Sick! That’s how I started off my 2019. As opposed to Sickening.
One of my goals was to take 10,000 steps per day every day in 2019. I don’t think I have even taken 10K steps, YET!
It started already on December 31, with a headache that just wouldn’t die, and swollen neck glands. I was determined to tough it out. But instead I got sicker each day, until I just let the flu virus have its way with me. So I stayed home and kept my germs to myself (as we should always do). If I couldn’t thwart the evil bug any other way, I was determined that THIS ENDS WITH ME.
During my self-imposed isolation from humanity, I kept myself amused by catching up on RuPaul’s Drag Race on Netflix, between naps and coughing and sneezing and shuffling to the kitchen for drugs and more drugs. I had watched Season 1 way back when and then Season 8 last year, and had a lot of catching up to do, obviously. I found when I was watching Season 8 that I was getting quite frustrated and pissy. It was like joining a new group (with its own language) and not getting any of the in-jokes. Heck, I couldn’t even determine WHAT they were saying, half the time. Let alone what they meant by it. I felt like an outsider.

However, now I am pleased to report that I have earned my certificate in Drag-ology. Yep, this past week and a half has been like going to Drag Immersion School. There are still a few terms I am not 100% clear on the meaning of, but I am sure they are probably dirty. Yes, because I have learned that drag queens are mostly dirty shady, sickening, fierce lady-boys.

But watching them gives me life so I don’t really mind.

Just so you don’t think I was totally lazy while ill, I was also determinedly growing in my eyebrows. It was and continues to be exhausting. Constantly using your left hand to slap the tweezers out of your right hand is SO. VERY. TIRING. Ugh.
Perhaps I should just do this instead:
Or I could use an Elmer’s glue stick and erase them completely, then draw them back on, drag-style.

Stay healthy, sissy that walk, and rock on,
The WB
Good stuff!
Thank you, you clever girl! 🤗
I think you need an intervention.
Step away from the remote and no one gets hurt ….
Hah! Next week on the blog I’ll be discussing my new BFF, Marie Kondo. Just kidding 😜.
bwahahahaha!! 🙃
Okay, I’m lost—don’t get Netflix—-but if you get tired of playing with your eyebrows you could come help mine out. One is black and one is grey and no amount of eye makeup/junk will make them look the same.
Feel better soon!
Jean, Drag Race is a competition created by RuPaul to determine America’s next Drag Queen superstar. It’s sooooo much fun to watch. These guys are so creative and talented!
My eyebrows are of every colour and texture imaginable, at this stage of my life. I also have some that are super long, that I need to trim from time to time. I call them The Mutants. Oh, the glamour of it all…😜
Oh, no! You’re too young for mutant eyebrows! I get mine cut with my hair.
I agree. Step away from the remote…and the eyebrow tweezers. Hope you are feeling better soon…especially for your travels! 🙂
Thanks, Donna!
What would we do without Netflix?
Agreed, Tracey! I’d probably have NO eyebrows 😜
Feel better!
Thank you Janet! I already do 😄
Sorry to hear you’ve been so ill Deb and I hope you’re well on the road to recovery by now. I laughed at that eyebrow pic. My 16yr old niece came for Christmas lunch with eyebrows like those thick ones in the pic + enormously long, pointy fingernails. I was just lost for words and tried to look her in the eye without wincing at the eyebrows – good grief!!!
Those fingernails scare me! How people don’t injure themselves or others with those things is a mystery to me 🤔. If there was ever a time to be forgiven for looking ridiculous, being a teenager is it! Thank goddess I grew up without social media 😜.
Hope you are feeling better. Have you checked the side effects of the cold medicine you are taking? Hahaha!
Hehehehe! Good one, Molly! Yep, feeling much better, thanks!
You are clearly in need of something new to watch on TV. Maybe you could walk away from this series, thereby getting in a few steps. Kind of a win-win. Hope you’re doing better today.
Never! All caught up now and waiting for season10 😜. In the meantime, Grace & Frankie new season on Friday – and guess who’s on it? RuPaul!!! I’m much better, thanks Ally!
I need to try to watch this show at some point. Like you, I saw a season or two back in the day, but that’s it! And I love those drag queens, they are catty AF! Sorry to hear you’ve been sick, but glad to hear you’re on the mend! I’ve had some close calls (in other words, I’m run-down and seem to be fighting something off, but luckily I’m just tired and not actually ill.), but so far? So good.
Stay healthy Kim!