Pandemic Ponderings and a Move Update

I actually pondered crossing this makeshift bridge on a recent walk in the woods. Me, a 60 year-old woman with a badly sprained, still-healing ankle, and her mobile phone and camera in her pockets. Thankfully I took a moment to ask myself “What is the worst that could happen?” and that stopped me. For now. If I’d had my hiking poles with me, I think I would have chanced it.

I thought I’d better hammer out a quick post on Ye Olde Blogge before people start wondering if I am still alive and kicking. Which I am, at least at much as my sprained ankle will let me. So here goes – some of my pandemic ponderings and…drumroll please…some moving news! I mean moving as in physically moving, not emotionally moving although there are plenty of emotions happening, believe me!

Pandemic Ponderings by The Widow Badass

Why did it take a pandemic for:

  • people to realize that there is a problem with how we care for our elderly and infirm in nursing homes?
  • people to realize that the most essential jobs are often the least valued, in terms of pay and respect?
  • people to realize how spoiled we all are (especially in North America) by our full grocery stores, daily conveniences, and luxuries? And (on a more personal note), why did it take a pandemic for:
  • me to get into a daily yoga practice?
  • me to get into a daily exercise class (Body Groove)?
  • me to take up knitting again?
  • me to start regularly using technology to connect with friends and family?

In other news and ponderings, after weeks of wondering about my upcoming move to Vancouver Island – things like…

  • Will I be able to move to another province during a pandemic? (I initially feared provincial borders being closed)
  • Is it responsible for me to move house during a pandemic?
  • How will I look for an apartment during a pandemic?
  • Etc.

…I have decided ultimately that I can and will move according to my pre-pandemic schedule, but with a change. There is a family issue in play now as well, that adds urgency to my move to British Columbia such that I feel I must get there sooner than later. Moving is considered an essential service and I have been assured that safety protocols are in place for the workers involved so I am forging ahead.

Instead of my original plan of driving west to BC (a multi-day trip), I am going to ship my car and fly to my new home instead. My flight is booked for May 28.

And…another drumroll please… I have an apartment in Nanaimo waiting for me, for June 1! Thanks to the wonders of technology (and my dear daughter and her man), I was able to locate and virtually tour my new digs and meet the building manager, all from my kitchen counter.

All this to say, fellow Badassians, that if I am absent from or even more sporadic in blogging and commenting on other blogs in the weeks ahead, it is because SHIT HAS GOTTEN VERY REAL (as the kids say). I am now in full-on MOVE MODE and the clock is ticking!

Feel free to share your pandemic ponderings in the Comments, below. I’d love to know what thoughts and revelations this crisis has brought about for you.

Stay safe, and rock on!

The WB

61 thoughts on “Pandemic Ponderings and a Move Update

  1. Well, there’s a part of me that doesn’t envy you packing and getting everything moved! Been there done that! Yesterday was my year anniversary living in my new home state! Time is flying by.

    I’m glad you thought twice about crossing or jumping over the creek. I too am being extra cautious when hiking cause no day is a good day to go to the hospital, but even more so now!

    Do what you need to do to get moved and settled in. I’ll be here when you get back to blogging, but I hope to see you on IG!

  2. Awww – I’m a Badassian 🙂 For some reason, that just warms my heart!

    I’m so happy for you that this is moving ahead for you and these move plans now have firm dates. It’ll be the end of May before you know it! (I’m already grieving :/ … but you already know that 😉)

  3. Sounds exciting. It also sounds challenging, sort of like crossing that stream. I hope you can pull the move off successfully. Did you decide not to drive, due to a probable lack of available lodging along the way?

    1. Thanks TG 💕. Many reasons not to drive across the country but mostly to lessen risk of exposure to virus and to lessen risk to those I will have to come into contact with, should I become an asymptomatic carrier. Hotels I believe remain open. Restaurants and shops, tourist attractions, parks are all closed so it would not be the happy sight-seeing road trip I was envisioning, pre-pandemic – instead one filled with days of stress. Rather get the stress all over with in just one day’s travel, now.

  4. I’m so happy for you that your moving plans didn’t need to be put on hold due to the pandemic. A new start in life is always exciting…and a bit scary…but you’ll be moving closer to family and that’s a major sized cherry on top of your hot fudge sundae. When you get back to the blogging world again, I look forward to reading about all the new places you’ll be exploring. Best of luck with the move!!!!

  5. Hey Deb! I’m SO glad that better sense prevailed and you did NOT try to cross that stream until ready (literally and figuratively!) And I completely agree that it sometimes takes something major for us to stop and pay attention to what we most often take for granted. I’ve always believed that we learn for inspiration or we learn from pain…even though inspiration sounds far more appealing it is the pain that usually slaps us upside the head. Delighted to hear that your move is happening and can’t wait until you are settled in your new place and filling us in on the details. ~Kathy

    1. Thank you Kathy💕. It was so tempting to try to cross the stream. I could taste the joy of making it to the other side…but the cooler side of my brain prevailed, thankfully. I guess I am growing up😉.

  6. Given the ankle and all the upcoming plans, that you didn’t bust a move (okay, that’s probably inartful phrasing) over the makeshift bridge is a good thing. A pity, because either making it safely across or even a fall would have made a wonderful story! Congrats on all of your successes regarding the plans. – Marty

  7. Seems like some good things will arise from this chaos, Deb.
    I’m glad you’ll be able to make your move and everything seems to be working out that way. I’m looking forward to seeing your new digs and the territory around it.
    Leslie xoxo

  8. I’m moving this summer as well and had many of the same fears/anxieties as you. I am feeling a little more calm about it now and this post fills me with hope.

    Have a safe move! And I am very glad you opted out of crossing that makeshift bridge!

    1. Thank you Suzanne 💕. My new home is not as hard hit (yet?) by the virus as the one I will be leaving. Regardless of what state things are in, I am looking forward to walking the beaches and forests near my new home.

  9. AJ Blythe

    Oh my gosh, Deb. I would totally have stood on the creek and thought exactly the same as you (and hopefully made the same decision as you!).

    I am so glad you have a moving date. Life is so uncertain at the moment, having your move hanging would have only added to it. I am keeping everything crossed it goes smoothly. And while I hope the family issue is not bad news I have a sneaky feeling about what it might be (but don’t want to say here, just in case).

    And technology is a blessing at the moment. Life would be really tough without it. It’s very cool you could virtually tour your apartment and meet the manager all without taking a step. I hope this means you’ve let yourself get a little excited. Let that excitement drown out the stress. xx

    1. Thank you AJ 💕. Unfortunately the family issue is bad news – a medical issue concerning a relative. I’ll be more at ease when I am closer. Although we will still be an ocean channel and a long day’s drive apart, at least I know I can jump in my car and get to her if I have to.
      Yes, I am quite excited to move despite everything that is going on! My new place will be half the size of my current one and I am downsizing like crazy. It’s very liberating.

  10. That’s exciting news Deb. Apart move to a)not walk the bridge and b) fly across this big country. I am sure your local friends are going to miss you in a huge way! I hope the island brings you what you are after for this next stage.
    As for pandemic lessons for me; I love having extra creative time and will never be bored when I retire. I have challenged myself to use this time for some much needed body tune ups and I am doing well. The proof will be in the return to work — can I keep up the time to takes to bike and lift weights alongside my much needed nature walks with my four legged and my guy? Eating much cleaner, skipping beer and trying to cut down on most chocolate but life is short so still trying to find the balance. But my body is feeling much better.

  11. Hooray!! I’m so glad that your move is taking place as planned. Welcome to Vancouver Island!
    Oh, and I’m also glad that you decided NOT to cross that bridge. There are plenty of similar makeshift bridges out this way. They will be waiting for you when you are here, and your ankle is healed! 😀

  12. I knew your plans and I’ve been wondering about your move. I’m glad to read that you have it all in place and know it’ll work out. Perhaps in the end this will be a better way to start anew. Just get there by plane and get going. Ever onward, Deb.

  13. You have been busy! Am so glad you decided to get on with the move! Down-sizing can be a freeing thing. Being on the other side of several over the years, I’d suggest, if possible, you give yourself room for doubt about some things, and add a “For Storage” category. Things you think won’t be needed but might be wanted. In my case, that hasn’t so much been furniture, but for sentimental reasons. And books. You’re packing under “abnormal circumstances,” to say the least! 😉
    Thanks for alerting us so we won’t worry. See you “on the other side.” Bon voyage! xx

    1. Thank you Del💕 Yes, abnormal circumstances for sure. I have to keep reminding myself as I pack that I just can’t run out to certain stores once I am there, to get things I might need for my new home!!!

  14. I agree whole-heartedly with your list, Deb. Like you say, “shit has gotten very real.” In a few months, you will have that home by the sea…….wonderful chums……….and booze around…………….kitchen to cook in……..(Ava Gardner). And you will feel better living closer to some of your family. 💕

    1. And I found out that I get to keep my family doctor, thanks to a reciprocity agreement between BC and ON! Had a telephone appointment with her today😁. Thank you Erica💕

  15. hilarymb

    Hi Deb – that makes total sense … so just keep going … in six weeks life will be different and you’ll be where you’re meant to be – all the very best and the hope that things now go very smoothly for you … take care – Hilary

  16. I started reading your Blog posts about a year ago.

    I am 15 months into widowhood and find your quirky humor refreshing 😉

    During this time, I am not moving into a new home … but, rebel that I am, I AM moving. I get in my car and go for loooong drives: Sunday I enjoyed a 7-1/2 hour loop trip from home – back home.

    I can’t be trapped by 4 walls (never could stand being cooped up); and being forced to be trapped indoors while trying to heal and move forward with my life is not good for me emotionally, physically, or spiritually.

    This period of time is an adjustment for sure.

    Good luck and blessing to you on your move forward 😀

    1. Thank you Valeria💕 Sorry for your loss. I remember all of the adjustments I had to make, back then. Wishing you all the best as you move (but not move) forward 😁.

  17. Really like that alliteration in the title of this post. Glad you didn’t chance it, crossing that makeshift bridge on a bad ankle. That would have been an additional struggle when you are scurrying around getting ready for your move. Sounds like details are coming together for the next chapter of your life.

    1. Thank you 💕 Yes, finally broke down and had a telephone appointment with my doc regarding my ankle. Had an ultrasound and xray yesterday. Waiting to hear what was found…

  18. My first time here. Wow, you have a full plate. Best of luck in your move. I live in Chicago with my husband and 6 kids- and we are ‘enjoying’ more family time than we ever thought possible.

    Last summer we visited Vancouver for Irish dancing national championships. Really loved it! So much to see. Just beautiful.

    All the best during this chaotic stage for you, oh and so glad you did not attempt crossing that creek.

  19. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful pandemic ponderings. “Shit has NOT gotten real here” and I feel like we are waiting for an invisible enemy to sneak in. Locals and foreigners alike are just not taking things seriously and probably won’t until “shit gets real’… which it seems is how many countries and communities have reacted to the pandemic….

    Good choice NO NO do not cross that bridge with a messed up ankle or other, it def looks unstable and not worth the risk. Especially w a move coming up.

    Glad to hear you are still on track. How fabulous to be able to get a virtual tour of a place and rent it without even being there. Will you need to be quarantined for two weeks when you get there?

    Very EXCITING!! Best of luck with the upcoming month and the move and all that stuff. A new chapter begins…


    1. Thank you Peta💕 I won’t “need” to be quarantined as I am not coming from outside of Canada. But I will be cautious with people because I don’t know if I will have been exposed during my air travel experience.

  20. debscarey

    How exciting! I’m late to the news of your plans to move, but what a fabulous part of the world you’re moving to. No, I’ve not visited, just heard wonderful tales from family friends who live there. Good luck with the practicalities & I look forward to reading your blog once you get to the other side of this exciting time 🙂

  21. Aw Deb, that’s great news for you. Hope it all goes well with packing and organizing and moving on. Glad you’re not driving, that would have been too challenging for sure. All the best in BC, who knows, someday we might make the trek there too, for a visit. I’m certainly glad to have a connection with you on f/b, otherwise, we just wouldn’t hear from each other. Looking forward to your new chapter in life. It’s a healthy move.

  22. I am slowly catching up on your Big Move news! So glad that most of the nitty-gritty details have been sorted out. Wishing you a safe and uneventful move (keep the excitement for unpacking in your new home)!

  23. Since I’m so late commenting to this post: YOU ARE MOVING TOMORROW!! Have a smooth and comfortable trip and enjoy Nanaimo.

    As to your ponderings: yes, people are spoiled. And – for good or for bad – I’m glad some of us are realizing this now, during a pandemic. “Spoiled and entitled” is how I have called the younger generations of westerners (who are not nomads or minimalists) for ages.

  24. Deb, I’m embarrassed to say I’ve crossed a number of makeshift bridges like the one in your photo with a bum knee and ended up a) walking the rest of the hike in soaking wet shoes or b) taking a long roundabout route back just to avoid having to cross the stream again.

    Welcome to Nanaimo!!

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