, I can’t wait to join you with a cup of tea (aka a glass of wine!) By August the weather should be perfect and now that you are at least partially vacced, we can see how many of us we can stuff on that patio!!! ~Kathy
It seats 6, believe it or not, Kathy! Yes, please do come over for tea *cough*wine*cough* 😉. Thanks 💕
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Not a banana person either but I love banana cake. Go figure. For muffins, I like berry (any kind) or oatmeal.
Not a banana cake person…but banana popsicles? Bring them on! Go figure. Thanks, Kate 💕
Looks both inviting and delicious Deb.
Leslie xoxo
Thank you, Leslie 💕
Your *not a patio* balcony looks inviting as is, but I understand your desire to make it perfect. The muffins look good and are making me hungry.
Thank you, Ally 💕 My current living space is much smaller than I have ever lived in, so I have to make every inch pleasing and liveable. I think I am almost there. 😁
Deb, so much going on here, but of course I had to pause and check out the dick pillows. At first I thought it was an auto correct for duck pillows. But, I didn’t see any ducks. Awesome, so much better than ducks!
Hehehehe😁. Thanks, Suzanne 💕
Your patio looks so inviting (and the pillows are always happy to see you!). Your fuchsias remind me of the same flowers we had on the patio of my childhood home. Good memories. I’m looking forward to seeing your Shangri-La in person later this year.
Hah! My pillows are always happy to see me 🤣🤣🤣. Thanks, Janis 💕. Looking forward to seeing you and Paul this summer too!
You just know that I would be singing along with you … horribly off-key, but with great enthusiasm 😁
Absolutely! You and I would be out there wailing away. 😉 Thanks, Joanne 💕
I better start practicing right now!
Nice balcony. I’m so ready for patio season and my container garden.
Thank you, Sarah 💕. Soon, soon!
Pingback: Virtual Afternoon Tea, April 2021 | Zimmerbitch
You are hilarious Deb. Love your McGuyver-ing and the fab results. The video isn’t available to we Kiwis apparently; not even the title, so I won’t be singing along. But that’s probably a very, very good thing. Especially if you have neighbours, or dogs in the neighbourhood. 😂
Oh that is too bad, Su! It’s a great little song. Thank you for your kind words 💕
Your patio looked better than fine last year, but this year it is “tricked” out. The pillows are a fun inside joke when people come over. I only found it because you said it was there.
My dick pillows are tres stealthy! 🤣 Thank you 💕
I saw it after you pointed it out but it’s hard to notice so I don’t think you’ve got any neighbours who will report you for it!
Love your space! Looks relaxing and you’ve maybe inspired me to get some patio lights for our trees!
I’ll bet those lights in your trees would look wonderful, Bernie! Thanks 💕
Wonder if they come solar. It’s a long ways from the trees to the patio
These particular lights do not come in solar. I went looking specifically for plug in lights this season, as I don’t get enough direct sunlight to power solar for more than an hour or two in the evening.
Oh I’ve got SUN for hours!
What a cool space you’ve created! Love that little seat at the end with all your pillows. I had to check out the dick pillow too. Took me a while to find them but so worth the laugh after I did. I’ll probably be copying a few of your ideas after I move.
Thank you, Jean 💕 I know I’m going to love what you do with your new place when you move in and share it on your blog!
Your deck is looking lovely! Are you still planning on finding somewhere to buy or are you happy where you are? I know you have a lovely few from you balcony (I hope the privacy screens won’t block it). Great decorating, Deb. I need you at my place! Sadly the video isn’t available in Oz, so I’ll leave you to sing solo 😉
Damn! That’s too bad about the video. I might start looking for a place to buy later this year…or maybe not. Renting is so carefree compared to home ownership…I am really enjoying it. Plus the real estate market here is pretty crazy. People are buying up places in a panic, which is great for sellers but not for buyers. I have the luxury of picking and choosing when/if to make my next real estate purchase. I wonder what will change as we get out of this pandemic. The privacy screen will only cover most of the safety railing so plenty of views will still be had, and I won’t feel so much like a goldfish in a bowl when I sit out there. Thanks, AJ 💕
The market is crazy here as well (definitely sellers market). Only problem is, if you sell, you probably have to buy so there isn’t much point, unless you are moving somewhere cheaper.
Love your pillow, cheeky woman! Thank you for the recipe this month, but must admit not being terribly fond of cooked bananas. The additional deco on the balcony is wonderful! So glad you got the flowers you wanted & found such a great solution to their little “problem.” xx (And congrats on getting your first – let’s swap stories about the experience after we’ve gotten our second. 😉)
Thank you, Del 💕 The first shot knocked me flat the next day. I hear it’s even worse with the second. Apparently I won’t get my 2nd shot for many months…probably not until August.
Oh, my dear – such a long wait. Do be careful and, as I know you do, keep masking up. xx
Hi Deb – well that’s brilliant … all settled (well nearly!) – that’s clever with those pee pots for the fuchsia – love those plants! Actually they’re (the pee pots) pretty … and then the balcony – it’ll be brilliant when it’s all done and ready to go – and yes … it starts warming up quickly at this time of year. Enjoy – is all I can say … bananas and all – the muffins look delicious – cheers Hilary
Thank you, Hilary 💕 Since this project came off so well and was so easy, now I’m looking all over my place for other things to MacGyver. 🤣
MacGyvering? I’ve never heard that term but I LOVE it! I think I shall try your banana muffins as I’ve a horror of bananas when they become ripe and the little devils positively race along, catching me out if bought in bunches which are too big. The only way to eat them then is in banana bread, but muffins sounds like a perfect way to mix up the experience – thank you Deb 🙂
Thanks, Deb 💕 The term MacGyvering comes from an old TV show in which the genius hero (MacGyver) was able to solve problems and get himself out of sticky situations by creating contraptions out of basic items. Also on another TV show, the Simpsons kids’ aunts are madly in love with the actor who played MacGyver, and it was referenced frequently on that show. I admit I never have watched the show myself but that doesn’t stop me from stealing the term. 😁
I absolutely love your batio. Did I just rename it?? 😉
It is so welcoming and lovely. I would spend my entire day out there.
Drinking, eating, sleeping…
Those lights are adorable too! We have lights all around our back patio too!
Batio is a good name. Hmmm….what about “palcony”, eh? A place to sit outside with your pals….well, not right now but one can dream! Thanks, Kari 💕
Yes, that works too! 😘
You have created such a beautiful space to enjoy & I have no doubt hours will be spent doing just that. Enjoy Deb!
Thank you, Lynn 💕 Our weather is fabulous right now, and I am already spending hours out there!
I thoroughly enjoyed that (except for the video which won’t load for us). I’m enjoying my patio too right now. It’s great to have the extra living space in the spring. I’m slowly working on my contribution to What’s On Your Plate and noticed my recipe is marked “very good.” Any little tips like that are helpful. I got a recipe from a fellow blogger who’s recipe included a whole spreadsheet of tips (she knows who she is…wink wink). Love all your colors!!
I am so sorry about the video. I suppose it has something to do with licensing or rights or something like that. It happens to me too sometimes and it’s aggravating. Looking forward to seeing what’s on your plate, Tracey! Thanks 💕
Congrats on your first dose! The banana muffins look wonderful! – Marty
Thank you, Marty! Sorry for the late response to your comment…I only saw it just now. 🙁
First of all, I’m a HUGE fan of your dick pillows; they’re the best! So colorful that you almost don’t notice they’re pornographic.
Your lights are super cute too. I did notice the issue with your potted plants and I was thinking, why not just take them down to water them? But then I remembered if I did that, I’d have to get a step stool out ’cause I’m short and it would be an issue. Your McGuyver idea is GENIUS!
I do hope you added more notes to your GOOD recipe for next time.
Thank you, Suz 💕 I need a step stool even to water these guys, let alone take them down. I am height-challenged too, I must admit. I need to MacGyver a watering can with a longer reach…
yes, and then you can sell it to Jeff Bezos!
I ADORE the tin drip catchers! What a great idea…and one I’ll keep in mind. I’ll be doing my own patio design next month. Yes, mine is a patio…hubby did the light strings in February, table & chairs are on order (20 week delivery time – pandemic!), and I still haven’t sorted through plants. But I’m really looking forward to playing with design.
Thank you, Pat 💕 Have fun designing your outdoor space!
Your patio looks awesome! I can’t wait to see the finished product. GREAT pillows hahahaha.
Hehehe! Thank you, Akilah 💕
Not a banana person, but a dick pillow person? Hmm.
Unwittingly a dick pillow person, yes 😊🤣. Thanks, Jude 💕