On May 28, I left Ontario by boarding the first of two planes to get to my new home on Vancouver Island. I had been planning this move for about 18 months, and the pandemic had initially thrown me for a loop. Back in mid-March I thought perhaps my move would not go ahead as planned due to travel and quarantine restrictions. As the initial weeks went by and I sat glued to the news, I began to realize that my move could go forward so I was off to the races, again!
In short order I had secured an apartment, a mover, and a shipper for Edward the 3rd , and I began sorting and packing my stuff in earnest, once more.
On May 26, during a period of unseasonable high heat and humidity (!), my movers arrived and did a stellar job of denuding my home of its things. (Can you believe it was snowing only 2 weeks prior? Typical Ontario weather roller-coaster!) I felt quite bad for them to be working so hard in the 33C heat. I cranked the A/C and made sure there was plenty of ice-cold bottled water in the fridge. And then I got out of their way.

My friend Joanne very kindly offered to take this newly-homeless person in, and we enjoyed each other’s (and husband Gilles) company to the utmost until it was time to go to the airport. One teary goodbye later, and after breezing through security, I was faced with these weird images of the usually bustling Pearson airport.

While flying, we passengers had to have our masks on at all times. Every middle seat (on 3 seater rows) was unsold, to help us distance somewhat during the flight. I had no one else in my row. A win under any circumstances! 😉

The plane to Nanaimo was smaller, with only 2 seats per row. Again, the seat beside each passenger was deliberately left unsold, for social distancing. IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.

After settling in (for now) with my dear daughter and her man, it was time to sign my lease and finally see my new home-to-be, in real life.

I’m just thrilled with this apartment, so far! I feel that I really lucked out. It’s a 2 bedroom. I didn’t include any bedroom photos as they are just empty rooms with a window and a closet, each. Easy enough to imagine.
And now I wait – not entirely patiently – for my belongings (including Edward) to catch up to me here. Stay tuned for Part 2!
Rock on,
The WB
Lovely photo of valley from the air. Your light humour shines through! – David
Thank you, David! 😁
Agree with David, cracking aerial shot! Vancouver Island looks a lovely place to live.
Thank you, Chris and Laura! 😁
Ah, my home and native land. Love that view of the mountains and the empty interior of BC. And the sight of “Broom” in bloom a balm to my heart. It is regarded as an invasive species but I still love it.
Thank you, Susanne 💕
Thrilled & delighted for you, Deb!
Can’t wait for the next installment, but know you’re far more eager.
Thank you, Del 💕
So excited (and a little envious) for you! Your new apartment looks so nice. I love the floors! What a lovely flight you had over such gorgeous scenery. Looking forward to Part 2 and beyond!
Thank you, Janis💕. Jonathan (one of my wine fairies 😉) calls it my “chinchilla floor”. Hah! It does look like that in this photo 😜.
Oh, a wine fairy… I need one of those!
Whoooop whoop!!! Congrats! an ocean view is great no matter the size 🙂
My thought, exactly! Thanks, Pam 💕
I like uncrowded airports. Looks like you’ve settled in a beautiful spot. And I’ll bet there’s a lot of hiking to be had in your neighborhood.
Lots of hiking all over this beautiful island, TG! Thanks 💕
Amazing photos Deb. Imagine waking up to that every morning!
I’m imagining! And soon I hope I’ll be moved in, and be going out on my balcony every morning with a cup of coffee, to check out the view 😁. Thanks, Leslie 💕
I will be there in spirit Deb.
Ooh exciting new adventures ahead! Beautiful island (have been there). Rock on!
Thank you, Luisa! 😁
The hard part is done. Now for the settling in. Hope that truck gets there soon!
Thank you, Kate 💕 I hope so too!
Such a gorgeous part of our beautiful country! The apartment looks fantastic. Hopefully your things will arrive in tact & on time 💕
Thank you, Lynn 💕 I hope for minimal breakage, if any!
The view from the plane is amazing – and you didn’t have to try and crane your neck around any other passengers. Bonus!
So thrilled you got such a great looking apartment. From the lounge room photo it looks like your view is to bush? Or a park? Either way it looked green which is awesome. Nice to have the ocean/mountain view from the deck, but always good to have a nice view from inside.
Thank you, AJ 💕. The front view is of the grounds surrounding the apartment complex. Vancouver Island is very lush and green pretty much year round – at least that’s how it seems to me, compared to my old home. 😁
I still can’t believe you’re gone and not just on vacation. I wish there was an emoji with a big bottom lip sticking out. Sniff 😢
I know the past week has been a bit challenging for you waiting in limbo for all your stuff to arrive. Hopefully it comes (very) soon, and you can begin the process of making this new space your home 💕
And more importantly, be ready for guests! 💕😉💕
Deb, I can still hear and feel the excitement of “Edward the 3rd” on its way.🙂
Wow, yes, a neatly packed truck. I have been in Pearson airport a few times. It did not look at all like these photos. Breathtaking photos up in the sky!
Ocean/mountain view (sliver) bonus! I am looking forward to hearing/reading Part 2. I know you will love it here (a major plus how Joanne will definitely visit – I know you two miss each other) 💕
Haha! Yes, doing my little dance even now, thinking of Edward riding the rails towards me 😜💃. Thank you, Erica 💕
So happy for you that things are going well with your move with no ugly surprises. Your apartment looks great! Can’t wait to see it when you get all your stuff set up. Congratulations!
Thank you, Jean 💕
Hi, Deb – Welcome to Vancouver Island. I am so glad that you are here safe and sound.
I look forward to hearing about Part 2!
Thank you, Donna 💕
Hi Deb – well done on managing the move despite all the covid hassles. So many gorgeous bloggers live on Vancouver Island – almost as many as there are living in Australia! Your new unit looks lovely and fresh and I bet you can’t wait to settle in. Glad you’re almost sorted. x
Thank you, Leanne 💕 I meet via Zoom with a number of VI bloggers – several of which I have been lucky enough to meet in person too!😁
Hi Deb – well that seemed to go quite smoothly … and having all that space while up in those tin boxes = wonderful! I agree beautiful views from up high, or down on land or sea … and that sliver of ocean will be in full view everytime you step outside. Good luck with a quick arrival of the ‘piles’ … but it’ll be so much fun now you’re there on the Island. Enjoy and all the best – Hilary
Thank you very much, Hilary 💕
We were thinking kind thoughts about you last night as we sat on the terrace polishing off the last of your gin and tonic… the vermouth is gone now too…thanks for leaving a well stocked liquor supply!
Glad to hear that you are both taking some time to enjoy the terrace (and the booze I left behind😁)! When I wrote Kenn to remember to take many breaks and drink lots, I actually meant water though…😉🤣🤣🤣
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with your move. I was thinking about you during the time I knew you were moving, wondering how it was going. Your new place looks lovely and I can only imagine the relief you must feel to be there now. Good job, Deb.
Thank you, Ally💕 It DOES feel good and right to be here, and at the least I am relieved to have escaped the blistering heat that plagues Ontario from time to time in the warmer months (and that I cannot seem to tolerate any more).
I hope you’re going to be very happy in your new home. It looks fabulous!
Thank you, Kim 💕
Love those aerial photographs. Yes, indeed, this is a beautiful planet. Best wishes as you settle in and thanks for the house tour – it looks perfect! Joanne must be so sad.
Thank you, Suzanne 💕 We are both sad. Change (even good change) always comes at a price, unfortunately.
It looks like a nice apartment and location. Love Vancouver Island and those floors. Nice to hear you made is safely.
Thank you, Tracey 💕
Congratulations and welcome to your new home. VI is such a great place to enjoy nature and not too crowded. It looks like face mask are not mandatory in the airports? Are the C-19 cases lower in VI? Cheers!
Thank you! 💕 Face masks are not mandatory at the airport, only onboard the aircraft. C-19 is way down on the Island, according to latest reports. No active cases that I am aware of. I did not wear my mask at the airport when I had plenty of space to myself which, as the photos prove, I had no trouble finding! 😁
This is so very exciting, Deb! I’m glad the trip and relocation went smooth so far. And that you were/are able to “crash” with friends and family in the meantime. That is a big moving truck!! 🙂
I’m curious, were the plane tickets similarly priced than before Covid-19? Having few people and easy passages sounds blissful. Also, how did you get so lucked out with the apartment?
Thanks Liesbet 💕 My stuff took up less than 1/4 of that big truck. Ticket prices to fly to BC were no different than what I had experienced before the pandemic. I don’t know how I got so lucky with the apartment. My daughter forwarded me a bunch of ads from Craiglist for apartments and she was able to go check this one out for me. I met the property manager via FaceTime and had a tour the same way, and it seemed like a good fit. The property manager took a shine to me and offered to hold the place for me, for June 1 instead of renting it out for the first of May (I contacted her in April).I was very very lucky!
That is all so awesome and “meant to be”! Moving from one apartment to another, it makes sense about the 1/4 truck. Your car could have fit! 🙂 Unless those moving trucks are shared with others. Or don’t allow cars. Happy anticipating the return of your belongings!
The moving trucks are most definitely shared by others. I was talking to my driver yesterday and he has several drops to make before he can get to me…but he is in Vancouver already (and thus so is my stuff!!!). It was much cheaper to send my car by train so Edward is riding the rails at this moment. 😄
Hope all your things arrive timely and intact. Great pictures from the plane! Also, best wishes in your new digs. Even a sliver of ocean and mountains is worth every penny in my book.
Thank you, Mona! 💕 I agree – that sliver of ocean/mountains is something I would never see at my last home. Nor could take a 5 minute walk down the street from my old home, and find myself at the seashore! 😁
Great aerial views. Glad you made the trip safely. Did you quarantine when you got there? Now just to settle in and explore.
Thanks, Bernie💕 I wasn’t able to strictly quarantine as I had to meet the property manager and sign the lease, the day after my arrival.
I’m staying at my daughter’s place until my stuff arrives and I wear a mask if I am around others. Vancouver Island seems pretty relaxed in that way. No one checked me as I got off the plane. And my daugher’s landlord actually wanted to shake my hand in greeting. I offered him my elbow instead. 😁 It’ll be 2 weeks for me since I flew on Thursday of this week, and I am looking forward to doing some exploring!
You have a beautiful new place! Congrats on making it there, and good luck with the settling in process. – Marty
Thank you, Marty 💕
While you didn’t get to have your hoped for road trip, those aerial views (and the photos to keep the memories fresh) must’ve more than made up for it. The new apartment looks good – so great to have somewhere which has been freshly updated to move into. I especially love the floors & chinchilla is a great name for them! Happy new home Deb!
Thank you Deb!💕 I find flying over mountains completely breathtaking – it never gets old for me!
You did it!! So proud of you. And you survived to tell about it and take pictures of this huge move. What a view from the plane…thankful for that working propeller!!
You apartment is lovely. Can’t wait to see your things in there that will make it home.
Thank you! (Your comment landed in spam for some reason, and I only just found it now, so sorry for the late reply!)
I am still so excited for you! GREAT apt. I can’t wait for the update pics. 🙂 I don’t know how I missed this post.
Thanks Mimi 💕
I’m so excited to follow along with your new Vancouver Island adventures! I have an author friend who lives on Salt Spring Island, and her insta photos of her home and property are breathtaking.
I really, really hope I’m someday able to do some real traveling, and I would LOVE to move and start over somewhere else. I’m still in the home that was my marital home, and while I love it and am trying my best to make it mine, I think a fresh start would do me a world of good. We will see!
So far so GREAT, Kim. 😄 Exhausted, but it’s worth it. Thanks!💕
My daughter and family live in the Departure Bay Area. I’m looking forward to hearing your update tomorrow.
Hi Deb! Wow! I can’t believe that I missed this post!!! I follow you on FB too so i usually see them there if I miss them in email but this one flew (NPI) right by. I love seeing photos of your place and am looking forward to Part 2 with things completely. So glad it went smoothly and now you are where you want to be! ~Kathy
Thank you Kathy 💕
Crazy heat on the day that the movers showed up. They did a great job in packing the truck despite it. Such a nice bon voyage treat that Joanne and Giles took you in before you were on your way. The empty airports are seriously eerie but kind of nice too. And a full row to yourself on the plane to boot! The view of the airplane over the Rockies is spectacular. I was getting more excited with you by the mile. Your apartment is adorable and will be even more so when you get your stuff settled in. And those views. (OMG!). I looked at the comments to make sure that Donna was here to greet you and glad to see that she was! Welcome home.
Thank you very much, Lisa 💕
Deb, I am playing catch up here… Enjoyed your photos on Instagram, but it sure is nice to hear the fuller more in depth story of the move. Seems like you are off to a very GOOD START!!
Your new apartment has such a great vibe. Love love love the location and views. SO exciting.. So happy for you…
Thank you very much, Peta!💕
Ever so happy to meet you! Recovering widow myself, trying to pack as much life into the time that I have left. Lovelovelove, Deborah
Sorry for the late reply, Deborah. Your comment landed in my Spam folder and I have since found you and put you in your rightful place! Absolutely, trying to pack as much life in the time I have left also! Becoming a widow taught me that life (and health) is fragile and not to be taken for granted. Rock on, Deb