The Place I Call Home

The 2nd of the journal prompts I am trying to follow this year is to “write about the place you call home”. Rather than write about a particular city or area or even a dwelling, I am choosing to write about the place I always feel at home…out in nature. Since I have retired at the beginning of this year, I have been making it a priority to get out in nature just about every day because my body and soul needs it – to feel complete, to connect and to recharge.

Only animals have been on this gorgeous winter footpath, before I arrived. This photo and the following three were taken 2 days ago across the river from my abode.
This path is well-used.
My kind of heaven.
Red berries at the edge of the pond.

Today I met with my partner-in-crime for a lot of adventures, Joanne of My Life Lived Full and Following a Bold Plan. I think it’s safe to say that we both feel the same way about feeling at home in nature and today we made Hilton Falls Conservation Area our home.

Just 2 retired gals hanging out in the woods and up to no good, as usual.
Toasting our good fortune to be out in nature on such a glorious winter day. Joanne always brings the best hiking…er…snacks. Pretty sure it is illegal to drink in conservation areas. See “up to no good”, above. Hehehehe!
Gorgeous bark and mosses
Log with fungus
Joanne snapping a pic of the pot hole.
Hilton Falls – in fine winter form due to the heavy rains we experienced lately.
Later on another part of the trail: Joanne spotting another waterfall at the end of the reservoir.
Snack break, again. So important, on the trail. 😉

I hope you enjoyed the place I call home. I know I did.

Rock on,

The WB

57 thoughts on “The Place I Call Home

  1. retirementconfidential

    Awesome! In my golf group, we keep Fireball and little plastic shot glasses in our bags so we can celebrate when someone makes a birdie. We call it birdie juice.

  2. Jean R.

    What a great area for a winter hike. What is that pot hole? It looks man made but I can’t read the marker near by.

    1. Hi Jean – I took a close-up picture of the sign and it says “the pothole seen here was worn in the bedrock by loose stones being spun around by the force of water flowing over the escarpment at this point”. The time the sign is speaking of is 12,000 – 14,000 years ago. Amazing, eh?

  3. Deb, Your photos could have been taken outside my house today. More rare for us. I agree with you on how our body and soul needs nature. Ultimately, we are part of nature. Nice to see Joanne’s face. I have missed her. That Fireball cracked me up. I am sure I can make room in my daypack for some. That is quite the pothole. I wonder what caused it? BTW, Deb, you can purchase Fireball out West, too. Just sayin’😉💕

    1. Hehehe! Good to know Erica, re: Fireball availability out West and glad you can find room in your daypack for some. I know Joanne will be excited to read this. (Me too!) Please see my response to Jean R’s comment on the origin of the pothole. I explained it there. 💕

  4. I love nature. Walks in our pasture and ravine (what we call a Coulee) just rejuvenate me. Snow seems patchy down East and obviously it’s fairly warm or you wouldn’t be snacking outside! Although that fireball will warm you up!

    1. Hi Tippy! Your name actually came up during our hike. Were your ears ringing? 😉

      You may not have noticed, but in the last photo, one of the little containers had Cheez-Its in it. I’d never had them before … or even seen them in a grocery store – until this week. Of course I had to buy a few boxes. They made an EXCELLENT hiking snack, with cheese … and fireball. Happy to have had you join us in spirit on the hike. I think you would have liked it 🙂

      1. I always knew you two had taste, but the fact that you like Cheez-Its confirms it. They do make an excellent hiking snack, and in case you get lost you can leave a trail of them behind you, for Search & Rescue.

        1. Tippy, I hope we never have to test that suggestion.

          First, I don’t do lost. It’s just not going to be pretty … you know … hysterics, crying, panic attacks. Good times. Not.

          Secondly, it would be a terrible waste of a good snack.

      1. AJ Blythe

        Lol, yup. Snow is just down the road from where I live – The Hub and Barbarians are mad keen snowboarders. We get a teeny bit in the hills around us and rarely it snows here. Nothing like you guys get though!

        I’ll have to share photos…

  5. You live in a beautiful area. Your nature photos are lovely and serene. It’s interesting how you interpreted the prompt to mean outdoors. My mind went immediately to inside the house as my home. Thus is the joy in prompts, thinking differently.

    1. Thank you, Ally Bean 💕 Maybe it’s because I’m leaving my house this year…although I love it, I am trying to distance myself as I know it is impermanent and I will be in a new house or apartment as the year goes on. Nature is my constant home and always there for me.

  6. I love our excursions. I never quite know what we’ll get into … although a few ‘props’ help inspire the imagination 😉

    As we said at least a million times, we couldn’t have had a better day on the trail. I’m thrilled to be back on my feet again and looking forward to our next adventure!!

  7. You two!! What a team!

    Your photos are gorgeous. If you gonna do cold weather, then yes, one may as well make the most of it, get out and enjoy the gorgeous snow. And “snacks” ahaha.


  8. Your wintry scenes brought me such pleasure this morning. The snowy branches, the possibility to be found on lengthy trails, the glorious falls and those lovely smiles. I share your love of nature and ‘finding myself’ walking in (or sailing upon) it. Retirement suits you well.

  9. I love to see you two hanging out together!!! And now, I am going to bring Fireball shots on hikes! LOL. I usually reserve them for the golf course – thanks for the idea! It’s the nectar of the gods. I always say nature is my church – I bought a really great belt buckle with this saying on it – I haven’t worn it in a while, maybe it’s time :-).

  10. Beautiful snow and scenery … thank you for sharing your slice of the world which cools me down significantly just vicariously walking through you!

    I love how you & Joanne roll … best kind of snacks!

  11. Your photos remind me of how much I have been missing my daily outdoor walk on the trails. It has been exceedingly rainy here, and although I sometimes put on my rain gear and go out anyways, sometimes I just don’t. We had a lovely walk in the woods yesterday, though.


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