Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I’m not going to talk about Roxodus anymore?
Well, actually I am going to talk about Roxodus for one hot second and then shut up about it (hopefully forever). The latest: the organizers have now filed for bankruptcy. No surprises here, folks!

So here’s what I REALLY want to talk about: tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of my second (and hopefully LAST) mini-stroke aka TIA. All has been good on the cerebrovascular front ever since July 26, 2016 and I sure as hell hope it stays that way.
And here’s WHAT ELSE I really want to talk about: I turn 60 YEARS OLD On Saturday! Yep, about to fully enter the 3rd phase of my life (and my wish is that I do get another 30 or so happy, healthy years in this phase).

AND I am RETIRING FROM WORK at the end of this year. YES! I am so excited to enter this next phase of my life as a retired person and see where it takes me. I’ve been carefully taking mental notes of all the retired bloggers I follow (Y’all didn’t know you were role-modelling, did ya?) so if I screw it up, it’s all YOUR fault. Nah, just kidding…I don’t need any help to screw things up. 😉
AND I am MOVING TO VANCOUVER ISLAND in 2020! Expect many more posts on this topic as I plan and scheme and dream and realize this next big adventure of mine.
If you’ve been reading ye olde blogge for a while, you know that I was heart-broken when my daughter moved to Vancouver Island last August. Well, I got over it…sorta. But things have never been the same around Chez Badass since that time. And although I love my place (NOW, that I’ve spent the past 3-4 years renovating and decorating it), it has lost some of its appeal for me since my daughter became more than just a few minutes away from me. (Like a 6 hour flight away!)
And when I visited her last winter (here and here), that really sealed the deal for me. I can’t think of a better place for me to spend my free time (and by golly, that would be ALL OF MY TIME soon now, wouldn’t it?) and still be able to say I’m living in Canada.
To commemorate my actual anniversary of the day of my birth, I am spending Saturday at a rock music festival that IS actually going to happen – WTFest in Brantford, with my concert buddy, Dave. I can’t think of a better way to enter my 7th decade than rocking it out to some great live music. And to celebrate all the good things in my life, now and in the future.

Whew, that was a lot of announcements for one blog post. I think I’ve worked up an appetite for a big ol’ salad. Luckily, I have one waiting right beside my laptop.

Rock on,
The WB
Hi, Deb – This post totally cracked me up. I LOVE your style!
And talk about LOVE – I am delighted to hear about your plans for 2020. How cool is that?!!
Hehehe! Thanks Donna. I wonder if you will love it so much when I invade your island 😜😉
Bring it on! I can’t wait!!
Oh, we’re almost bday buddies. Happy Birthday for Saturday, Deb. Sounds like you’re definitely ready for the change. How exciting (well, the idea of it is, the reality of packing and moving probably not so much).
Thank you AJ! The reality is still many months away so for now it is ONLY exciting, and I’m enjoying it.
So many good things coming our way! Good for you. Moving and retiring are biggies!!!!
And congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. I had 3-4 TIAs in my early forties, got treated for high blood pressure and haven’t had any since and I’m older than dirt. But I remember what it was like those first few years, worrying about having another. Hopefully, by this time next year that anniversary will pass and you won’t notice.
Thank you Jean!! That is so encouraging for me to hear – makes me feel like less of a ticking bomb.
Happy 60th Birthday! A rock festival is the perfect way to celebrate. 🤟😎 (I went to a Bob Seger concert for my 60th.) Exciting news about your big plans; retirement and moving across the country. Looking forward to future updates and wishing you continued good health!
P.S. No surprise about the Roxodus bankruptcy. That was a predictable outcome.
Thank you Debbie! I hear Bob Seger is amazing live. Rock on!
Like Donna, this post cracked me up. It’s pure, unfiltered Badass telling your news in your wonderful and unique style 🙂
Of course I already knew all this wonderful news – although I do have mixed feelings about losing my shenanigans buddy to the west coast. I am however looking forward to bring it to Vancouver Island next summer!!!
Happy Birthday, Deb! Party hard! 💕
Thank you Joanne! Our shenanigans will go bi-coastal next year, if all goes according to our plan 😁
I think this should be the start of an annual tradition 🙂
I like how you think!
Happy Birthday! And congrats on all the rest. This post is the most exciting one I’ve read all week. I love learning about all of your intended lifestyle changes and will be cheering you on from afar. Carry on, Badass.
Thank you Ally! I appreciate the support!
Happy birthday! Happy almost retirement! Making the decision to retire is a big first step. And it sounds like your plans to move will make it a fresh beginning. Have fun at the concert but don’t forget your hearing protection!
Hearing protection? What was that you said? I couldn’t hear ya. Good idea Molly, gonna grab a set of ear plugs from work today. 🙂 Thank you for the lovely wishes!
What a great post! Congratulations on your 60th, I’m right behind you! Retirement and moves are big deals….wonderful big deals. Marks’ family is migrating from Calgary to Vancouver Island and we are about to spend a second summer vacation North of Seattle. The Pacific Northwest is calling to us too. You are very funny. I really enjoy your blog!
Thank you so much Tracey! Perhaps we’ll be neighbours some day 😁
Wow! Lots of announcements! Good luck! I love your version of a salad. Looks tasty.
Thank you Kate! Yes, it was a delicious salad 😉
WOW! Belated birthday greetings and congratulations on the retirement plans!!
Thanks Maggie! My birthday is tomorrow.
d’uh. reading comprehension is clearly not my strong suit.
Hi Deb…welcome to the 6th decade and Third Age! Loved the post…you sure packed a lot into it! And another of my blogging favs on Vancouver – now I definitely need to get there!
Really exciting times in your life. Am personally loving retirement and am pretty sure you will, too!
Thank you Nancy! 💕
Hi Deb, Scary on the TIA. Great on all has been good. Appreciate you sharing on this one. No one is immune. Major milestones this year. Are you friggin serious about Vancouver Island?! Yahoo! Let the shenanigans begin! Love your salad:) Big Birthday Hugs!
Deadly serious. 😁 Thanks Erica!
Deb, An amazing trifecta — Happy Birthday! (I’m a Leo also). Happy retirement! (You’ll do fine…more than fine!). Happy move! I’m putting a visit to Vancouver Island on my bucket list…. too many amazing women are heading there/living there to not check it out.
Thank you Pat! Looking forward to meeting you there one day!
Wow! Wow! Wow! SO much GREAT news in one post! Well, aside from those Roxodus jerks. BUT, everything else. FANTASTIC! I’m so happy for you! Omgosh. Vancouver Island.. That’s exciting. – OH! And Happy Birthday, belated!! I’ll be 60 in four years. I’m gonna’ go to a concert too! 😀
Thank you Mimi! Never too soon to start planning those milestone birthdays 😁
Happy Retirement, you made it! Congrats.
Eastern Canada’s loss is Vancouver Island’s gain.
Good luck, and oh yeah…
Looking rather sassy in that picture, just saying.
Haha! Sassy – that’s me alright! Thanks Don 😁
Happy birthday and anniversary. I hope you have many more of both. I think Vancouver would be a great place for a retiree to live, and I’ll bet you’re going to enjoy it there.
Thank you TG! 💕
OOH so many wonderful and exciting life changes coming your way. That is DEFINITELY where the magic happens. Happy birthday to you and welcome to the SULTRY SIXTIES as I call them.. I am in my 62nd year and lovin it. Aging is living ain’t that the truth.
I read quite a few blogs written by people who live in Vancouver and I have heard that Vancouver Island is a very special place, so you have chosen well. The start of a new life adventure ~ perfect timing with your 60th birthday. AND by the way, you look fantastic. Here’s to your good health and happiness!!
Thank you Peta, for your encouragement and kind words! I look to you and Ben as role models for this move of mine! 🙂
Just got home a few days ago from our trip to Vancouver Island and am now playing catch-up on my reading. First off, happy belated birthday! I hope the concert was fun. Second, yay for Vancouver Island! My husband and I were desperately looking around for somewhere we could apply for asylum so we could immigrate there… what a gorgeous place! I am curious where exactly you’ll end up… there are so many wonderful choices. I know that Joanne is sad to lose you but Donna, and other bloggers on VI are thrilled. I just wish your move had been earlier so you could have joined our meet-up.
Thank you Janis! Well, you’ll just have to plan another VI meetup, is my thinking 😁
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