Hoo boy! It’s hard to sit down to ye olde blogge when there is so much to do and see but here I am, finally. I could write at least 5 separate posts on what’s been going on but dammit, the weather is too beautiful! I am understanding how a lot of bloggers take July and August “off” from their regular posting and resume blogging once again in September. If I was back in Ontario I’d be hunkered down in my air-conditioned place and only venturing out in the wee hours of the morning or after dark due to the extreme heat, giving me plenty of time to blog. But here on Vancouver Island, the more temperate climate begs one to spend as much time outdoors as possible!
Anyhoo, here’s an update on what’s been going on:
It took me a few weeks, but I was able to unpack all my stuff and make some sense of my new space. I am LOVING it here. Sure there are minor inconveniences to apartment living, like the heavy-footed upstairs neighbours, but overall I am very happy with, and comfortable in, my new home.

As of now, my hands are almost completely healed (from the bashing they took in assembling all the furniture I purchased to replace the stuff I left behind in Ontario), I have recovered somewhat from the exhaustion induced by the whole moving ordeal, and I am starting to really settle into AND enjoy my new life and all its perks.
Some of which, can be seen below!

I got to meet Ann, a fellow blogger, in real life (finally) at her beloved island of Hornby. Which is amazingly beautiful, by the way (as is Ann!).
And I was able to have another IRL meeting (again, finally) with yet another beautiful Vancouver Island blogger just yesterday – Jude – (Dr. Sock Writes Here) for a delightful walk around the lake at Westwood Lake Park.
Meeting people during these pandemic times can be a little unsettling, but we are all respectful of the need to maintain social distancing. Which means hugs are off the table, for now! Feels weird not to hug these ladies who I’ve known (virtually) for a few years now, but we do as we must.

Of course, I am able to hang out (and hug) with members of my little “bubble”, my daughter and her family.

Life is definitely good. And I get to wake up every morning to this:

Yes, life is definitely good. And summer life on Vancouver Island is absolutely the best.
Rock on,
The WB
What a beautiful place to live — the island and the apartment! Glad to hear you’re getting settled. If Trump gets reelected, maybe you could adopt us?
If I could, I would, Donna! Thank you 💕
Me too!
I should open a refugee centre for Americans Who Have Had It Up To Here 😁🇺🇸😡
Looks beautiful both indoors and outdoors. Vancouver Island seems like a great place to retire.
In my opinion it’s the best place in Canada, to retire to. Thanks, TG💕
Delighted to see you’ve settled in to what is clearly a beautiful part of the country.
Thank you Sheree💕
Your place looks awesome! Defiantly a slice of paradise! Cheers!
Thank you John and Susan💕
Definitely, a little piece of heaven there Deb.
Leslie xoxo
Thank you, Leslie💕
What? Does everyone live there? Sounds wonderful and I love your apartment.
😁 Yep, there are a few of us bloggers here on the island. Still to reconnect with Donna, but she is busy with her 30 hikes in 30 days so I’ll wait till that is over and done with. Thank you, Kate💕
Oops, and Erica too!!! How could I forget Erica?💕
Good to you are comfy and settled. I myself will be back in Canada in the near future, but Vancouver is still on the to-do list from last time. Enjoy!!
Thank you💕
I’ve been wondering how you were doing, and it sounds like the answer is great! Your new home is beautiful, you’ve done a great job of making it look inviting. I am in awe of your ability to actually meet some bloggers, something I have yet to do. Like you said, July/August is a downtime for blogging so to read that you’re getting outside is wonderful– or annoying. Not sure which it is! 😉
Thank you, Ally💕 A (small) part of me was kinda worried I’d miss my old place too much to enjoy the new. But home is where your pretty stuff is, and I brought all my pretty stuff with me. 😉 Just kidding – home is where friends and family are and luckily I have some here already too!
It all looks so amazing! I can hardly wait until I get to see it in person!!
I can’t wait either but you’ll here before we know it! Thanks, Joanne💕
Hi Deb! It is so evident from your words that you are loving your new home. The place looks amazing and you’ve got it looking just like “you” now that you are unpacked. And isn’t it wonderful to find something new and amazing every single day you walk out your door. There will be plenty of time for more blog posts in the future–for now, just enjoy your new life! ~Kathy
Thank you, Kathy💕 Great advice from you, unsurprisingly!
Very nice. you give me confidence for my move. I will need to buy everything but a bed and a couple dressers but I will be driving rather than flying in order to keep my car,
Thank you, Barb💕 I shipped my car by rail when it became clear to me that 4 days driving across a country in quarantine lockdown would be kinda uncomfortable, to say the least. Hopefully your drive is not as long!
Its like thirteen hours. I COULD do it in a day, but here in the US at least many walmarts allow RVs tostay over nite, so ill probably stop betweeen two and snooze for a bit. I just need all the gloves and everything for a bathroom break, I’ll bring the food.
Deb, Your new place looks perfect and you sound very happy. I am glad the move agrees with you. Enjoy your new life!
Thank you, Suzanne💕
What a beautiful and tastefully decorated apartment. Love that you are turning virtual friends into live friends. Glad your retirement plans have turned out to all you dreamed they would be.
Thank you, Jean💕
Wow, Deb! You sure made the right decision with your move! Your happiness flows over the screen. 🙂 With all the anticipation and expectations, one never knows how reality will turn out. Your apartment is wonderful – roomy and light – and your location can’t be beat. I’m so glad you managed to meet up IRL with a couple of bloggers as well. Is Donna next? 🙂
Thank you, Liesbet💕 I’d be very surprised if Donna wasn’t next 😁
My gosh, Deb, your apartment looks lovely (our tastes are very similar) and the landscape is stunning. I have to say I am drooling over your bed cover (doona/quilt?? Not sure what you call it in your neck of the woods). I have my eye on one here that is similar – it has that watercolour effect as well, but makes me think of the green/grey bush of Oz.
And I am also laughing at your hot Ontario temps (in the same way you’d laugh at my cold winter). 😉
Thank you, AJ💕 We call them duvet covers here, and mine is by an English designer (BluebellGrey) – I love her stuff. It’s expensive as hell but when I can find a set on sale, I snap it up. Did I ever mention on ye olde blogge that I have an addiction to bed linens?😉
Yeah, Ontario may not seem hot compared to where you are, I realize. The actual temp (30+C) in conjuction to the humidity Ontario experiences has the weather forecasters putting the experienced temp up to 40C though…🥵
Here’s the bed set I have my eye on (too expensive for me even on sale, but I can dream, right: Lorena quilt cover”
Wow! That’s gorgeous!!!!
*sigh* I know…
Hi Debbie – so pleased you’re as settled as you are … the apartment looks ‘just enough’ … and there’s always the great outdoors. Wonderful you’re able to meet up with blogging friends … quite a few of you now … take care and enjoy whatever rocks your boat … with your pals and the family – stay safe – Hilary
Thank you, Hilary💕 My place is more than enough for me, and I feel blessed indeed.
You have a beautiful apartment, Deb. That balcony is especially nice, as is the roomy kitchen. Hope you can enjoy it for as long as you stay there (and hopefully those upstairs neighbors won’t be there forever). Beautiful photos of your walks with the other bloggers too. Enjoy your new home! – Marty
Thank you, Marty💕
Wow! Your new apartment looks stunning! And the view!!!! I’ve often thought that I’d move back into an apartment in an instant. Usually thinking that when I’m weeding, if I’m honest. Enjoy your new home!!
Thank you, Dawn💕I confess I am enjoying the relative lack of responsibilities that come with renting😁
Hi, Deb – Your place looks fantastic! I can’t believe how quickly, and beautifully, you’ve gotten your new home together.
BTW – I didn’t see a spare bedroom in your photos. But I did see Joanne’s room!
Thank you, Donna💕 I’d be lying if I said I didn’t refer to it as “your room” in chats with Joanne😁
So so happy for you. What a beautiful spot to land in!
Thank you, Siouxsie 💕
Well, you already know how envious I am of your new digs on Vancouver Island. If only JT (Jason Trudeau) would open up the borders to us Yanks (the good ones, anyway). Did you buy those seats on either side of your balcony? They look like they are a perfect fit. And, your interior looks lovely. One of these days, I hope to visit.
Thank you, Janis💕Those arbour benches are from IKEA and they do fit perfectly on the balcony! I’d welcome all you good Americans, for sure! I’ve met so many on past travels. It’s a shame the a-holes (that every country has) have gained such power and prominence in yours.
I am glad you had a chance to visit Hornby Island, Deb. The first time we visited Hornby, I thought about all of the photos I have seen of Greece. Tribune Bay, Hornby reminds me of photos of Greece. It is fun for me to see Vancouver Island through your eyes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to keep it a secret. My eyes continue to gravitate to the cushions on your outdoor bench/chairs. Very pretty. Your place looks wonderful! I love the picture of Ann. I know we will be getting together soon, Deb. I am very excited! I love everything about your post. It is difficult to keep Island living a secret. ❤️
Thank you, Erica💕. I have a cushion “problem” as well as a bed linen addiction 🤣. You will see that when you come for a visit. Due to space issues, I had to part with a few and they are now residing at my daughter’s place. I know what you mean about keeping a secret. I feel like I need to write a “don’t come to the Island and here’s why” post…😆
Your new home is lovely. I like the way you added bursts of color in with the different neutral in each of the rooms. The rug, the art, the pillows, the drapes. You patio space is so comfy, too. Looks like you are definitely HOME!
Thank you very much💕 I do feel very much at home!
You’ve done a great job getting settled in and active! I love the colors in your apartment too. We are only moving 12 miles away and still have so much to do. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you, Tracey 💕 And you’re welcome!😁
This post made me so happy! Your tree hugging pic is adorable, and I love the way you’ve set up your balcony. I need some outdoor furniture so that was very inspiring.
And what a gorgeous view! Aw, yay.
Thank you, Akilah! 💕
Oh Wow! It’s like you’ve gone on vacation. What a wondrous place to live and explore and meet friends! Stunning pictures. I would live on your balcony if I were there! So do you have room for one more refugee? Mona
Thank you, Mona💕 I live on my balcony too😁. There’s always room for one more refugee!
Your apartment looks beautiful and I especially love your balcony space. It seems like you are truly happy with your move and that is great
Thank you 💕 I am very happy with this move!
You have a wonderful new home and I think it’s nice to unpack all of your stuff and sort out your new space.
Thank you very much 🙂
Deb, it was awesome to meet you in person. And we had the chance to hike on a lovely trail that was new to both of us, and we saw turtles and sunfish!
p.s. I love the fact that your blog design includes a “remember me next time option” unlike most WP blogs where I have to type in my full credentials every time.
Yes, that was a great little hike 💕 Good to know that about my blog – I appreciate that about others’ blogs and I probably “way back when” included that feature (or maybe it came with the template I am using?)…at any rate, glad to know it’s there and working 😁
You did it!
Your new home looks cosy and sunny! And you get to be with your daughter – wonderful!
Looking forward to virtually exploring Vancouver Island through you!
Thank you very much 💕 I can hardly believe I actually get to live here!!! I’m looking forward to further explorations as well 😁
A vacation spot – just more permanent …. the best kind!
What a great choice you made. You moved on to a beautiful place. Hooray!
Thank you, Pam 🙂
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