How the hell is everyone doing in this strange time? Part of me is just riveted to the news and finding this pandemic so intensely interesting. And then part of me is horrified at how some people are behaving (badly, very badly). And lastly, a big part of me is so cheered by how some other people are revealing their best, most humorous, most altruistic selves during this crisis.
I’m also chuffed at how our Canadian government is handling COVID-19. Maybe not perfectly, but certainly doing the best they can with this novel virus and situation. Kudos to PM Justin Trudeau and (NEVER thought I would say this) Premier Doug Ford, and their teams for science-based and compassionate leadership and for keeping us well informed. What a time to be living through!
Joanne and I are endeavouring to still meet – safely – for our weekly hiking adventure. Now we don’t hug or even get close. And no lunch out afterwards either (restaurants all closed, anyways). But we are still having fun…or at least we were until I took a tumble right at the end of our hike (thankfully!), and strained my ankle. I have every confidence on being back on the trail with her by next week, barring Ontario being put into total lockdown that is!

I hobbled to the grocery store this morning for some staples and perishables and was faced with an unreal scenario. I mean, of course I have seen pictures of other stores throughout North America, but naively, I thought the people of my little community would keep their heads. Yeah. Right.

Grocery store workers must be having their faith in humanity severely challenged at this time. And to add injury to insult, they must come to work, no matter what. Grocery store workers (and those of you in health care), you have my utmost respect.
Up until yesterday when I injured myself, I have been keeping busy at home alone, and only venturing out for a daily walks in nature. I find getting out in the woods essential for walking off stress and for taking care of my mental (and physical) health right now. I had planned on a much needed visit to my local nail salon this week to refresh my dip nails but – as much as I want to support this business in a difficult time – I have to listen to our leadership, whose message is loud and clear: STAY HOME.

I’ll end this post with a song I heard playing over the grocery store’s PA system when I was shopping this morning. Made me laugh out loud…and get some stares.
Rock on safely and healthily, in these Trying Times…
The WB
Hang in there and hope your ankle recovers fast. We are seeing more product on shelves now. The bad time for us was last Thursday through the weekend when people bought anything they got their hands on. Our farmers market is open for the weekend. Wonder how they are doing.
Thank you Kate 💕 I believe our farmers’ markets have been shut down. I also think people will calm down, soon.
I was surprised that ours didn’t. There is no way you can social distance in there. Small aisles, close vendors. I wondered how they fared. Today is the first day for the weekend. They are only open Thurs-Sat.
Hopefully people will stay away.
Our farmers market it taking on line orders and delivering to urbanites. Great idea
Yes, that’s a great idea!
That is a great idea. Our market will take orders and deliver to your car in the parking lot. That’s as far as they go.
Clearly you two have not lost your sense of humour.
Bummer about the ankle! Man, talk about adding insult to self-isolating injury.
Hope you are up boogie-woogie-ing soon!
Thank you Maggie 💕 It’ll take more than a wonky ankle to keep me down!
Hi Deb – love the song … and it’s great when something spontaneous happens … like boogie woogieing (that’s spelt wrong – but tough!) along to the pneumonia … I can’t believe what people are doing with so much stuff. Take care and hope that ankle improves and you and Joanne can meet up next week – cheers Hilary
Thank you Hilary💕 I couldn’t believe it that this particular song would be playing at this time in the grocery store. And that I was there to listen to it!😆
Nurse Bernie here — elevate your ankle on the back of the couch. On a chair is still below your heart and doesn’t give the swelling a chance to go down. Sucks hey — I just did that in January and am still recovering. Take care of it.
I can’t believe the hoarding — it’s crazy and does shake your faith in humanity all right except for the good stories. Like the Ontario distillery who is making hand sanitizer from their tops and tails. Giving it away free.
I must say the same thing about Trudeau, seems to be steady at the helm. Pleased that here in Sask they didn’t wait before declaring a state of emergency. Hopefully that will help us not spike so high as we have a very limited amount of ventilators and a wide spread rural population.
Take care. Stay safe.
Thank you, Nurse Bernie! Heading to the couch now that I’ve finished my blogging duties. Same to you!
A perfect song for these times. I was thinking about REM and the end of the world as we know it. Maybe we need a playlist?
Great idea! I am sure someone has put one up on Spotify already. I will check. Thanks Donna💕
My sympathy regarding the nails. Hoping to talk Malcolm into trading pedi’s later this week!
Thank you Suzanne💕 I will probably end up trying to take the damn things off myself, as I don’t see an end to the social distancing anytime soon. Trading pedis – like sex, hard to do from a safe social distance 😂
I’m soooo sorry about the ankle. Pleeeeease get better soon!!!!
Yesterday was a perfect outing – until your tumble in the mud. These weekly outdoor excursions are what’s keeping me sane(ish) right now!! Admittedly though, I would feel less positive if we were to discover the trails are full of people with the same thinking.
I haven’t been to a store since a state of emergency was declared. Your pictures depressed me. People be weird. Still.
Thanks pal 💕I think the worst of the hoarding must be over by now?
I don’t know … it just takes a single rumour about closures of the liquor/beer/cannabis stores … the panic. The worst could be still ahead 😱😉
WHAT?!?!?! Where did you hear this???? *grabs car keys and hobbles fiercely down the stairs*😜
bwahahahahaha!!! 🤣
PEI closed theirs today
I bet the Confederation Bridge is jammed heading towards New Brunswick. 😁
You should have seen the video of the line ups — zero social distance ☹️
At least you’re in a good place to rest your ankle. From the looks of it, going to your grocery store isn’t worth the bother. Disconcerting to see empty shelves, isn’t it?
Yes I am, Ally. Thanks 💕 Luckily I was able to get everything on my list, no problem.
Sorry to hear you strained your ankle. Good to keep it elevated. I went shopping yesterday instead of today (Thursday) because I thought it might not be so crowded. I was right about that. No line up at the cash. However there still isn’t any toilet paper and the coffee is all gone as well. So I loaded up on fresh fruit and vegetables. The price of meat seemed high so I decided to empty our freezer instead of buying any. It’s Lasagne tonight and a blueberry pie from the freezer.
I know it’s going to be good because I made it. Keep the faith Deb.
Leslie xoxo
Will do Leslie, thanks💕 Working on my freezer as well!
So sorry about your ankle! Fortunately, it’s not like you’ll be missing a bunch of fun event because of it. I really hope all this crazy panic buying dies down. We just signed up for a food delivery service (like a CSA) so we hope that will keep us stocked up with perishables. I’ll probably cancel my standing nail appointment next week. I feel bad for the gal who does them, but it’s just not worth the risk, is it? Besides, no one will see our nails for a while anyway.
Thank you Janis💕 True, no one will see our nails. But if they do, I don’t want to “fingered” (haha!) for consorting with the enemy (COVID-19) by having them freshly done.
Oh, man. A federal government who values (and mentions) science?? You do know how to make a boy to the south very jealous. Good on Justin, good on Doug. That gives me hope for later this year when… oh, never mind.
Great pics of you and Joanne! Glad to see proper distance was kept. Crazy times. Of all the store shortages, it was the egg aisle that made me the most depressed. Seriously, the eggs too? Be safe! – Marty
Thank you Marty💕 The lack of eggs depressed me too. Luckily I still have some at home. And I know a little farm market store out in the country that probably has eggs in their cooler. Don’t ask me where they are located – I WILL NEVER DIVULGE THE SECRET, bwahahaha! 😜 But for now I am good and probably by the time I need more, the city grocery store will be stocked again.
I love how a lot of people are finding humor in this pandemic. It all helps lighten the mood. Sorry you had to twist your ankle. Love your hiking stick trick. I could have used it when I got my taxes done. The reception called me back and I stood there waiting for her to step out of the hallway so I could pass by. When she didn’t I had to reminder we’re supposed to be doing social distancing. LOL
Thanks Jean💕 Happy to make people smile and read other people’s humorous takes on the situation as well. If people would just use common sense for the next few weeks, I think we could slow the spread of this thing down.
Hi, Deb – Glad you are feeling better. I loved the pics of you and Joanne. A small core from my favourite hiking group met today, I REALLY wanted to join them but was torn. As the libra I am, I met them in the parking lot, spoke to them from the recommended distance, gave treats to their dogs, and then went on my own hike with Richard.
As you say, challenging times. But like you, I have been inspired by the goodness and selflessness out there, and of our Canadian leadership, who have been showing incredible decision making.
Thank you for the rocking closing song. It put a smile on my face.
Thank you Donna💕 I’ve been inside all day today and that is bothering me worse than the social distancing. But my ankle is thanking me, and hopefully I can get out for a smallish wander tomorrow if it continues to improve. If I do, I’ll be sure to post pictures, so you can join me on my walk!
I’ve been working from home for a week now and to keep myself sane I’ve been going for 40 minute walks at lunch time. There are WAY more people walking than I’ve ever seen in my life – clearly they need to get out of the house, too. Most are walking solo though some in pairs and I’m choosing to believe they are housemates. Maybe one good consequence of this situation is lots of people will acquire a healthy new habit.
I noticed so many people on my local trail too, in the middle of the day on a weekday! I put it down to March Break but you could be right that these are people staying home because of COVID-19. I’d like to think that there will good things coming from this pandemic wake-up call. Thank you Susanne💕
I kinda wish the stores had started imposing limits on products when we first saw the run on toilet paper, because so many people are going way overboard. But hindsight is 20/20 I guess, and really no one thought it was gonna get this crazy.
Take care of that ankle 😉
Thank you Norm💕 Who knew people would devolve so quickly in a crisis? There are limits now, though!
You two are great! Thanks for keeping us entertained! I have eggs, by the way, but haven’t seen toilet paper in 2 weeks!
I have toilet paper. Just lucky! Needed to buy just before the er…shit hit the fan. We could do a swap…🤣🤣🤣 Thanks Tracey💕
Good job on the self-timer. I have yet to play with this feature. I agree with everything in your “How the hell…” paragraph. A roller-coaster of emotions. I am also thankful I live in Canada, not perfect but doing the best they can, pro-active and keeping us informed. Darn on the ankle. Hope it heals quickly. And yes, Stay Home! I am curious what my actual hair colour is? 😉 Stay healthy, Deb!💕
Thank you Erica💕 Same to you! Ankle is still swollen but steadily improving.😁
Thanks for the giggles, girl!! Hope your foot is on the mend.
Thank you💕 Still swollen and sore but I keep moving on!
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Love the photos of you and Joanne and it’s great you are still walking in the woods. Except for that strained ankle. Ow that hurts so much! One week and you should be back on both feet.
The photos of the bare shelves are pretty amazing to us… They look so much like what we saw in Cuba years back where food is ALWAYS rationed. One thing is for sure, that in the lands of plentiful, a time like this makes everyone appreciate what they/we often take for granted.
Just as a point of comparison, and on a more sobering note, in India right now, social distancing is a luxury that most cannot achieve. Even hand washing is a luxury for so many. The pandemic is hitting really hard there not only because of the poverty but also because of overcrowding everywhere, and President Modi gave everyone just four hours of notice before he enforced a very strict lockdown with disastrous results.
Keep safe and healthy.
Thank you Peta💕 Sobering, indeed. Continuing to count my blessings everyday. More so now than ever! Joanne and I have discontinued our walks for the time being due to my ankle and to heed our PM’s instructions to stay at home. Please stay healthy and safe, yourselves!
Hope your ankles are all healed up, Deb. Hope you are able to get back to some outdoor therapy soon.
These are indeed trying times – stay safe!
Thank you Ju-Lyn💕 Much to my frustration, I have been resting my ankle for hours each day. However, I think it is finally paying off and I’m cautiously optimistic that I can resume my normal activity level soon.
Deb, I’m very grateful too to our leadership at the federal provincial and municipal elections level. Our provincial health officer here in B.C., Dr. Bonnie Henry, has been absolutely fantastic in managing the epidemic here, and does a public information session everyday with our provincial minister of health, Adrian Dix. They are very clear and open in their communication, and devote a large portion of every update session to answering questions. I’m glad to live in a country with an excellent universal health care system, and where people still respect experts.
I’ve heard very good things about BC and the numbers prove it! Way to go, future home province!!!😁
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