I’ve been back home now for 3 days and am totally undone by a horrific cold I picked up in Barbados, thanks to my room-mate, who got it thanks to her grand-niece (who is awfully cute but still deserves the nick-name of Plague Child, IMHO). Feel free to indulge any feelings of schadenfreude here, if you so desire. I’ll wait. 😉
Since I am too ill to mix and mingle with anyone now that I am back home, I am putting together this contagion-free blog post instead.
Seriously, this is one hell of a virus. I was kinda worried they were going to quarantine me at the airport, with suspected coronavirus!
This trip marks 4 years now, of coming to Barbados with my friend CJ, and staying at the same hotel (Coconut Court Beach Hotel), and we are still discovering new things to see and do every trip. One of our discoveries this trip included a wonderful dinner at the hospitality and culinary school in the Pommarine Hotel just 15 minutes walk from our place. We would definitely go back, having enjoyed a delightful 3 course meal for only 38 Barbadian dollars (~19 USD).
Another discovery was the half-day Garrison tour we took with this guy:

We visited two forts, an armoury, re-visited George Washington House (and still learned stuff), and saw the changing of the guard in front of the Barbados Legion.

But for me, the absolute highlight was coming across some newly-hatched sea turtles making their way to the ocean, on one of my morning walks.

Most days were spent doing a whole lot of glorious nothing. If you call walking the board walk and the beach, relaxing in the shade, swimming and snorkelling in the warm sea, and reading e-books doing nothing. Ahhh…the life.

Of course it was of the utmost importance to catch as many sunrises and sunsets as possible.

There’s always something to learn while in Barbados. Here are some tidbits:

Rock on,
The WB
Looks wonderful. Hope you feel better fast and you are lucky you weren’t quarantined!
Thank you Kate 💕 CJ and I strategically dosed our cold medications so as to appear less symptomatic when going through customs.
Very wise!
So glad you had a wonderful trip. Loved the video! Felt like I was there.
Thank you sis💕💕
Thanks for sharing Deb. Unable to make it this year so I’ll live vicariously through you. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Leslie xoxo
Thanks Leslie 💕
Wow, how cool to see those sea turtles. That must have been a great thrill. I’ll bet they all made it safely to the surf because you were standing there watching them.
I think you’re right, TG. There were about 4 of us watching and no birds attempted to swoop down for a fly-thru breakfast while we were there.
The baby turtles are adorable – what a lucky find! I have never seen a horse get bathed in the ocean – who knew??? Looks like a super fun trip with your pal. Hope you get better soon – sucks being sick for anyone much less an active person.
Oh boy, you said it Pam! I can’t wait to get back to my normal routine. It’s a great reminder not to take good health for granted. I didn’t know race horses got bathed and exercised in the ocean either, until I started going to Barbados.
Too bad you came home sick but it seems like you had a fabulous time.
We didn’t let our illnesses upset our trip. And I didn’t really fall apart until I got home and then I guess my body decided it was safe for me to fall apart 😜. And fall apart I have done ever since!
Drink lots of water and rest. It’s boring but necessary. Maybe binge watch Netflix!😏
A great plan! Thank you Bernie💕
Loved experiencing Barbados through your eyes …especially the turtles, the horses, and your endless smiles. Get well soon. Hugs from Zihuatanejo, Mexico.
Thank you Lisa 💕 My parents used to go to Zihuatenejo – they loved it there. I gotta go someday!
You do indeed! Can’t wait to see where your adventures take you next!!!
Well, if all goes according to plan my next big adventure is with Joanne and Karen Gerlach in the Appalachian mountains, in late April.
AWESOME. Wish I could be there to join in the fun!
You need to take me with you next time, you clearly need a chaperone to protect you from all the turtles, cat, horses and fish.
Thank you Jean💕 You are most welcome as chaperone!
Lovely photos. Are the turtles seasonal hatchings or all the time? Barbados is on our list. Not easy to get to from Colombia. Drink plenty of Rum. A real cold killer!
I thought it was seasonal and the season is summer to November but people tell me that sea turtles actually will nest at any time. One year I did see turtle nesting tracks in the morning so that was confirmed for me. Thank you guys💕 I did have my share of rum but not since I am home…so off to the liquor cabinet I go!🥃
Hi Deb! Your photos are AMAZING! And it looks like you had an absolutely wonderful time. How great that you take the time and make the effort to do that every year. What an awesome idea. Cold-smold. It will be gone soon but you’ll always have those wonderful memories! ~Kathy
Thank you Kathy💕 You are so right! Viruses come and go but memories keep much longer!
Drink rum, be happy. I like that message even if I can’t stand rum. I like your photos and am intrigued by the turtles. So amazing to see them in person, under the beautiful skies. Your vacay looks like it was glorious.
You know Ally, when I first came to Barbados I thought I hated rum too. Turns out I was wrong. It was very glorious, thanks💕
Sorry to hear you are still feeling crappy. From the looks of your photos, it didn’t slow you down much while you were there, but glad you are home recuperating. I know you said it was a contagion-free post, but just in case … 😷
As an aside, on today’s walk I saw a guy not only wearing a mask, but swim goggles 🤦🏻♀️
Love the kitty (that’s a badass-face if ever I saw one) and I’d be squealing at the baby turtles too. Glad to hear this annual trip continues to delight!
Well, you just know I was feeding ol’ puss some grilled marlin offa my plate. No wonder he kept showing up when we sat down😁🐈. Swim goggles? Now that’s new. I saw a few people wearing masks at the airport. Thanks Joanne 💕
Yeah – some people {mostly in China where the risk is highest} have been resorting to covering their eyes since your eyes are also an entry point for a virus.
In Toronto though? Definitely overkill.
I’m not surprised that kitty hunted you down each time he saw you. Smart!
That looks like so much fun! What a great tradition to share with your friend (do you plan to keep it going even after you move to the west coast?). I would have been over the moon to see those baby sea turtles! I’ve seen adults swimming, but never babies on the sand. I hope you feel better soon!
Yes, we plan on still doing the annual vacation every year. Probably Barbados again next year or maybe somewhere on my side of the continent. Thank you Janis💕
OMG – those baby sea turtles are absolutely gorgeous. They would have been my highlight as well. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Sending healing vibes your way!
Thank you Donna💕
Looks as if you had the perfect farniente holiday. Thank you for the pictures of sunrise and sunset. I can never get enough of those. How fortunate were you seeing the turtles hatch? Glad they all made it safely into the surf. Hope you recover swiftly from your illness.
Hah! I had to look up farniente. Yes, dolce farniente! Thank you Sheree💕
Hi Deb – I do hope the illness clears away soon … just makes one feel so ‘frot’. Those little turtles are wonderful to see. Lovely memories of a place I’ve never been to – a dream sometime … cheers Hilary
Thank you Hilary💕
You’re a pineapple, Deb. I feel relaxed just reading this post and enjoying your glorious photos. Hope you’re back in the pink soon!
Thank you Susanne💕 I do aspire to 🍍🍍🍍. My retirement hairstyle is to gather it into a high ponytail on the top of my head that I do call, yes, my pineapple!😆
Love your GoPro photos. It looks fun and I’m thinking I might need to get one! You captured such a variety of activities during your vacation. Thanks for sharing the highlights and feel better soon.
Thank you Suzanne💕 I need to get much more proficient with my GoPro. I only use it once or twice per year, and then I have to relearn how to use it all over again😜. But I love it for underwater photography and video.
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Now hopefully you kick that cold right quick and get ready for the next adventure.
Thank you Norm💕
My gosh, Deb, what a wonderful place! Paradise!
Hope you are recovering well – it is very fortunate you made it through customs with no temperature otherwise it would have been tricky with quarantine.
The turtles are sooooooo adorable!
Thank you Ju-Lyn💕 I’m hanging in there and so is my cold🤧
Deb, I have enjoyed seeing your photos on Instagram. Barbados looks beautiful! Sorry about your virus. Chances seem almost 100% with any form of travel. Close quarters, air conditioning, Plague Children. The sea turtles are extra special. Great photos! The video was major cool. I put the sound on to get a better effect. A wonderful post from beginning to end (too bad it had to end). Hope you feel better soon, Deb. 💕
Thank you Erica💕 I am determined to feel better soon!
Looks like an amazing trip, Deb. So beautiful. x
Thank you GW💕 Nice to see you back in your blog
Well, I had to open another email and blog to contact them, which I think it totally ridiculous. They should have a better way for their users to get in contact.
Deb, I lived vicariously through you whilst viewing your pics *sigh* looked amazing. The sea turtles were my fav
Thank you CG💕 It’s hard to beat baby sea turtles as a trip highlight,for sure!
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I love your posts.
The pictures are crisp and to the point. Also, since I am partly a tourist when home, they and your writing make me fill up remembering, and learning too.
Hope you are better and stay well.
Thank you Beulah💕 I am better, and hope to stay well! I am seeing heart-breaking posts on Facebook from the hotel we stay at, and others in beautiful Barbados and I hope you and everybody else gets through this current crisis safely.
Thank you. The people are strong and I am sure they will come through on top.
You stay well now.
Amazing Barbados sunsets – stunning ☀️
Thank you Cherryl 💕
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