About 3 weeks ago now, I had my first houseguest to my new Island home: my friend Joanne, of Following a Bold Plan fame. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Vancouver Island bloggers I know were practically jumping out of their skins with excitement in anticipation of her arrival (yours truly, included).
Within minutes of her aircraft landing, we met up with Erica/Erika of Behind The Scenery, and were exploring Island View Beach.

We spent a delightful 2 days in the Victoria area, with Erica and Chuck as our exemplary tour guides. Donna, of Retirement Reflections, joined us for a day of exploring beaches…

Once back at home base (Chez Badass West), we set up a loose schedule of hikes and explorations. Donna, living relatively close by, joined us for as many as she could. The weather called for 2 days of full rain, but we didn’t let that us stop us from getting out there.

Then Donna had some family obligations to attend to on the weekend, and we continued to hike and explore on our own.

A visit to Nanaimo wouldn’t be complete without seeing Saysutshun. And being that it was Joanne and I, you know we were going to get into kayaks at some point!

The owner of the kayak/bike rental business on the island (Jeff) is a real character, as we found out. The lady who sold us the tickets to the ferry referred to him as “the man who owns no shirts”. Uh oh.
Laid back, super friendly Jeff is a throwback to the 1960s. We watched in amazement as he turned away at least 2 groups of customers who wanted to rent bikes from him. The first group was 2 guys who Jeff determined didn’t have enough time to experience the island by bike before they had to leave to pick up some friends at the Nanaimo airport. The second group was a family of 4 – Jeff opined after speaking with them that they would have more fun walking the trails than biking them, and thus that is what they did.
Ummm Jeff, can we have a word about your business practices please?
We were both so taken by this guy and his outsized personality. Wait, not out-sized but in fact perfectly sized for his out-sized physical self. See picture, below.
I asked if I could take his picture and put it on my blog.
Jeff: Sure you can! Uh, what’s a blog?
Next thing I knew, Jeff had his arm around me and Joanne was snapping our picture. Only after our 2 second encounter did I think: WTF did we just do?!?! There’s a pandemic going on!!!
Gentle readers, let this be a cautionary tale about how easily one’s guard can be let down…
So here we are many days later and I didn’t come down with The Covid, and I assume the same for Jeff. Dodged that bullet, thankfully. Why do I feel like a teenager who just “got away” with having unplanned and unprotected sex? What a world we live in now…

On the (last) Monday of Joanne’s visit, we made good on a long-planned trip to visit Ann of The Unretired Life on Hornby Island. Donna and Erica were able to join us as well!

The next day was spent in a luxurious visit (also long planned) to the Grotto Spa at Tigh-Na-Mara, in Parksville. No pictures were taken due to spa policy but I did pick up a very pretty nail polish with my spa credit so here’s a photo of that. At $25/bottle, it had better be spectacular.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, it was the 2nd last day of Joanne’s visit, and our last hike…to Jack Point.

For more photos of these adventures, please check out my IG account: @widowbadass.
So, why did I put The Gift That Keeps On Giving in the title of this post? Well, Joanne introduced me to her secret weapon for air travel and, as it turns out, drowning out noisy apartment neighbours – Bose noise-cancelling headphones! She let me try them on, and they work very well.
After only 3 hours of sleep the night before last (thanks to the Stompy McStompersons living above me and the Party Bros down below), I headed out to Best Buy to get my own pair. Thanks, Joanne! More about my “adventures” in apartment living in an upcoming post.

Come back soon, Joanne! We all miss your smiling face (me, most of all)!
This last photo is just for Joanne 😉

Apropos of nothing, today is the anniversary of my wedding to JD. If he was still alive, we would be married 10 years today. Or would we (still be married)? Hmmmm…
Rock on,
Your friendly neighbourhood Widow Badass
Sounds like SUCH FUN!
Oh, it was! 💕
What a delightfully long & lovely catching up post, Deb — thank you!
How nice for all of you to get together and enjoy your new surroundings. It looks like even the weather cooperated (most of the time 😘). Be safe! 💕
Thank you, Del 💕
“Why do I feel like a teenager who just “got away” with having unplanned and unprotected sex? What a world we live in now…” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But the biggest laugh of all was the Mini Nanaimo bar!! You are hilarious my friend!
Yes, I miss our shenanigans too 🥰
Thank you, my partner in crime 🥰
This was a fun group!
It sure was, Kate 💕
Looks like you guys had a blast.
Noise-canceling headphones are great. I got a pair last Christmas, and I love them for drowning out the sounds of my wife’s loud visitors.
A relationship-saver, for sure! Thanks, Tippy💕
You had me spitting out my tea with laughter on this line. “Why do I feel like a teenager who just “got away” with having unplanned and unprotected sex? What a world we live in now…” 😂😂😂
What a great time it looks like you all had, and the hiking and kayaking looks like it was fun despite the rain. It’s gorgeous there!
I’m ready for the reunion trip!
Me too! I’m ready, already. Thanks, Deborah💕
Tacos and margarita’s? You’re speaking my language. What a great group of bloggers. Sounds like a fun time!
Thank you, Ingrid💕
How did that time slip away so quickly?
I’m ready for that reunion trip as well.
Thanks for this fun post of exceptional memories!
You’re welcome, Donna. And thank YOU for amping up the fun factor💕
I think that is just about as close to – unprotected or protected – sex with Jeff as I’d want to get :O. I’m sorry you are dealing with Stompy and Party Bros. Every time I think about downsizing to a condo, I remember that you can’t pick your neighbors. I love the continuing enjoyment of Joanne’s visit via all the pictures you have posted. Next time – and I know there will be a next time – I hope the US/Canadian border is open!
I hope so too, Janis. Looking forward to meeting you next time💕
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your adventures and seeing my friends all together! Thanks for the smiles and that really is Hulk Hogan isn’t it? What a character 🙂
One day I’ll get there to hike with you!
Thank you, Debbie💕 I’m always up for meeting (and hiking with) another blogger😁
Deb, this is such a happy post and I would expect no less considering the gals involved. I almost hugged a friend yesterday, we both balked at the same time. I’m sure Jeff enjoyed the moment!
Hah! Maybe he did. Thanks, Suzanne💕
This whole post looks like SO MUCH FUN!! Of course I followed along on instagram and the fun and enjoyment and happiness was contagious. Of course you forgot about COVID, how easily that seems to happen and of course you are fine. Great photos and seems a perfect visit and trip. YAYYYY
Thank you, Peta💕It was so much fun!!!
You ladies know how to have a good time. The broad smiles are proof you’re all in your element.
Thank you, Jean💕 Many times we commented on how comfortable we are with each other, despite some of us meeting IRL for the very first time. It was easy visitin’ and yes, we were all in our element.
Sounds like you are having a blast Deb. Way to go!
Thank you, Leslie💕
Hi Deb! Since I follow you and the other bloggers on FB. (and their blogs of course) I’ve seen some of these photos and heard of some of these adventures…. BUT no one prepared me for your JEFF-encounter. Indeed, what were you thinking? Of course I doubt that he had his hands on many other people that same day but who knows? And yes, don’t we all live in a different world now. So glad you had fun, and that you’ve recovered. I’m hoping that next summer I might join you all on some hikes, margaritas and even a little spa. But NO JEFF! :-). ~Kathy
Yeah, for a moment there I forgot where I was (in time) and defaulted to previous behaviours. Covid numbers are extremely low here on the Island but still not a good reason to let one’s guard down. C’mon now Kathy, I know Jeff would be dying to meet you😉😜
Beautiful ladies!
Thank you, Clever Girl💕
First, hell no you would not be married to that sick SOB.
And second, I’m so jealous! I want to come and hang out there with you and Joanne! What an amazing visit. Color me green and yet so glad you two had such a lovely time.
Thank you, Reticula💕Yeah, I would be living apart from JD…if I was still living and the stress I was under hadn’t killed me first (a real possibility). I wish you could come here and hang out. It’s a very different world here, livin’ the Island life.😁
I always meant to visit you before. I haven’t given up on the possibility, once I’m allowed into the country again. We’ve got some cleaning up to do here first.
Lovely, lovely AND you went to Hornby AND fish tacos. Livin’ the life.
Thank you, Susanne💕Indeed, I feel very blessed to be livin’ the Island life!
Well that was wonderful. Exactly the kind of fun we all need about now. I’d have hung out with you guys any tie! Now I have to go get me one of those noise canceling things….I was camping this week with my dog and had to deal with all night partying at a neighborhing campsite. The noise cancelers would have been great to have!
Thank you, Dawn💕 Wouldn’t you know it? Since I have my noise super weapon now. the natives have been very un-restless. Well, the long weekend is almost here though…😜
Oh sure, keep talking about having fun with friends. Rub it in for those of us who are still staying at home, moseying around our lives, healthy but bored. I need to look into those earphones. Didn’t know about such things.
Sorry, Ally💕…but it was a lot of fun (for a change)! Yes, if noise is an issue for you please do look into a solution like these. I was amazed at how well they worked.
Oh my! So much going on in this one blog post. Looks like you all had a wonderful time.
Thank you, Tracey💕 We did!
Looks like fun! Jeff also sort of reminds me of “The Dude” (Jeff Bridge’s character in “The Big Lebowski”). I shook hands with a guy last week I had just met, and a second later was asking myself what I was doing? Bottom line: It happens! – Marty
YES! Jeff definitely had a lot of the Dude in him. I never made that connection until you mentioned it. Thanks, Marty💕
It looks like you had a wonderful time! Have you started house hunting yet???
Thanks, AJ💕 It was a wonderful time. Nope, no house hunting for a while yet. I’m facing a large tax bill due to my home also being a commercial building as well as my residence. I need that to be squared away first, so I actually know how much I am left with.
Well every single bit of this post just warms my heart! Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all but then how could not based on the company.💕
Thank you, Lynn💕 I agree! Joanne et al are great company.
I was waiting for the post having read Donna’s event and seen the Instragram pics. Worth waiting for — love how you tell stories with all your “voices”!
Thank you, Bernie💕
Wow, what s fantastic opportunity to meet up with bloggers like these girls! What fun and great conversation you must have had.
That is exactly what went on. Thank you💕
Deb, I love this reminder of a wonderful visit. I appreciate how Joanne brought us all together. I also like visiting our Island home through someone else’s eyes. I think I have mentioned it before “it never grows old.” 🙂I am glad you captured some photos of Jeff. Definitely, a colourful character. Chuck gifted me Bose noise-cancelling headphones (fit over the ears) a few years ago. Changed my life. I had Nanaimo bars all ready for the both of you at my house. Oh, darn, now we are ‘stuck’ eating them.😊
Hehehe! Enjoy those Nanaimo bars, Erica…I’ve never liked them. (Am I still allowed to live here???😜). Glad to hear it never gets old because I hope to be enjoying my new Island life for as long as possible. Thank you, Erica💕
I am picky about Nanaimo bars. There is a bakery in Shawnigan Lake “Oma’s” where the Nanaimo bars are authentic and fresh ingredients. I think around here, when company comes, it is almost an “when in Rome” thing. (an aside, Deb, I have been having issues accessing your site and leaving comments – it could be a Safari thing versus Google chrome – in case you get a couple of comments). Enjoy the Long weekend! xx
Both my husbands loved Nanaimo bars, so I used to make them at Christmas time…in fact I have never met a man who didn’t like them! Too chocolate-ly for me. Now, butter tarts are a completely different story😁…enjoy your long weekend as well!
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What a wonderful time you ladies had! I smiled throughout the entire post. By the way, I made a similar mistake with a twenty-year-old family member in the hug department, regretting it seconds later. Sigh. Luckily, no Covid here either.
I think we’ve all been there or will be there soon…in the “uh oh, what did I just do” department🤣. Hopefully only good outcomes! Thanks, Liesbet💕
Hi Deb – what fun … you make the most of life … such fun to see … Vancouver Island is the best place for happy, peaceful living and if necessary Bose noise-cancelling earphones … carry on enjoying … just wonderful to see the laughter as well as the antics. Jeff looks to be a ‘right’ character … amazing man – but in control of himself and others … take care – Hilary
Thank you, Hilary💕 I have made it my mission to be chill, just like the Island vibe.😁
Wow, this is a great adventure. You look so happy. Super!
Thank you, Albert😁 We were!
….why do I feel like I just had unprotected sex….OMG I am madly in love with your blog. And you. You are such a gift to me. You just have no idea. I love this post so much and your adventures.
Hehehe! A lot of people liked that one. Thanks, Kari💕
Deb, I’m feeling very sorry for myself for being away during the week of shenanigans — and not getting meet Joanne in person!!! I’m also in awe of all the wonderful places you went in just a few short days. You gals know how to live it up.
You were missed, Jude 💕
Looks amazing! Loving your great attitude 💗
Thank you, JoJo💕