How’s that for an click-baity enticing title, eh? Last weekend was planned several months ago, after coordination with another blogging buddy and IRL friend, Karen Hume. Joanne (aka trail name: Blaze) and I visited Karen last in the summer of 2018 and another visit was definitely overdue!
Joanne asked me if there was anything in particular I wanted to see on our little road trip (besides Karen, of course) and without much hesitation I said “Tweed, in Smiths Falls!” This was more than cool with our intrepid Joanne as well, so off we went on Friday morning to see what this facility that grows cannabis was all about. Joanne wrote about her observations on our tour here and she has some great pictures of pot production at “Ganga University” as I call it, because our tour guide kept referring to the facility as a “campus”.
So, without replicating Joanne’s photos…we were both snapping away so a lot are the same…here are some of mine, from our tour:

After a couple of hours spent gaining an education about ye olde electric lettuce, bhang, mary jane, dank, green goddess etc., we were off to meet up with Karen for some pub grub and plans for our Saturday together. Which included visiting:

And the Brockville Railway Tunnel, Canada’s first:

While visiting with Karen, we stayed at a lovely little complex on the banks of the St. Lawrence River:

And it really was lovely, except for the paper thin walls between the rooms. On Saturday night Joanne and I turned in early, in our respective but far apart rooms – we’d had a full day of catching up and touring the area with Karen, and had filled up on some delicious Chinese food for supper as well. We were both looking forward to relaxing with a good book and catching up on our (a-hem) beauty sleep.
Joanne was treated to a loudly battling father and son in the room next to hers while I was treated to something else entirely.
There I was, safely tucked into bed and enjoying a good book, when I heard the unmistakeable sounds of…er…knockin’ boots, from the other side of the wall behind my headboard. Which was not at all unusual I suppose, except that I was also treated to some loud and (I sincerely hope) playful slapping going on, besides! Talk about your “slap and tickle” – it was a veritable slap and tickle festival happening next door to me. Hah! Thankfully it was at a decent hour in the evening and the festivities um climaxed died down before they cut into my ability to sleep.
The next morning we shared our experiences at breakfast while I scanned the couples in the complex’s dining room to try and figure out who was the slapper and who was the slappee of the previous evening. I think I figured it out. Not only that, we ran into those same people at a highway rest stop on the way back to our respective homes later that morning! The woman seemed in quite a jolly mood so I inferred from this that apparently all that slapping was done in a loving and consensual manner.
Joanne asked me how long I had to listen to this symphony of slap-happy sex. I said long enough that I didn’t have to feel sorry for the female partner. 😉
Have you ever had your rest interrupted by a loud couple next door? Do tell, and…
Rock on,
The WB
I’m still P’Od there were no free samples for you both. Nothing like paper thin walls – haha.
Thanks Pam! In terms of what Joanne and I had to listen to that night, I was the more fortunate one.
You two (and three, with Karen) have too much fun! A pot museum and a psychedelic tunnel… who’d a thought you’d find those in Canada?
We Canadians are not quite as the world thinks of us, Janis. Be forewarned 😜
Yes, the tunnel was definitely missing a little something-something 😉
We certainly know how to cram a lot of giggles into one weekend!
That we do, my friend 😁. It’s effortless as we are easily and endlessly amused by most things💕
I seriously had to take a break between reading and commenting because I was laughing too hard to type! What a fun weekend! I’m glad that you and Joanne were able to catch up with Karen as well. I’m looking for seeing you again soon…but am pretty sure that I can’t top the Pot Museum…or the type tunnel! 😀
I’m so excited to come back to the island. This week is gonna drag by so slowly 😫. Thanks Donna 💕
Hi Deb! What fun you had….and I’m SURE that tunnel would have been even MORe amazing if you had some POT samples in you….then again, maybe you did have a little something. And how is Karen? I do miss her here in the blogosphere and hope all is well in her world…At any rate it is always fun to hear about others enjoying life. ~Kathy
Sorry to disappoint Kathy, but we were completely sober 😁. Karen is doing great! She reads our blogs so no doubt will be happy to read your kind words 💕
When I saw your title I thought you were already high on something. Crazy title but it covered all your based perfectly. Glad you had fun on your mini trip. Call me the odd one out here but I liked the train tunnel.
Laughed at your experience at the motel. We had that happen once and did some play acting of our own copying every sound we heard, let them know by example that we could hear them through the wall. Kind of killed their passion, I think.
bwahahahaha!!! I like your style!! 🤣
Haha! I never thought of doing that, Jean. I should have called out encouraging words or applauded, at least. A missed opportunity!
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. But I’m sorry you didn’t get to talk to any unicorns who smoke weed for the flavor. They use colorful language, and are quite sophisticated.
When we were staying at a motel room at the Grand Canyon, we were entertained by a musical couple in the next room. Their bed kept banging rhythmically against the wall, while they moaned operatically. I wished I had brought my harmonica along, so I could accompany them.
Thanks, TG! I think some Barry White would have been the perfect accompaniment to this couple. But somehow I can’t envision his songs for a harmonica 😜
TOO FUNNY!!!! Laughed all the way through at all the innuendos, and loved the technique of writing your first thought, crossing it out and leaving it up, baring all. Just too funny. Did I mention how much we enjoyed your post?!!
The tunnels.. yeah well, everything is better with samples…. ain’t that the truth?
I couldn’t agree more, Peta.
… and she’s even funnier in person 😆
Thank you Peta (and Ben) 💕💕
You did get the better end. Happy (?) slapping is far better than yelling.
Agreed! Thanks Kate 💕
Have you ever had your rest interrupted by a loud couple next door?
Yes, many times. Most notably at the Westin [of all places] in Boston. The couple next door was amorous and made a night of it. Good for them, I guess. But we both were so tired the next day and resented them– and the cheap walls in an unbelievably expensive hotel.
That is unexpected! We were in an older establishment so I wasn’t surprised the walls were thin. But the Westin? Did you complain to anyone, Ally?
No we didn’t because this particular Westin [Copley Place] was filled with the snottiest employees I’ve ever encountered. We were, to them, midwestern rubes, pawns in their game of hotel supremacy. Two nights there and I never want to go to Boston again. 🤨
And now I don’t want to either. Hmmmph!😤
Not all of Boston is like that, but a lot of it can be. I would imagine because of all the colleges and highly educated population… and they’re conservative, so no Tweed for them!
Good point. I’ve no doubt you’re right about the rest of Boston. One of my college roommates was from the region and she was sweet as can be. Not everyone there is a meanie.
Hi Erica – ‘Here’s where the magic happens’ – where’s my devil’s lettuce? On top of that there’s no tunnel … ah well nearly dark – being in an old Edwardian house … there’s no noise here to disturb me!
Love your description of Tweed’s tour … or lack of samples … I do quite fancy those vials and seeing what’s in each … and then the light system – that’s clever. The ‘factory’ looks immaculately clean – no chocolate splodges obviously …
Brockville Railway – fascinating … and I can see the English influence – brick arched tunnels – just like the tubes, and the sewers (as big!) – except today we need rather larger sized ones …
So pleased the three of you had fun -and were able to amuse yourselves … and yes – places where there’ve been noises off, or screams of delight (I hope ) off … but loved the post – cheers Hilary
Definitely the British influence in that part of Ontario – Empire Loyalist country!
Thanks Hilary 😁
Hi Deb – sorry obviously went in the wrong name direction! Lack of concentration … I’m now off to see Joanne’s post … apologies … cheers Hilary
Love the innuendos and alternative wording! I had the pleasure of meeting up with Karen H myself last month. No devil’s lettuce or psychedelic train tunnels, but so wonderful to meet IRL.
Agreed, Pat! Thanks 💕
You are definitely my morning smile, Deb, and I have only read the title:) Oooh, then I read your first line. Still smiling:) The museum posters are ……..no words:) I appreciate all the new, amazing photos. One point emphasized by both you and Joanne: no samples! Darn! I enjoy all of your posts, Deb. I have extra grin wrinkles on this one. From a happy (unfortunately, not slap-happy) reader.😊
🤣🤣 Thanks Erica 💕
😂😂😂 Ah the ‘couple next door’. During our land travels, we often stay in budget accommodation with thin walls …oh the things we hear.
Love the psychedelic tunnel. Definitely would have been fun with some Tweed Samples (followed up by chocolate if there had been any available in that shiny factory).
Great to see you and Joanne on the road together again. I’ve been land tripping through Colombia as of late so have been a bit absent from blogging but hope to be back soon.
Thank you Lisa 💕
You always go to the most amazing places, Deb. I really want to go there one day. Now I’m craving some edibles. LOL. Like I’m not already hyper enough. That tunnel looks really cool.
Tweed says their “special” chocolate will be available in February, GW. Something to look forward to 😁💕
Ok, so many thoughts here. The first part of this, the weed and that tunnel, for some reason I am now thinking of the See what condition my condition was in in the Big Labowski, just saying.
The second part, My only experience with something like that was the week that the attacks of 9/11 happened. I was walking up 6th avenue in manhattan trying to find the stop where my bus would be stopping that night because everything was so screwed up…..AND…I walked passed a bank with an ATM booth….AND in that booth was…a couple having sex. A couple having sex in an ATM booth in Manhattan only a few miles from where something heinous happened and we were still smelling the smoke from it. That was when I knew New York City would be alright.
Rock on
🤣 Love the Big Lebowski reference, Don! The ATM story – wow! Well, they do say people get frisky after a brush with death so I imagine there was quite a lot of that going on immediately after 9/11. I wonder if there was a mini baby boom 9 months later?
Next time maybe capture a little audio on the phone and include on the blog. I’m having a hard time picturing it.
😆 I’ll try to remember to do so, should I ever be in this situation again. Just for you, Kieran.
I read Joanne’s post so knew some of the details of the trip, but as usual, you have put a spin on it that just tickled my funny bone (as opposed to the slap and tickle, lol) I sure would have liked to see that tunnel lit up…and back in the day we would be lit up as well.
I wonder if it’s as fun now that it’s legal? Takes some of the illicitness out of the experience…
All of the fun with none of the paranoia 😉
Thanks Nancy 💕
Okay, call me a unicorn… I love the taste of some good skunk bud.
Pleased to make your acquaintance, Unicorn! 🦄
Ottawa is a mere 45 minutes from Smiths Falls and the factory formerly made Hershey’s Chocolate. We often visited and bought discounted “seconds”. Such a shame it’s new incarnation hasn’t capitalized on its history.
As for the amorous and vocal coupling couple, maybe they’d had some electric salad with dinner?
Haha! Yeah, maybe although I didn’t smell anything and the place we stayed at made it very clear that smoking or vaping ANYTHING was verboten. It looked to me like Tweed was paying homage to the factory’s history – they had a copper pot in the entrance that was used to coat Glossettes; they had a stuffed Hershey mascot sitting on a display of mementos from the plant; they are going to be making chocolate again (as edibles only though, I think).
What a cool trip – in every sense of the term!
Thank you, Hook!
Haha, sounds like you had a very, um, broad education during this holiday. I hope Karen is doing well since “going dark” and finding more time for herself. And it doesn’t look like it is too cold and miserable weather wise yet 🙂
Thanks AJ! Weather is still good but snow predicted for Halloween 🎃. I’ve got my winter tires on already ❄️