Yes – I know, I know! The fall equinox is not officially until the 23rd (@ 03:50 Eastern Time – thanks Interwebs) but that’s on a Monday – and still a workday for yours truly. So I’m posting this on the first day of Old-school FallTM, you know – September 21st? Like June 21 is the start of Old-school SummerTM, March 21 is Old-school SpringTM and December 21 is Old-school WinterTM?
Imagine my chagrin at seeing this sign at the start of my favourite, local walking trail:

I shrugged my shoulders and sauntered past the sign, to see what was the issue. I walked on and on, thoroughly enjoying my lawlessness the scenery for many glorious minutes, until I came upon this sign:

You guessed it, my fellow Badassians! I blew past this sign too. With not even a wobble on the bridge. That looked and behaved exactly as it had the week before and every day I’ve been on it for the past – oh – 15 years. And was I ever glad I took a chance.
(Sometimes my rebellious nature does come in handy – are you reading this in the Hereafter, Mom and Dad?)

I suppose one day soon I will come upon the bridge (or more likely where the bridge USED to be) and be thwarted from walking further until it is repaired and replaced. But until then, it will take more than a couple of signs to keep me off this trail in the Fall!

What rules have you been breaking lately? Do tell!
Rock on,
The WB
I see that you’ve been busy at badassery again. tsk-tsk.
Yeah … I’m a good girl. I don’t do that 😉
🤣 Thanks Joanne 🤣 My bullshit meter usually doesn’t get activated so early in the morning. “A good girl”? 🤣🤣🤣
hehehehe. Not bullshit. I prefer ‘alternative facts’ 😁
You really are a badass! I hate when they close things way before they start work on them. The weather is gorgeous right now! People need to get out!
Yes, get out while the weather is still good people!!! Thanks Kate 💕
Hooray!! We have some (glorious) closed trails near me that I can’t wait to introduce you to! 😀
Sounds right up my ol’ law-breaking alley, Donna 💕
Love the Badassery-in-Bloom. It’s not a rule if it isn’t broken, right? Break ’em all. Every chance we get. I’m inspired to trespass today.
Stay safe out there, Michael 😜
Way to go, you scofflaw, you. I admire your badass, rebellious spirit, and I’d like to think I would do the same thing. Our nearby national park has a few trails where they prohibit use before sunrise. And before sunrise is just when I prefer to start hiking. So I’ve just blown past their signs. Anyway, who’s gonna see me? It’s dark.
Your logic is flawless, as usual TG 💕 Thanks!
Unless there’s a physical barrier, a sign wouldn’t stop me either. You were certainly rewarded. Lovely photos! 👌 Feels like high summer this weekend. Cheers!
Thanks Debbie! 💕 I’ll be making the most of this weather, for sure!
Glad you went! Great photos…now could you just swat that mosquito on your forehead? LOL….
HAHA! I wondered who was going to notice the bug on my forehead! I sure didn’t, until after I saw the photo. The bugs have died down a lot but they’re still out there, especially when you stop moving to take a picture. Thanks Dawn!
Can you eat those berries? I always want to pluck delicious looking things off of trees and bushes. I haven’t broken any rules lately, but I once went and licked a glacier in Norway in a “no tourist zone”. haha.
I don’t think those berries are edible, for humans anyways. But those wild grapes, for sure! Licked a glacier? I like your style! 💕
I love your photos. We call the asters michaelmas daisies. I count today, St. Michael’s day as the start of Autumn. I would have done the trail as well.
Thank you Anne 💕
You little law breaker you! I’m shocked, tell you! SHOCKED!
Don’t let anyone hold you back Deb.
Leslie 😉
Wise words, Leslie! Thanks 💕
You DO come by your name honestly.
Thank you Susanne💕 I am but a mere shadow of my former hellacious self. Everyday I am grateful for growing up before there was social media.
Well, it does say Fall hazard. Maybe it’s just a Summer bridge. ha,ha, I crack myself up sometimes.
🤣🤣🤣 good one, Suzanne! 💕
You go girl….pfftt…”rules, where we are going we don’t need any rules!!” Absolutely gorgeous photos Deb, Thanks for blowing by the signs…hey, wasn’t there a song about signs signs everywhere a sign…about keeping people out or keeping mother nature in?? Anyway, I appreciate the stunning photography, the badass attitude…you are an inspiration to all who read ye old blog. I haven’t broken any rules just lately but I tell you…reading this post is giving me the itch to do just that! LOL 😉
Thanks Susan💕 Sounds like you and I are kindred spirits, or at least of the same vintage. 😆 That song was by The Five Man Electrical Band, I believe.
How can a trail be closed? It’s either walkable and therefore open, (as you proved) or if it’s not walkable, it’s no longer a trail. Bridges? Crossable or not!
I like the way you think Sean! 😁
Just today I broke a rule. As in a sign in front of FedEx that said “5 minute limit” on a certain parking spot. I ignored it, said “tough noogies, it isn’t going to happen” and then parked myself in that spot. Blatantly ignoring the rules… like a badass bean.
Ooooh, you are BAD! And a badass bean too 😜💕
You go, girl! I also would have walked right past the trail closed sign (especially if it was a trail that was open just a few days prior) but I’m not sure about the bridge. We get flooded roads here in the winter and signs warn drivers not to pass… yet every year a few people decide that the sign doesn’t apply to them and their car becomes flooded (or worse, they drown). So, maybe I’m a big chicken, but I’d be worried that the bridge was just about to fall down and my 125 pounds was would be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. I realize that’s not very badassian of me, but there you go. Im glad you passed (both ways, I assume) with no issues.
Thank you Janis 💕 I know this trail and this bridge so well and could not see that any work had started on it yet. Besides, the creek it crosses is less than a foot deep 😄. A pretty safe bet I would survive.
You go girl!
I used to surf a spot that required us to sneak through Commonwealth land at risk of being grabbed by the military police. Always a funny sight, seeing my mates in their wetsuits with their surfboards, in an open jeep being driven by white hat MP’s out of the Army camp to the front gate. They never caught me as I would paddle out into the ocean the moment I saw them.
Thank you Dennis! I wonder why your mates never caught on to your trick to avoid capture.
haha, yeah, maybe they liked being caught.
Wow, you really are a badass.
Good for you.
Thank you Hook 💕 Hope you’re feeling better
I’ll always avoid queues if I can -without inconveniencing others … and buck rules and regulations if I can get away with it … I did try and get thru the roadworks in Eastbourne town centre – but no obvious exit – had to walk round … I’m always walking in the bus lanes … and diagonally crossing the road – I am an English jaywalker! Take care and enjoy the fall – our grey skies have arrived, but we do need the rain. Cheers Hilary
Thank you Hilary💕 It’s been an unusually summery weekend where I live but I know it won’t last. Trees know it too – the leaves are changing faster now!
Good on you!!! Breaking rules is such fun… as long as it is safe to do so. But I love your adventurous spirit: life is for living and you don’t get anywhere without taking risks. Your photographs are brilliant, and were very much worth crossing that bridge.
Thank you Lieve💕 I thought it was worth it too 😄
Monday morn’s good luck – finding such a wonderful site. I enjoyed your article plus beautiful captured photos. Your attitude towards life – an inspiration. 🙂
Thank you very much for such kind words 💕
You’re welcome. 🙂
Great Pictures… Does walking past a sign that says “closed” count for a felony in Canada? At least someone somewhere is replacing infrastructure – we gave up on that in the US. We just wait till the bridge falls, kills someone and then we close it.
Not a felony, Kieran. Its gotta be something though! It’s getting hard for me to be lawless anymore. Weed is legal, and I’ve been of age to drink for centuries now. I have to treasure these minor infractions 😜. Thanks 💕
Yes! I thought I was going crazy for a bit. I remember the old school seasons. Everyone tried to tell me I was nutso. – I am so with you on your sign ignoring. I’ve done it myself, many, many times but do be careful on that bridge. We want to hear more badassery tales and see more of your beautiful photos. Ya’ take the risks. 😀
Thanks Mimi 💕 You are definitely not nutso! That’s what we were taught in school. When it changed, I couldn’t tell you 🤷♀️
Deb, we live in a society obsessed with safety, and sometimes we just have to thumb our noses at some of the more ridiculous rules. On the other hand, some rules are kind of useful. For example, all day long, people speed along our little country road going 100 km/hr even though it is clearly posted as a 50km/hr zone. I feel I am taking my life in my hands every time I walk along it with the dog to get to the trailhead.
What! Noooooooooo 😫 There goes my fantasy that people are better, calmer drivers on Vancouver Island😢
What a nice fall stroll through the woods, Deb. So wonderful that the city is looking out for your safety. And yet, badassery strikes again. Love your style.
“And yet, badassery strikes again.” As it should. Thanks Nancy 💕
Haha, you have more than earned your title! Before this post, I’d have slunk away disappointed, but now? Maybe not.
Jeez, tough crowd! 😉 Thanks Kim💕
Badassery and a good lookin’ neck. What more can one hope for? lol. Yeah, I don’t follow rules either. I do fuckoffery, then commence with my shenanigans. Rule followers miss out on life. <3
Are you sure we’re not related somehow?😜💕
Hahaha. I’m your long lost sister. lol
Oh, you little tinker you! But that bit of civil disobedience was well worth it, judging by your pictures!
Thank you Pat 💕Yes it was! 😉
I wonder whether the blue heron put up the sign to get some peace and quiet:) Love all the photos, Deb!
Hah! That bird looks like the type 😆 Thank you Erica 💕
I just wanted to say, your photographs are really pretty. You have a good eye. 😀
Thank you GW 💕
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