…is pretty bleak, or should I say pretty YET bleak today.

If I was still working, I’d be very unhappy with January in Southern Ontario, thus far in 2020. For the past 3 weekends, every Saturday has been some kind of weather event – ice storm, snow storm, rain/freezing rain, more snow – it’s like someone has a hate on for Saturdays!
However, I am not working (and still giddy about this!) – which means every day is Saturday and I can get out for a walk or hike just about any time I want. Except for actual Saturday, according to the January weather gods.
My blogging and IRL friend Joanne and I have come up with a schedule of Wednesday hikes and so far the weather has cooperated. Two hump day hikes under our belts so far, and hopefully 2 more before we fly off to our separate adventures in February. Here’s some views I wish I had from my window, taken from this past Hump Day Hike:

See more pretty views at Joanne’s blog – Following a Bold Plan.
When not gazing out my window or getting outside for a walk or hike, I find myself doing a lot of puttering around the house. Which is lovely. I am a huge fan of puttering. However it can seem like I am not getting much done because I flit from task to task, leaving most things in a state of progress rather than working any particular task to completion (like I was more inclined to do when I was still working). I think this is because I am revelling in all of my newfound time. And truth be told, it’s kinda bugging me. So I came up with a game plan for today, to see if I can account for my time a bit better. Behold the task list:

So far I have shredded some papers in what used to be my office, worked on ye olde blogge, yoga-ed, and did 3 loads of laundry. My slow-cooked chicken carcass broth will be done soon and it will become the base for both a soup and a curry later on today. I also flitted departed from my task list to make my own less toxic household cleaner and used it to clean up my toilet and sink (more about this on another post!).
What’s left? I plan on playing with my GoPro, to relearn how to use it before I leave for Barbados in a couple of weeks. And since the January weather gods have relented and it seems not too terrible today, I am going to venture out for a walk to stretch my legs.
Bleak or not, the view from my window is calling to me.
Hope your Saturday is going well! How productive are you inclined to be today?
Rock on,
The WB
Ive been sitting on my couch all morning – messing with the blog! About to take the pup on a short hike. It’s beautiful in Colorado today! Wednesday hump day hikes are a great idea – no crowds I’m sure.
Yes, no crowds – that’s for sure! Enjoy your hike 💕
You had me at Barbados! Today we have a lot of rain. A lot! Not complaining because it could have been snow in which case I would have been snowed in for a few days. The best part of retirement is not worrying about weather. Any day works for anything.
True enough, Kate. And if the weather doesn’t work, there’s always tomorrow 💕
Absolutely! Nothing needs to happen today!
“Everyday is Saturday” would be a great name for a blog if you decided to change your name here. You’re still in vacation mode. Retirement mode will start hitting you soon.
How will I know when it hits me, Jean?
You just will. You’ll wake up one morning and realize you’re had all the naps you need, all the free time you need to daydream or walk or clean your spaces or catch up with friends. That’s when you’ll hit retirement mode.
We’re in southern Ontario so the weather is much the same here Su. I’m ready for spring.
Much as I’ve been loving the winter hiking, I wouldn’t be miffed if spring came early. Really early. 😄😉
me too!
The deep freeze is gone! The snow is fresh! I so wish I could go snow shoeing but the ankle says it will be yet another road walk and not a fun play in the coulee. Oh well — I have almost every day to get outside and I love it.
I have stuck with my lists because I just need focus I guess. I am also very goal orientated and so flitting doesn’t work well in my head. I like to start and finish tasks. But it works differently for everyone. Plus the semi retired part does keep me in line so to speak as I still have to go to work occasionally.
I think you and I are alike – I’m also very goal oriented and the flitting is getting on my nerves. I shouldn’t even be having nerves any more, right? 😉
I do like your “wished for” views better. Sounds like Murphy has a hand in your Saturday weather. I’m sure your frittering will settle once you are used to having all that time. I think I’d be the same if I suddenly went from no time to a lot of it. Enjoy the moment 🙂
Good advice, AJ! Thanks 💕
Hi Deb! I actually like the look of that photo through the screen. I guess it also represents how I’d feel if I was stuck indoors in cold weather (not my finest hour!) And good for you as you slowly find your way and enjoy your new freedom. Looking forward to how it unfolds! ~Kathy
Thank you Kathy! 💕
Looks like you’re adjusting well to the slower pace of retired life. Barbados sounds like fun. We’re heading for the Florida keys in a few days, for some fun in the sun. Enjoy your vacation from the Canadian weather.
Have a safe and wonderful trip, TG! 💕
Both phrases seem appropriate, Deb, “pretty bleak” and “pretty YET bleak.” A good excuse for cocooning and staying cozy. I heard a theory years ago how there is a good explanation for Saturday weather events. I can’t remember all the details, although something about all of the exhaust and vehicles and increased industrial activity during the week accumulating and affecting weather patterns. Very pretty Hump Day Hikes. Me? I began playing with/procrastinated with different voice memo apps. And watching 21 month old grandson sleeping on my chest and I am enjoying Toy Story 3. Not a wasted day at all. Looking forward to hearing about Barbados.💕
Your day sounds wonderful, Erica. I’m bringing my new iPad to Barbados and will attempt to blog from it. Wish me luck 💕
You gotta love that everyday is now Saturday. This concept still puts a smile on my face.
Enjoy Barbados…and send us some snaps! 😀
Thank you Donna💕 Will do!
While the pic out your window is bleak, your to-do list looks perfect. Manageable, even. Have to ask: what is GoPro?
A GoPro is a type of video camera that is tiny and waterproof, thus perfect for when I am snorkeling!
I have found that if I don’t write something down it doesn’t get done. I could putter around all day on gray days. Sunny days get me out the door always. 🙂 Can’t wait to read about Barbados!
Thanks Mimi! 💕 I can’t wait to get there 😁
I love it when the weather ceases to bug us … in my case though, it is the serious case of “OMG! it’s so hot I can’t go out”. But as you say, since we have no big pressing appointments which can’t be shifted about, we can play it all by ear!
Lovely photos of stunning views. I think the screen added interesting texture. Have never thought of getting a Go Pro? Pro Go? GoPro! Got it. But that would be such a fun way to snap photos when hiking, ziplining, etc. Love the idea. Barbados? Can I drive you?
Hehehehe! Thanks for the offer but I have my plane ticket booked. I like the texture added by the screen as well but it does look at bit off. I love my GoPro for taking video when I am snorkelling. 🧜♀️🥽🐠
Ooh enjoy Barbados. You were there last year too, or am I mistaken? sun and beach are oh so appealing during the middle of a Canadian or North American winter. I couldn’t wait to leave the bitter cold of Chicago and be back home again in tropical weather.
Without lists I would be a mess. I get easily distracted. I have a huge chalkboard up for my different lists!
Thanks Peta 💕 I’ve been going to Barbados every year since New Year’s Day 2016 – this will be my 5th trip, and 4th one with my friend CJ. We’re making this a tradition – this winter get away – and already sketching out how this will work going forward when I am on the west coast. We may alternate locations between Barbados and someplace closer to me – we’re talking about future locations like Baja or Hawaii…who knows what next year will bring! The only thing I know is it will be warm and sunny. 🌴🌞🐚🌴
Deb, I laughed about flitting from task to task. I do that too (I call it multitasking), but sometimes at the end of the day, I don’t know where all my time has gone. A bit disconcerting. And then I revert to lists.
Multitasking sounds better than what I’ve been calling it! 😜 Lists are once again my friends.